Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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Scouse_Jimi said:
Matty said:
If Suarez FC win the league it'll be the first time since World Cup 86 where one man has single-handedly carried a side to triumph. Liverpool are absolutely nothing without Suarez, it's also helped that they've played on average 15 games less than City and Chelsea, and that their threadbare squad hasn't really had to deal with that many injuries. If they do go on and win the league we will never hear the end of it, how they "won the league without spending a fortune" which obviously ignores the fortune they have spent during the Premier League era, but when has that stopped their fans......

Absolutely nothing without Suarez, yet without him we won 4 out of 5 games. He's a world class player, look what happens when you take Aguero out of your lot...There's relatively few actual world class strikers, take a world class striker out of any team and they'd struggle.

Take some sugar...reduce the bitterness

Good team, good manager. If you win then fair enough, I'll admit that during the mid/late 90's when L'pool were always nearly good enough I rooted for them before the scum, and quite a few of us remember May 96 when we were too stupid to go for goal. Hope we stuff you cunts at home and win all our other games - if not you deserve the title.
To me, Liverpool are like the rags from last season. A mediocre-to-good side, but with two strikers in peak form. As most pundits point out, the rags of this season is more or less the same as last season which they clearly are, but with Robin van Rapist in poor form/crocked, and subsequently Rooney being made to play two roles, and doing neither very well. Take Suarez out of that Liverpool side, and they would be down with the rags and Spuds as also-rans. Sure they play a high tempo pressing game high up the pitch, but that on its own is not enough to wins championships.

If we lose it this season, its because our early season goal scoring form dropped away, we have lost Kun for a sizeable chunk of the season, Dzeko is, well, Dzeko, and Alavro has suffered a catastrophic drop in form since Xmas.

As it stands, I don't think we will beat the scousers at Anfield, not least because that high tempo pressing game I mentioned, is the one style of football we never play well against. For me, pack the midfield, leave a striker high up, and play for a draw or nick one on the break. I aint too proud for this....
If we beat the scousers I'll be very surprised. You know deep down we will struggle because they've got the twelfth man regards the crowd plus they'll have the ref as a homer. Let's hope for a draw and then go on to win the league on the last day of the season again ;) Momentum and confidence are a huge thing in football and Liverpool have bucket loads of it at the moment. Let's get the saints out of the way first and hopefully we'll get our tactics and big game players right on the night at Anfield. If they beat us to the title then good luck to them they've played some great stuff this season.
#SOD the twelfth man and the ref. We went to the swamp and got a result on the 50th anniversary of their tragedy. RIP the 96, but 3 points to City please.
Don't know how popular this opinion will be, but if we don't win it I hope Liverpool do for two reasons.

1) It'll piss on the rags chips and put Liverpool one title win behind them
2) Steven Gerrard

Gerrard has been a fantatsic player and a loyal servant to the team he supports.

It's a travesty that P. Neville, David May, Anderson, Chris Smalling etc. have won Premierships when a footballer as talented as Gerrard hasn't.

The only thing that'll spoil it if they win it over us will be the wankfest that ensues
mcmanus said:
What I worry about is when #SOD fails and Weeeeeee Davey gets his p45, United will take Rodgers off the scousers hands.

Is this a joke? Rodgers is building something at Liverpool and will be rewarded with a long-term contract at the end of the season. He'd be absolutely nuts to go to Man United. They're stuck with Moyes for at least another season anyway.

I don't agree with this stuff about us being 'nothing' without Suarez. We won four out of five without him early on in the season (not mentioning our form without him at the end of last year) and we also have the second highest scorer in the league playing up front for us. That's not to mention the immense shifts put in by the likes of Sterling, Coutinho, Henderson and Gerrard. I agree, our team isn't good enough to win the league on paper. But football isn't player on paper.
ctidcarl said:
Don't know how popular this opinion will be, but if we don't win it I hope Liverpool do for two reasons.

1) It'll piss on the rags chips and put Liverpool one title win behind them
2) Steven Gerrard

Gerrard has been a fantatsic player and a loyal servant to the team he supports.

It's a travesty that P. Neville, David May, Anderson, Chris Smalling etc. have won Premierships when a footballer as talented as Gerrard hasn't.

The only thing that'll spoil it if they win it over us will be the wankfest that ensues
its already started

oh...and gerrard is a tosser of the highest order...on and off the pitch
Matty said:
If Suarez FC win the league it'll be the first time since World Cup 86 where one man has single-handedly carried a side to triumph. Liverpool are absolutely nothing without Suarez, it's also helped that they've played on average 15 games less than City and Chelsea, and that their threadbare squad hasn't really had to deal with that many injuries. If they do go on and win the league we will never hear the end of it, how they "won the league without spending a fortune" which obviously ignores the fortune they have spent during the Premier League era, but when has that stopped their fans......
You don't know much about football.
Matty said:
and that their threadbare squad hasn't really had to deal with that many injuries.

Apologies for the double post but this is just wrong.

Suarez was missing for the first part of the season through suspension (which is his fault, I know). Sturridge missed roughly ten matches through injury and Gerrard missed the entire Christmas period. Coutinho spent about six weeks on the sidelines and we haven't had a settled back four all year. Enrique has missed practically the entire campaign, Agger has had spells out and Sakho has also been injured a fair bit. Johnson has also been out of action for a considerable chunk of time. Sterling only came into the side in December, so we were without him for the first part of the season.

Suarez and Henderson and the only key players we've got who haven't suffered any injuries at all.
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