Manchester City vs Hull City post match thread

Brendan110_0 said:
We're just having the same issue we always have when Toure is at African nations, miss him big time and don't win much. MCFC need to consider his long term replacement and not be put off by a high transfer value (which shouldn't be an issue this summer!).

We didn't miss him last time he went!
waspish said:
Brendan110_0 said:
We're just having the same issue we always have when Toure is at African nations, miss him big time and don't win much. MCFC need to consider his long term replacement and not be put off by a high transfer value (which shouldn't be an issue this summer!).

We didn't miss him last time he went!

True enough. Funny how people like to rewrite history to suit their point of view.

The harsh reality is that we've been poor or worse, far too often this season. Yes we've had a bit of bad luck with injuries but so have most teams and it's really no excuse. The bleeding rags have had worse than us and i am ashamed to say they are picking up points faster than we are at the moment. And they are playing absolute shit as well.

For us to win the league now, will require an immediate and dramatic step-change. Far better, more disciplined defending, more urgency, faster passing and movement, better crossing, better corners, more shooting and more chances taken. I can't see that happening overnight and us maintaining it for 14 games. And even if we do, it is probably still too little too late. Think about it, if we win every single game from here on, Chelsea need to lose 3 games. Any tiny little slip from us - say we get 13 wins and 1 draw - and they can lose 3 times and still win the league,

Looking at it like that, i think the harsh reality is we have fucked it up and handed Chelsea the league on a plate. You can say it's not over and all that stuff but that's almost certainly going to be the outcome.
mosssideblue said:
Right, I've had my Sunday morning hr reading all the posts. Whilst I'm on the SC waiting list it's costing me over £100 per home game as well as 41/2 drive to watch and, driving in yesterday, I thought today I will be royally entertained and get vfm.

Our defensive display for their goal was something you could see on an old Keystone Cops B&W film (ask your dad if you need to),.
Early on, it was obvious that Samir was very rusty but I thought he improved significantly as the game went on.
Really concerned with Zab and Vinnie - not only them arguing with each other, but their form of late.
The two Fs were not needed in this game, If we are frightened of playing Hull at home that much, then maybe we should pack up now.
We must only coach the "pass it into the net" method of scoring, as the number of opportunities to shoot that were'nt taken beggers belief (Merlin take note).
Edin and Kun in my mind has never really worked, and if we are playing Edin as a target man, I wish he would put himself in the box and not go out to the wings to get the ball.
We lack the tempo that we had last season
When you look at the distance between corner flag and goals - what's the problem in getting the ball airborne for that distance
We need a captain who will lead. Vinnie needs to up his anti or pass the band on (Jimmy I would suggest)

All in all, a disappointing day from one of those "cert 3 point matches", but I will fill the car up next week, set off several hrs before kick off and think, today I am going to see the real City and get vfm
I'd leave it next week mate, best wait until there's a match on.
East Level 2 said:
mosssideblue said:
Right, I've had my Sunday morning hr reading all the posts. Whilst I'm on the SC waiting list it's costing me over £100 per home game as well as 41/2 drive to watch and, driving in yesterday, I thought today I will be royally entertained and get vfm.

Our defensive display for their goal was something you could see on an old Keystone Cops B&W film (ask your dad if you need to),.
Early on, it was obvious that Samir was very rusty but I thought he improved significantly as the game went on.
Really concerned with Zab and Vinnie - not only them arguing with each other, but their form of late.
The two Fs were not needed in this game, If we are frightened of playing Hull at home that much, then maybe we should pack up now.
We must only coach the "pass it into the net" method of scoring, as the number of opportunities to shoot that were'nt taken beggers belief (Merlin take note).
Edin and Kun in my mind has never really worked, and if we are playing Edin as a target man, I wish he would put himself in the box and not go out to the wings to get the ball.
We lack the tempo that we had last season
When you look at the distance between corner flag and goals - what's the problem in getting the ball airborne for that distance
We need a captain who will lead. Vinnie needs to up his anti or pass the band on (Jimmy I would suggest)

All in all, a disappointing day from one of those "cert 3 point matches", but I will fill the car up next week, set off several hrs before kick off and think, today I am going to see the real City and get vfm
I'd leave it next week mate, best wait until there's a match on.

*lol* And that is what makes Blue Moon such a wonderful site, the humour amongst the angst! :-)
Chippy_boy said:
waspish said:
Brendan110_0 said:
We're just having the same issue we always have when Toure is at African nations, miss him big time and don't win much. MCFC need to consider his long term replacement and not be put off by a high transfer value (which shouldn't be an issue this summer!).

We didn't miss him last time he went!

True enough. Funny how people like to rewrite history to suit their point of view.

The harsh reality is that we've been poor or worse, far too often this season. Yes we've had a bit of bad luck with injuries but so have most teams and it's really no excuse. The bleeding rags have had worse than us and i am ashamed to say they are picking up points faster than we are at the moment. And they are playing absolute shit as well.

For us to win the league now, will require an immediate and dramatic step-change. Far better, more disciplined defending, more urgency, faster passing and movement, better crossing, better corners, more shooting and more chances taken. I can't see that happening overnight and us maintaining it for 14 games. And even if we do, it is probably still too little too late. Think about it, if we win every single game from here on, Chelsea need to lose 3 games. Any tiny little slip from us - say we get 13 wins and 1 draw - and they can lose 3 times and still win the league,

Looking at it like that, i think the harsh reality is we have fucked it up and handed Chelsea the league on a plate. You can say it's not over and all that stuff but that's almost certainly going to be the outcome.

Agree the difference between us and the scum is they play shit and win we play shit and lose and sometimes like last week play great and just get a draw! First we need to sort out our defence maybe try sitting back?

It seems we wont budge in our style of play its the philosophy of our club from all age groups to senior level it's seems a stubborn or an arrogant way to only have one philosophy in football..
theres no reason to stop supporting MP and the players ,yesterday it looked like a 4-3-3 first half which is very unusual and proved fallible as the 3 midfielders get pulled all over the place and are effective nowhere, MDM looked tired and Mangala needs to be reintroduced asap, v hull however reliable Clichy is at the back its Kolorovs quality with his delivery that's required ,so rather than have a go at the players I think Pel made a few misjudgements ,which hes entitled to after what hes achieved so far
Eccles Blue said:
East Level 2 said:
mosssideblue said:
Right, I've had my Sunday morning hr reading all the posts. Whilst I'm on the SC waiting list it's costing me over £100 per home game as well as 41/2 drive to watch and, driving in yesterday, I thought today I will be royally entertained and get vfm.

Our defensive display for their goal was something you could see on an old Keystone Cops B&W film (ask your dad if you need to),.
Early on, it was obvious that Samir was very rusty but I thought he improved significantly as the game went on.
Really concerned with Zab and Vinnie - not only them arguing with each other, but their form of late.
The two Fs were not needed in this game, If we are frightened of playing Hull at home that much, then maybe we should pack up now.
We must only coach the "pass it into the net" method of scoring, as the number of opportunities to shoot that were'nt taken beggers belief (Merlin take note).
Edin and Kun in my mind has never really worked, and if we are playing Edin as a target man, I wish he would put himself in the box and not go out to the wings to get the ball.
We lack the tempo that we had last season
When you look at the distance between corner flag and goals - what's the problem in getting the ball airborne for that distance
We need a captain who will lead. Vinnie needs to up his anti or pass the band on (Jimmy I would suggest)

All in all, a disappointing day from one of those "cert 3 point matches", but I will fill the car up next week, set off several hrs before kick off and think, today I am going to see the real City and get vfm
I'd leave it next week mate, best wait until there's a match on.

*lol* And that is what makes Blue Moon such a wonderful site, the humour amongst the angst! :-)

And that's a true word. Anybody who goes and has a look on RAWK (probably, don't bother, there's a government health warning against it), the single most striking thing is the total absence of any sort of irony, humour, self-deprecation. It's like being in the middle of a Seventh Day Adventist meeting. (Well, I posted that because I've got to cheer myself up somehow…)
abu13 said:
Fuck me, just seen the goal for Hull on MOTD, it was a complete comedy of errors. Seriously what the flying fuck.

There must have been three ot four freak deflections which led to the goal, so it was incredibly unlucky. I would say that anyone could have conceded that goal - the real problem was that we only managed to score one goal in return, against a poor Hull side, who were allowed to play well on the day by our boys playing the first half in second gear.
East Level 2 said:
mosssideblue said:
Right, I've had my Sunday morning hr reading all the posts. Whilst I'm on the SC waiting list it's costing me over £100 per home game as well as 41/2 drive to watch and, driving in yesterday, I thought today I will be royally entertained and get vfm.

Our defensive display for their goal was something you could see on an old Keystone Cops B&W film (ask your dad if you need to),.
Early on, it was obvious that Samir was very rusty but I thought he improved significantly as the game went on.
Really concerned with Zab and Vinnie - not only them arguing with each other, but their form of late.
The two Fs were not needed in this game, If we are frightened of playing Hull at home that much, then maybe we should pack up now.
We must only coach the "pass it into the net" method of scoring, as the number of opportunities to shoot that were'nt taken beggers belief (Merlin take note).
Edin and Kun in my mind has never really worked, and if we are playing Edin as a target man, I wish he would put himself in the box and not go out to the wings to get the ball.
We lack the tempo that we had last season
When you look at the distance between corner flag and goals - what's the problem in getting the ball airborne for that distance
We need a captain who will lead. Vinnie needs to up his anti or pass the band on (Jimmy I would suggest)

All in all, a disappointing day from one of those "cert 3 point matches", but I will fill the car up next week, set off several hrs before kick off and think, today I am going to see the real City and get vfm
I'd leave it next week mate, best wait until there's a match on.

Nah, I'll go anyway, they might show a decent game on the big screen at City Square.
Brendan110_0 said:
We're just having the same issue we always have when Toure is at African nations, miss him big time and don't win much. MCFC need to consider his long term replacement and not be put off by a high transfer value (which shouldn't be an issue this summer!).

the 1st bit is just wrong. We didnt miss him last time, but we are this season....

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