Mancini out? (merged)

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Re: Mancini out?

Mrmcfc said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
Mrmcfc said:
It doesn't take months to sort out these kind of problems, it takes years.
Fuck me, give the man a chance. This is really the first season that we've played poorly on a regular basis. And we're still fucking second.
Not to mention that Mancini himself knew that we had taken steps backwards in the transfer window.

Europe is a whole different ball game, and its something we'll grow into as the years go on.
These things take time, and aren't a quick fix.
Malaga, Spurs, Napoli etc did okay in there CL debuts. Mancini is just clueless in europe simple as, I don't know how anyone can deny that.
Im sure there have been a number of teams that have struggled initially with champions league football like ourselves.
By that point made, you're suggesting we should get harry in as manager due to his incredible success on Europe?
No what im saying is Mancini is clueless in europe. Its not going to change even if we do spend ridiculous amounts of money in the summer.<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:25 am --<br /><br />
Seosa said:
Mrmcfc said:
Ray78 said:
The British Petroleum League
Barclays premier league?

Only Yanks call it BPL.
Re: Mancini out?

Paulmcfc2703 said:
waspish said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
The thing is with FFP we don't have years to get things right. We can't have another 2 years of finding our feet in the CL and going out in the groups. We need a manager that knows what he is doing.

With the sponsors coming our way the extra 20m getting out of a group stage is a combined fee/wages if Sinclair once we have got rid of some dead wood got the extra sponsors on board our turn over is going to be around 300m
Who would you class as deadwood. Quite a few Mancini signings?

Over 3 years in charge and we need another big clear out.

Bridge RSC K Toure Maicon Kolorav Sinclair and think Tevez and Dzeko could go
Re: Mancini out?

waspish said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
waspish said:
With the sponsors coming our way the extra 20m getting out of a group stage is a combined fee/wages if Sinclair once we have got rid of some dead wood got the extra sponsors on board our turn over is going to be around 300m
Who would you class as deadwood. Quite a few Mancini signings?

Over 3 years in charge and we need another big clear out.

Bridge RSC K Toure Maicon Kolorav Sinclair and think Tevez and Dzeko could go
I would include Nasri on that list. We are talking £80 million of Mancini transfers down the shitter. Now we have to be careful with our spending would you want him to splash the cash again?
Re: Mancini out?

Paulmcfc2703 said:
waspish said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Who would you class as deadwood. Quite a few Mancini signings?

Over 3 years in charge and we need another big clear out.

Bridge RSC K Toure Maicon Kolorav Sinclair and think Tevez and Dzeko could go
I would include Nasri on that list. We are talking £80 million of Mancini transfers down the shitter. Now we have to be careful with our spending would you want him to splash the cash again?
Add Garcia too
Re: Mancini out?

Anyone who thinks Mancini should be sacked is a complete fool. This season is a bit of a write off but it happens occasionally. We've been on the wrong side of an awful lot of refereeing decisions, had so many injuries it's untrue and I think we all know this summer's transfer activity wasn't down to Mancini (anyone who disagrees needs to question why Marwood has already been replaced). We're second in the league behind a team who has been on the fortunate side of refereeing decisions in numerous big away games, who took a huge gamble in the transfer market on RVP and who had the easiest Champions League group yet again. I accept we haven't played well very often this season but that's because teams are aware of our style and the lack of a winger and striker have cost us dearly but if anyone deserves a summer to put it right it's Mancini. If we're back in this position again next season then yes fair enough maybe people can begin to question if he's the right man for the job but to do so after last season is just fucking madness.

All I will say is take a look at the list of managers who Chelsea have had, look how many have come with big reputations and look how many have been successful. Anyone who thinks replacing Mancini is easy is in for a fucking big shock, there's maybe Mourinho and honestly I'd rather have someone with a bit of integrity at my club.
Re: Mancini out?

Mrmcfc said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Mrmcfc said:
Mancini has done an excellent job so far. He's had one shit window and now everyone is calling for his head. We are second in the BPL behind a team that has amounted a record breaking points tally. We've made mistakes, but we have a better backroom staff now, and I don't believe it will happen again, certainly not to that extent anyway!
I remember everyone laughing at the likes of Chelsea/real Madrid because they sacked a manager if they didn't win the league one year, now look at us. Its embarrassing really. Just shows us as really fickle football fans.
Fuck me the bullshit is out tonight. We will sack Mancini for his CL performances mainly. His surrendering of the league is another reason.

Five months ago Mancini said he new what the problems were and would sort them.

We are still waiting

It doesn't take months to sort out these kind of problems, it takes years.
Fuck me, give the man a chance. This is really the first season that we've played poorly on a regular basis. And we're still fucking second.
Not to mention that Mancini himself knew that we had taken steps backwards in the transfer window.

Europe is a whole different ball game, and its something we'll grow into as the years go on. These things take time, and aren't a quick fix.

i love your optimism mate how long of achance do you want to give him our owners want europe rm wont get it . hes gone in the summer . aa phone call would have gone in to a certain manager tonight offering big bucks im certain of it
Re: Mancini out?

fatbloke said:
Anyone who thinks Mancini should be sacked is a complete fool. This season is a bit of a write off but it happens occasionally. We've been on the wrong side of an awful lot of refereeing decisions, had so many injuries it's untrue and I think we all know this summer's transfer activity wasn't down to Mancini (anyone who disagrees needs to question why Marwood has already been replaced). We're second in the league behind a team who has been on the fortunate side of refereeing decisions in numerous big away games, who took a huge gamble in the transfer market on RVP and who had the easiest Champions League group yet again. I accept we haven't played well very often this season but that's because teams are aware of our style and the lack of a winger and striker have cost us dearly but if anyone deserves a summer to put it right it's Mancini. If we're back in this position again next season then yes fair enough maybe people can begin to question if he's the right man for the job but to do so after last season is just fucking madness.

All I will say is take a look at the list of managers who Chelsea have had, look how many have come with big reputations and look how many have been successful. Trust me anyway who thinks replacing Mancini is easy is in for a fucking big shock, there's maybe Mourinho and honestly I'd rather have someone with a bit of integrity at my club.
Gamble? anyone with an ounce of football knowledge knew RVP would fit perfectly at united.
Re: Mancini out?

modgeblue said:
Mrmcfc said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Fuck me the bullshit is out tonight. We will sack Mancini for his CL performances mainly. His surrendering of the league is another reason.

Five months ago Mancini said he new what the problems were and would sort them.

We are still waiting

It doesn't take months to sort out these kind of problems, it takes years.
Fuck me, give the man a chance. This is really the first season that we've played poorly on a regular basis. And we're still fucking second.
Not to mention that Mancini himself knew that we had taken steps backwards in the transfer window.

Europe is a whole different ball game, and its something we'll grow into as the years go on. These things take time, and aren't a quick fix.

i love your optimism mate how long of achance do you want to give him our owners want europe rm wont get it . hes gone in the summer . aa phone call would have gone in to a certain manager tonight offering big bucks im certain of it
We'll see
I just think some people have short footballing memories on here.
Comes across as fickle, but you're obviously ITK so I don't want to cross you.
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