Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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look at this fucker!
think he/she needs to follow a different sport.

"Great from the Liverpool fans. Fuck the Tories.

Boys did good.

Ref was a Manc c*nt. Chelsea fans are actually and literally evil. Hate them. Tories and Brexit voters. Shithouses.

And Gary fucking Neville can fuck off and literally die. If I’m alive and he dies. I’ll have to take a few days off to celebrate. Kavanagh and Taylor can also provide a few happy drinking opportunities if they get run over or something
Taylor is such an inbred c*nt it’s unreal. HP Lovecraft levels of Innsmouth level of inbredness. Manc. c*nt.

But Gary Neville you horrible little inbred piece of smelly shite. Fuck you. Fuck your family. Fuck your Ciry. You inbred c*nt."
Ironic when their club was founded by them
I screamed the place down when Dwight Gayle got Palace's 3rd to draw level in the next game.
I nearly crashed my car right in front of Wythenshawe police station driving home from work when that went in. 3-0 down when I left work; by the time I got to the M56 it was all square. Crystanbul!!!
Ban everyone and generationally ban them, if you hum a single note your children and grandchildren's children will not be able to get a ticket to any football game worldwide.

That's the entire Liverpool fan base banned for a few generations next time they play the rags so.
Think we are losing this one. The authorities, lfc, dippers, press/media have all decided that the victim chant is about Hillsborough.

Yet again the dippers have got their way and everyone is falling over themselves to be seen as supporting lfc.

All match going fans know it's nothing to do with Hillsborough. We have all seen the way the dippers behave.

Like most I am sick to the back teeth of the dippers playing the victims card, its fucking boring. I am sick to the back teeth of the press/media, authorities etc all shit scared to tell the truth about them. They are a fucking horrible club with horrible fans.
The opposite is happening.

More fans of more clubs know the score and are sick of these cunts and their whining, whinging, victimhood.

“Always the victims” is going viral thanks to Manchester City.

They’ll never forget us !!
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