Liverpool (H) | Post match thread

A friend of mine who works in TV says the technology does not match up to the application. There is a slight shake on the camera which can account for a centimetre pitch side plus a pixilation blur. That is not withstanding the 1/25 second framing which account for up to 8cm when attackers and defenders run in opposite directions. Then there is the frame selection!

The solution to this is quite simple, thicker lines drawn with the advantage given to the attackers. VAR seems to be disallowing perfectly good goals which the opposition doesn’t contest.
It’s totally made up mate.
The issue is the red line in the VAR offside frame is actually exaggerated beyond the blue one so as to indicate offside. In reality it would have been mostly overlapping with the red line barely misaligned toward goal. Go back a frame (the one that is now making the rounds on here and Twitter is the one I posted on here yesterday, so I know the timing exactly) and he is likely just onside, as he was leaning forward and the defender was leaning back to try to trap him.

Beyond all of that, this is all under the assumption that they accurately placed the vertical line on the tip of his shoulder, not slightly ahead (which would be easy to do with the resolution of the video available), and that the offside distance calculated is not within the margin of error of the spatial distortion correction system they are using (which the PL refuses to release).

All of this means there is an incredible amount of freedom given to VAR officials when reviewing these tight calls for onside/offside decisions, which means substantial room for manipulation.
Yup the fact they don’t release the margin of error data is suspicious and annoying.all about the product
He did may a stink about it from his arse in the penalty box and then later on his feet with his arms in the air, while VVD acted like Jesus was making a lot out of nothing.
Noticed Liverpool players do that a lot after the opponent has clearly been fouled. Throwing their hands in the air as if to say "get up you cheat". They have every trick in the book. A point would be made of it on commentary if City surrounded the ref but all quiet when it's a certain few others.
I may be wrong but I think Jesus got straight up and thus took the sting out of the situation, if he had stayed down and/or held is head forcing the play to stop, the City players could have then asked the red bastard about this incident and put pressure on the VAR grifters to take a look. Salah or Mane would have stayed down and waited for the review and penalty.
They wouldn’t need to it would have been given by at and confirmed by var within 10 secs.
If you are on phone or ipad , turn that shot 360 degrees and align your eye sight parallel to the line and see for yourself.Now you get the top view like bird eye . Compare raz’s shoulder with Van dick left foot .
This is the real flaw of var because their angle is from side view but the decision is based on height compared to base in this case raz’s shoulder which is still on even though the ball is a foot away from kdb’s boot.
360 degrees? That's the same as where you start... I didn't understand the rest. Now If someone can capture that bird's eye view ...
The narrative that ourselves and the Dippers are the two best teams in the world is bollocks , there is only one best team and that is us , the Dippers are second best and have been proven for years, The last nine meetings they have won one ,we have four times more trophies since Klopp arrived , and the 338 versus 337 points is also bollocks
Take into account Klippety's first two seasons and he is still over 30 points behind Pep, f*cking media blowing smoke up Clubshop and Dippers backsides to sell papers and generate clicks
The Dippers are still living off the 3-0 champs league win at Klanfield nearly five years ago, and there were mitigating circumstances with their feral support destroying the team coach 90 minutes before kick-off.
F*ck off Dippers , know your place, second best ,suck it up.
The narrative that ourselves and the Dippers are the two best teams in the world is bollocks , there is only one best team and that is us , the Dippers are second best and have been proven for years, The last nine meetings they have won one ,we have four times more trophies since Klopp arrived , and the 338 versus 337 points is also bollocks
Take into account Klippety's first two seasons and he is still over 30 points behind Pep, f*cking media blowing smoke up Clubshop and Dippers backsides to sell papers and generate clicks
The Dippers are still living off the 3-0 champs league win at Klanfield nearly five years ago, and there were mitigating circumstances with their feral support destroying the team coach 90 minutes before kick-off.
F*ck off Dippers , know your place, second best ,suck it up.
Be fair. It must be awful knowing you've got a great team, but not the best.

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