Mancini outers

you will find with a lot of mancini outers that even now there is always a but as a back up, man management, too public with his views on players etc...

this is a classic get out clause in case things go wrong they can always come back and say i told you so, even if we win the league we will get we should have got more points or done better in the champions league, or treated so and so better

its strange that it is recognised that you build a team from back to front and any manager should be given a certain amount of time to get a team to play and perform in the manner that they want but some were on his back pretty quickly.

will mancini turn out to be a truly great manager? too early to say but he has done everything expected of him so far and more, i wanted him before he came and from what i have seen i have been impressed, i could be proven wrong and if i am i hope i have the good grace to admit it.
BlueAnorak said:
MaineDAWG2008 said:
I even backed mancini when hughes was still our manager!!! Is there someone on here who can claim that?
I suggested Mancini as Hughes replacement (admittedly only if we couldn't get Moaninho) the first time I decided Hughes had to go (after the WBA 2-1 defeat on December 21 2009).
We then proceeded to waste a year treading water.
Still he's here now doing the business for us so I'm a happy bunny.

good call. that makes two of us, n maybe a few more. Not many as others were still willing to give hughes more time. And whilst there were rumours of other managers, i think majority of posters on here wanted Mourinho to take over.

believe in destiny guys. Mancini was meant to lead us to glory.
BlueAnorak said:
MaineDAWG2008 said:
I even backed mancini when hughes was still our manager!!! Is there someone on here who can claim that?
I suggested Mancini as Hughes replacement (admittedly only if we couldn't get Moaninho) the first time I decided Hughes had to go (after the WBA 2-1 defeat on December 21 2009).
We then proceeded to waste a year treading water.
Still he's here now doing the business for us so I'm a happy bunny.

I remember it only being a few games in to Mr Hughes' tenure and seeing how utterly clueless the man was. Fine, we were winning, but it smacked of no cohesion and the lads having a fun kick about on the park! At the time, my argument seemed silly cos the results were there, but I could see that all we had was gloss and no substance. I wanted him out. Mr Hughes' mainstay as evidence of results was how 'fit his teams were'. Never once did I remember him alluding to any type of coherent tactics even in post match discussion. Then came the draws and it just bolstered my initial thought process on his 'style'.

When I knew of Mancini's arrival in the country, he was the man I wanted in and said he would have us 'playing swashbuckling football'. That's how confident I was. I admit I thought it would happen sooner, but then understood the process it would take in getting the team to 'trust each other' stage by stage.

All this 'letting them off the leash' demand, at the time, would have just been another Hughes type error that people don't understand. Sure he's had to understand the pacing of the game a little better, but that's all. No 'adaptation' besides that. Roberto Mancini has done things exactly right, at the right time cos 'football is football the world over'. Tempo is the only difference.

And don't you all just love it now?!!
Didsbury Dave said:
I'd say that broadly represents the view of the majority of blues I know, and I know quite a few

Wouldn't it have been more fun to spend the last 18 months with all your top blue mates who agree with you rather than trying to look big and clever on here?

Besides, I know 2345 blues and they all agree with me, if you don't believe me you can ask my mum who also agrees with me.

One day, Dave someone will call you a 'top blue' and we can all breathe a fucking sigh of relief.
I remember watching the first few games under Mancini(not pretty) but he had his players drilled from word go! I remember looking at the defence and midfield in his lines of 4 and they were perfect. Now that he's got the players he wants the football is a joy to watch!
collie40 said:
I remember watching the first few games under Mancini(not pretty) but he had his players drilled from word go! I remember looking at the defence and midfield in his lines of 4 and they were perfect. Now that he's got the players he wants the football is a joy to watch!

What he did with the defence, in such a short time, was almost miraculous, particularly considering the state they were in under Hughes.
The problem for me was that when you have only four attacking players on the pitch - and at that time the full-backs were not getting forward as well as they do now - then the supply to them has to be fast and accurate, but it wasn't and so we struggled more than we should have and for quite a long time.
It may be that Tevez came so deep for the ball because of this failing, but he really just papered over the cracks with his goals.
We don't hang about so much these days, so our strikers have much more room and time and we're seeing the results. As you say: a joy to watch!
redmizzle said:
MikeG_121 said:
i didn't like him to start with, just something about the way he went about things, and always deferred responsibility to the players, blaming them for results/performances. and obviously, with it being the first trophy i've seen city win, he was obviously doing something right! and i had a spell of appreciating him again. until the start of this season, the inexplicable substitutions, and the overly cautious defensive line ups for some games really bug me! we have some of the best attacking players in the world! USE THEM!
then i really thought the way he handled the tevez situation would be the last straw, but he's proved me wrong again. the way he's handled mario, and the apparent change of tactics at the swamp, he is slowly winning me over. he just needs to be more confident in the champions league!

I must have missed this.

Me too. If anyone couldn't see what he was doing when he came in (i.e building a team from the ground up) then I honestly do not know what they were watching. To me the difference was evident from day one between him and the no mark Hughes. It was like night and fucking day, we suddenly had a manager who knew how to properly organise a team and had them playing to a clearly visible system.

In many ways I loved that infamous 0-0 draw at the Emirates because it not only showed a tremendous spirit amongst the players to keep out a frankly frightening (on the day) Arsenal side but it showed how tactically aware Mancini was.

And of course once he secured the FA Cup and an above expectation 3rd place that only cemented that Mancini is the real deal and deserved all the leeway he needed to carry on with his vision.

We are lucky to have him, I wouldn't swap Mancini now for any other manager in the world.
remoh said:
collie40 said:
I remember watching the first few games under Mancini(not pretty) but he had his players drilled from word go! I remember looking at the defence and midfield in his lines of 4 and they were perfect. Now that he's got the players he wants the football is a joy to watch!

What he did with the defence, in such a short time, was almost miraculous, particularly considering the state they were in under Hughes.
The problem for me was that when you have only four attacking players on the pitch - and at that time the full-backs were not getting forward as well as they do now - then the supply to them has to be fast and accurate, but it wasn't and so we struggled more than we should have and for quite a long time.
It may be that Tevez came so deep for the ball because of this failing, but he really just papered over the cracks with his goals.
We don't hang about so much these days, so our strikers have much more room and time and we're seeing the results. As you say: a joy to watch!

Not having a go but from your post it seems as if you think you know tactics better than Mancini but you most probably don't. That might be where the impatience with him came from in the first place.

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