Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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80s Shorts said:
RMancini said:
stony said:
Whereas you sir are a **** of the lowest order. The Order of Rag Shitbags. If you were on a train I would slap you right now, you shitbag.

If you we're on a train, I would throw u off ****. All u go on about is rag this rag that, someone should stuff a fucking rag in your mouth so we never have to listen to the bile and excrement that leaks from ur fucking animal gob. Fuck off back to Old Trafford shithouse

LOL, who the fk is this balloon.

Balloon, love it.
corky1970 said:

And according to widespread rumours, he'll never go back.
RMancini whoa wo
RMancini whoa wo
He comes from Italy
He fucking hates Stony.

RMancini whoa wo
RMancini whoa wo
Escaped from Meadowbrook
He doesn't give a fuck.

RMancini whoa wo
RMancini whoa wo
He started talking tough
The mods said 'that's enough'.

RMancini whoa wo
RMancini whoa wo
The fun he gave was grand
A shame the **** got banned.
Danny Mills on BBC Website ...

Roberto Mancini is under an awful lot of pressure. There are rumours that he might be leaving. Might Jose Mourinho come in? I think the door is ajar for Mourinho at City."

Listen to build-up to the FA Cup final on BBC Radio 5 live right now.

LOL....Danny Mills is a twat
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.
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