Lots more to come out about JT

Kinky by name said:
ElanJo said:
lol, the press always do their best to try and fook up our chances

Yup, it's the nasty papers again.
You actually couldn't make this shit up.
The team fuck up our chances not the press.
Did Italy fuck up after the 2006 Serie A scandal?

Not since 66 has the national team been quite good enough. Simple as that - just not good enough. And you can bring all the patriotism to the pitch side, but not good enough. I doubt if the squad give a monkey's about what's in the press. How many of them can read?
Kinky by name said:
ok - just done 14-hour shift, got 1800 quid bill for dog's cruciate operation, dinner's frazzled and wife (asleep and therefore not putting out) has drunk the last bottle of plonk so I am not, repeat NOT, going to take the rap for that syphilitic cockney **** and his gang of overpaid, pisstaking cronies only managing to finish one place above the Canary Islands in a cup comp that does little other than fill our pubs with grade-A, no-nowt twats every four years. Rant over :)

I think this just sums up my thoughts generally, except the bit about the 14hrs and the dog!
stumpy_mcfc said:
ElanJo said:
lol, the press always do their best to try and fook up our chances

So true and it is only our press that would pick a time when the national team (Football, Cricket, Rugby etc ...) needs to full support of the people. They decide the best thing to do is put a monkey or 5 on the teams back.

And of course we dismiss the shenanigans of half the England team. What are they putting first in a world cup year - their own bloody todgers. The last thing Terry would have been considering as he laid plans to shag someone else's woman would be our chances in South Africa! I don't go along with the separation of a player's personality into professional and private - they are one and the same person.
baylorblue said:
Ricster said:
Because he is a member of the top 4 he'll get away with it. Had it been Adebayor though, no doubt it would be a different story

Do you really think so? The best parallel I can draw in American sports is Pete Rose. He was a superstar baseball player, arguably the best hitter ever but because he gambled while he was a manager (and I think some while he was a player though I don't remember) even though he only ever bet on his teams to win he was still banned from baseball forever and also banned from the Hall of Fame. You don't think that Terry would be facing the wall in spite of his playing for one of the big 4?

Terry could be in the dock for war crimes and some whingeing liberal human rights wallah would formulate an argument that would smooth things over for the poor lad! We have governments and MP's who rip off the constituents, lawyers ever eager to jump on a financial gravy train and NO CHANCE of establishing a set of principles by and through which to go about one's business. These things hit the front pages and until the next story comes along they are all the rage.
GStar said:
MadchesterCity said:
Terry is a hermaphrodite - now that would sell papers.

Hope SWP is not the 5th player!

nimrod said:
all this is pissing me off, the scum are gonna win the prem again, I can feel it :-((((

As much as a twat Terry is, he is still a winner and Chelsea have enough quality to keep going. The power is still in their hands.

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