Lucas Paqueta investigated by FA for alleged betting breaches

If I was guessing and I may be completely wrong it might not even be for personal gain but to help friends or possibly dubious acquaintances who threaten him.
One can never rule out the possibility that some criminal element back in Brazil may have threatened his family. He comes from an island community from which he gets his nickname, Paqueta. Some local gangsters may have orchestrated this. It certainly would not be the first time something like that occurred.
Or he may be an idiot and in on it. I am curious to see and hear his reaction. You would think he'd be having a meltdown considering what's at stake and the possible consequences,,,
I have no doubt. There are those who like a wager or two and athlete's are no different. So many ways to satisfy that yen. What Paqueta may have done goes way beyond that. It's a criminal, fraudulent act and if proven he's looking at a long if not permanent ban and possible prison time. Absolutely insane on his part...

Not in any way related to transfers our us or a move, but how would they go about proving it? Abnormal betting pattens or card/foul patterns can't be enough,surely. There would have to be something more substantial, admissions, witnesses, correspondence etc. If he himself hasn't placed bets, or immediate family, can coinciding events really be enough, even if they appear obvious?
I'm just pointing out that we clearly need another midfield signing because Pep won't be using Kalvin Phillips.

Don't blame me, blame Pep for not playing him and giving him a chance.

Aye, doesn't trust him, right? Wants him out of the club. etc etc.

The only way it could be finished quickly is if he pleads guilty and takes his medicine. If he fights this it will go on for weeks or months. I fail to see how this deal can be resurrected unless the authorities were to drop it overnight which if the allegations are strong seems unlikely.
Months and months away
Toni took months to be found quilty
I suggest you refrain from acting like you can read people's minds when you obviously struggle with what is actually written. I stated two times, TWICE, that personally I still believe City will do what needs to be done. Why would I express such an opinion if I were looking to create panic? I know why, but I'll give you the floor...
Unlike you Jewel I don't take exception to another posters fair comment. You don't agree with my interpretation that's fair enough. Case closed. Stay chilled.

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