Mancini out/Mancini in

Didsbury Dave said:
BobKowalski said:
Its make or break every season for the managers who manage the top clubs. One bad season and invariably you are toast. Mancini's position is no different.

No way.

I'd put it to you that if REdknapp, Ferguson, Hodgeson, Ancellotti and probably WEnger were failing, they'd keep their jobs all year.

I don't believe Mancini will have that luxury.

Taggart has credit in the bank plus they need him to gloss over the lack of funds. But if they slipped out of the top 4 you are telling me they will not be stories over him overseeing their demise/is he up to the job/should he have bought better players in/mistake to sign Berbatov/mistake to lose Tevez and should he retire now to get a new vision at the top etc, etc. Wenger keeps his job because he keeps Arsenal in the top 4 but again slip out of the top 4 and no trophies and the discontent will go into overdrive.

Redknapp bombs this season and the verdict will be "scraping us into a top 4 is his limit" Failure to qualify for the CL proper and a poor season will see Spurs reaching for their list of top European managers.

Ancelotti craps out of CL again and he will need to win the PL to stem Roman's discontent. Roman wants the CL. Thats why he hired Ancelotti.

Rafa won the CL and reached the final 2 years later. Finished second in the PL and did this on a net transfer spend of £27m per year over his tenure. One shite season and he was out.

Failure is defined by CL qualification or lack of it. Get a CL spot minimum and you are probably ok. Fail to get a CL spot and you are odds on gone. No matter who you are.
shadygiz said:
Damocles said:
Absolutely definitely will happen unless he's in the top two.

A large proportion of Bluemooners have become petulant children who demand instant success and will throw their porridge on the floor if it doesn't come.

We could have any manager in the world, including Zombie Joe Mercer, and they'd still find reasons to want to sack him.

FFS Dam, no need...will you stop slagging off fellow really pisses me off

got to this post and thought here we go again...thread over

Hughes Out started the day he got here
Mancini Out started after three games

As a moderator, you know as well as I what will happen. Mancini has been here since December, and despite the fact that he never spent a penny in January, we already have people saying that he has had his time and should go. If you believe that you can change the fortunes of any football team within half a season without spending money, then good luck to you finding someone who will do. Now that he is spending money, he is literally dead, the next loss will be accompanied by a tidal wave of bile about how shit he is and how we should sack him. For the majority, the EXACT same people will be shouting Forza Mancini when we stuff somebody 5-0. Hell, even if we do win, people whinge that it the performance wasn't good enough, or the football was boring, as if we have some divine right to win every game and play great
There is a small collective of people on the board, such as De Niro, Bonol, BillyShears, PB, DD, etc who have already made up their minds that Mancini is shit and shouldn't be our manager. It is no different at all to the Hughes Out brigade, they have already made their minds up about something, and it will take an awful lot to change them. They also snipe at nearly every opportunity, but to be honest, I don't particularly have a large problem with these as at least they're consistent.

Even though Billy has just claimed that Mancini's methods are outdated and Hughes are the 'new way', despite the fact that their trophy cabinets are not even close to been comparative.

I'm not even going to get into the pool of crap that is a Matchday thread.

I slag off our fans recently, because they are becoming so far removed from what they used to be that is almost saddening. According to quite a few in the transfer thread, Torres would be a shit signing. Torres.
We used to have a sense of humour about things that has now been almost completely eradicated. That gallows humour was one of my favourite things about the club. Now if we get beat, we boo the team off, scream to sack the manager, and think of a list of replacement signings for the players who have just played, because this next signing will GUARANTEE us success. We used to laugh at us being shit, knowing that football is a funny game and you win some, lose some. Now if we don't win 5-0 every game, there is a major inquest about what who should be sold/sacked and people pile crap on top of crap.

People then go around saying this attitude is that of a 'ikkle Cityer'. I don't think City are a small club who can't compete with the big clubs, neither do I think that we're Real Madrid and every player in the world will want to join us. If the cost of becoming successful is turning into a bunch of whinging, arrogant, rags, then the Shiekh can take his billions back - it's too high of a price. I celebrate City because of the attitude of the club and of it's fans has always had.

What has happened to this:

The thing about City is they possess the most loyal fans in the world. They laugh and sing and joke and carry inflatable bananas when things are going badly and they do exactly the same when things are going well.

The number of fans who are now like this has dwlinded. This club used to be about being part of something bigger than yourself, about being part of a family and with all credit to the club, they are trying to keep this going. The fans though aren't meeting them halfway; the level of expectation that has come with the money has castrated our humour from wise cracking, self deprecating stuff to laughing at other teams/players/fans (who we would have died to be in the position of about 5 years ago). Some of the stuff that I hear walking back after the game is pathetic.

Insulting rags used to be a sport for us, and though they had the winning streaks, we had the wit. It's now gone to "you have no money", like that somehow makes them a shit club. When did having money become important to us? Probably the day after the takeover. People aren't even trying any more.

That's another thing that pisses me off as well. Other fans say to us "well, you have no history, no prestige", and our fans say "so what? We have the future". This fucking winds me up every time I hear it, to the point of anger. WE DO HAVE A HISTORY. A PROUD ONE. We don't have a history of winning everything in sight for two decades, built off of the money of a baby killer or a peeping tom, but we do have a history. Billy Meredith might be part of our shared Mancunian history; luckily though, Bert Trautman is all ours. We had Hyde Road, then Maine Road and used to put a hundred thousand fans in them. From Tom Maley through to Wilf Wild. From Les McDowell to Joe Mercer. From Tony Book to Roberto Mancini. Our history stretches back 120 years, and is full of ups and down, bankruptcies and riches, relegations and successes. I implore you guys to pick up a Gary James' book and immerse yourselves in our long and interesting history. So next time the rags come at you with a "you have no history" remark, you can say something better than "so what?".

I'm sure I could think of about twenty other things, but I'm sure you get the point. I'm proud of what our club is becoming post-takeover and the way that they are conducting themselves. I'm ashamed of what some of our fans are becoming. We need to snap out of it, forget that we're rich and just remember what it is to be a City fan.

This club, in front of all others is a great club. It isn't great because we have the best owner, or because we do lots for charity, or even because we've been up and down divisions with big crowds. This club is great because it has a soul that reaches into each and every one of us. Even in the over-sanitised environment of the CoM, you can still feel the echo of it. For years we have been waiting for the club to live up to us as fans, now it is time for us as fans to start living up to our club.
I think Mancini did well compared to hughes

if we didnt have all those draws with hughes we would have been in a much better position.

but manc probably does need to work on his people skills with the players
Damocles said:
Even though Billy has just claimed that Mancini's methods are outdated and Hughes are the 'new way', despite the fact that their trophy cabinets are not even close to been comparative.

I never once said that Hughes' ways were the 'new way'. Not at all. If you inferred that then you're either not reading my posts properly, or putting words in my mouth...
Damocles said:
shadygiz said:
FFS Dam, no need...will you stop slagging off fellow really pisses me off

got to this post and thought here we go again...thread over

Hughes Out started the day he got here
Mancini Out started after three games

As a moderator, you know as well as I what will happen. Mancini has been here since December, and despite the fact that he never spent a penny in January, we already have people saying that he has had his time and should go. If you believe that you can change the fortunes of any football team within half a season without spending money, then good luck to you finding someone who will do. Now that he is spending money, he is literally dead, the next loss will be accompanied by a tidal wave of bile about how shit he is and how we should sack him. For the majority, the EXACT same people will be shouting Forza Mancini when we stuff somebody 5-0. Hell, even if we do win, people whinge that it the performance wasn't good enough, or the football was boring, as if we have some divine right to win every game and play great

but these are still fans opnions that should be welcomed as much as the positive, surely?

I'm all for constructive criticism and i agree that some of the posts have been biased, but it is still an opinion and as long as the opinons are kept on topic and dont start becoming personal slanging matches, then we should welcome those opinions - Good or Bad

what i didnt like mate, was your post was dropped in very early in the thread, before any real thread topic/discussions had taken hold. This had the potential to turn the thread from a topical discussion into a personal tit for tat slanging match and tbh, there was no need mate

Damocles said:
What has happened to this:

The thing about City is they possess the most loyal fans in the world. They laugh and sing and joke and carry inflatable bananas when things are going badly and they do exactly the same when things are going well.

The number of fans who are now like this has dwlinded.

We have become serious contenders mate. In the past, we knew we were shit and couldn't it's different, it's become serious business and with it come high expectations and hopes.
shadygiz said:
Damocles said:
Hughes Out started the day he got here
Mancini Out started after three games

As a moderator, you know as well as I what will happen. Mancini has been here since December, and despite the fact that he never spent a penny in January, we already have people saying that he has had his time and should go. If you believe that you can change the fortunes of any football team within half a season without spending money, then good luck to you finding someone who will do. Now that he is spending money, he is literally dead, the next loss will be accompanied by a tidal wave of bile about how shit he is and how we should sack him. For the majority, the EXACT same people will be shouting Forza Mancini when we stuff somebody 5-0. Hell, even if we do win, people whinge that it the performance wasn't good enough, or the football was boring, as if we have some divine right to win every game and play great

but these are still fans opnions that should be welcomed as much as the positive, surely?

I'm all for constructive criticism and i agree that some of the posts have been biased, but it is still an opinion and as long as the opinons are kept on topic and dont start becoming personal slanging matches, then we should welcome those opinions - Good or Bad

I'm all for constructive criticism too, and every post on this board is biased in one way or another, thus is the nature of fanaticism. My problem is with people who change their minds every two second about things, they're like lost sheep who desperately want to be part of a crowd.

what i didnt like mate, was your post was dropped in very early in the thread, before any real thread topic/discussions had taken hold. This had the potential to turn the thread from a topical discussion into a personal tit for tat slanging match and tbh, there was no need mate

That's the thing though mate, my post is actually on topic! The OP was about the fans reactions to Mancini and whether we will have another Hughes In/Out debacle, not whether or not we believe NOW that Mancini is the right man.

We have become serious contenders mate. In the past, we knew we were shit and couldn't it's different, it's become serious business and with it come high expectations and hopes.

In my brain, I understand all of that, but we have an opportunity to be different from the Liverpool and United fans. We could have done it whilst still retaining our core values as fans. Instead we're becoming "generic top four fan #34238". The culture of our fans is changing, and we are literally becoming more like rags every day. I hate the rags because of everything that their fans and club represents, and I cannot bear to watch us become like them.
Damocles said:
shadygiz said:
FFS Dam, no need...will you stop slagging off fellow really pisses me off

got to this post and thought here we go again...thread over

Hughes Out started the day he got here
Mancini Out started after three games

As a moderator, you know as well as I what will happen. Mancini has been here since December, and despite the fact that he never spent a penny in January, we already have people saying that he has had his time and should go. If you believe that you can change the fortunes of any football team within half a season without spending money, then good luck to you finding someone who will do. Now that he is spending money, he is literally dead, the next loss will be accompanied by a tidal wave of bile about how shit he is and how we should sack him. For the majority, the EXACT same people will be shouting Forza Mancini when we stuff somebody 5-0. Hell, even if we do win, people whinge that it the performance wasn't good enough, or the football was boring, as if we have some divine right to win every game and play great
There is a small collective of people on the board, such as De Niro, Bonol, BillyShears, PB, DD, etc who have already made up their minds that Mancini is shit and shouldn't be our manager. It is no different at all to the Hughes Out brigade, they have already made their minds up about something, and it will take an awful lot to change them. They also snipe at nearly every opportunity, but to be honest, I don't particularly have a large problem with these as at least they're consistent.

Even though Billy has just claimed that Mancini's methods are outdated and Hughes are the 'new way', despite the fact that their trophy cabinets are not even close to been comparative.

I'm not even going to get into the pool of crap that is a Matchday thread.

I slag off our fans recently, because they are becoming so far removed from what they used to be that is almost saddening. According to quite a few in the transfer thread, Torres would be a shit signing. Torres.
We used to have a sense of humour about things that has now been almost completely eradicated. That gallows humour was one of my favourite things about the club. Now if we get beat, we boo the team off, scream to sack the manager, and think of a list of replacement signings for the players who have just played, because this next signing will GUARANTEE us success. We used to laugh at us being shit, knowing that football is a funny game and you win some, lose some. Now if we don't win 5-0 every game, there is a major inquest about what who should be sold/sacked and people pile crap on top of crap.

People then go around saying this attitude is that of a 'ikkle Cityer'. I don't think City are a small club who can't compete with the big clubs, neither do I think that we're Real Madrid and every player in the world will want to join us. If the cost of becoming successful is turning into a bunch of whinging, arrogant, rags, then the Shiekh can take his billions back - it's too high of a price. I celebrate City because of the attitude of the club and of it's fans has always had.

What has happened to this:

The thing about City is they possess the most loyal fans in the world. They laugh and sing and joke and carry inflatable bananas when things are going badly and they do exactly the same when things are going well.

The number of fans who are now like this has dwlinded. This club used to be about being part of something bigger than yourself, about being part of a family and with all credit to the club, they are trying to keep this going. The fans though aren't meeting them halfway; the level of expectation that has come with the money has castrated our humour from wise cracking, self deprecating stuff to laughing at other teams/players/fans (who we would have died to be in the position of about 5 years ago). Some of the stuff that I hear walking back after the game is pathetic.

Insulting rags used to be a sport for us, and though they had the winning streaks, we had the wit. It's now gone to "you have no money", like that somehow makes them a shit club. When did having money become important to us? Probably the day after the takeover. People aren't even trying any more.

That's another thing that pisses me off as well. Other fans say to us "well, you have no history, no prestige", and our fans say "so what? We have the future". This fucking winds me up every time I hear it, to the point of anger. WE DO HAVE A HISTORY. A PROUD ONE. We don't have a history of winning everything in sight for two decades, built off of the money of a baby killer or a peeping tom, but we do have a history. Billy Meredith might be part of our shared Mancunian history; luckily though, Bert Trautman is all ours. We had Hyde Road, then Maine Road and used to put a hundred thousand fans in them. From Tom Maley through to Wilf Wild. From Les McDowell to Joe Mercer. From Tony Book to Roberto Mancini. Our history stretches back 120 years, and is full of ups and down, bankruptcies and riches, relegations and successes. I implore you guys to pick up a Gary James' book and immerse yourselves in our long and interesting history. So next time the rags come at you with a "you have no history" remark, you can say something better than "so what?".

I'm sure I could think of about twenty other things, but I'm sure you get the point. I'm proud of what our club is becoming post-takeover and the way that they are conducting themselves. I'm ashamed of what some of our fans are becoming. We need to snap out of it, forget that we're rich and just remember what it is to be a City fan.

This club, in front of all others is a great club. It isn't great because we have the best owner, or because we do lots for charity, or even because we've been up and down divisions with big crowds. This club is great because it has a soul that reaches into each and every one of us. Even in the over-sanitised environment of the CoM, you can still feel the echo of it. For years we have been waiting for the club to live up to us as fans, now it is time for us as fans to start living up to our club.

Good post. Even if I am guilty of some of the above.
Damocles, your post was provocative, no doubt.

But I can handle it because at least you try to back up your tubthumping with some intelligence.

It's the "Forza Mancini/We're 5th FFS/Get behind the manager FFS" people who rile me to bite. No facts, just aggression.

They haven't arrived on this thread yet but they will. I think they're all on the thread admiring his new haircut at the moment.

Look for the phrase "FFS". That's their clarion call.
I know what you mean Dave, but they don't particularly annoy me either. All I want is consistency. This doesn't mean that nobody changes their opinion, they do it every day, I mean the people who change from one side to the other and back again and back again within the space of a week, depending on what the groupthink of that particular thread says. FFS.

BillyShears said:
I never once said that Hughes' ways were the 'new way'. Not at all. If you inferred that then you're either not reading my posts properly, or putting words in my mouth...

Just re-read the offending post. My bad mate, I misunderstood what you were saying, apologies.
shadygiz said:
We have become serious contenders mate. In the past, we knew we were shit and couldn't it's different, it's become serious business and with it come high expectations and hopes.

Absolutely fucking bang on the money.

Seeing as we're getting things off our chest, what pisses me off even more than the brainless "Get behind the lads" tubthumpers are this new breed of "We're now the worst fans in the world" naysayers.

No we're not.

We weren't the best fans in the world and we aren't the worst.

We're just a set of fans who have been kicked in the teeth for decades, who suddenly have hope.

I'l forgive you Dammers, coz I like you and I can tell you're in one of your bad moods....;-)

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