Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

me too,it is ruining my joy of the day for sure
stony said:
Petetheblu said:
Relax pal, you're making a fool of yourself. Less of the aggression and more people will listen to your feelings.
Besides you've never met Stony, I have and he's a mountain of a man and a tough cookie, also more annoying is he's a bright git to. Not someone who you'd want to get into a scrap with whether that be verbally or physical.

haha, you're only saying that because you had to carry me. Hows it going Pete ?

Not to bad pal, just trying to work out which pub to watch city today. Then its off to get merry, followed by a curry. Ding dong. Hows your self and family, hows your grandchild?
karen7 said:
RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

me too,it is ruining my joy of the day for sure

I don't know why people are blaming the Sheikh for this. Prestwich Blue has alluded to the fact Mancini is not being sacked. Mancini seems to want to move on to a new job, not much Txiki, Soriano or the Sheikh can do about that. Stop overreacting.
Mayor West said:
karen7 said:
RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

me too,it is ruining my joy of the day for sure

I don't know why people are blaming the Sheikh for this. Prestwich Blue has alluded to the fact Mancini is not being sacked. Mancini seems to want to move on to a new job, not much Txiki, Soriano or the Sheikh can do about that. Stop overreacting.

They could get a better replacement?
Mayor West said:
karen7 said:
RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

me too,it is ruining my joy of the day for sure

I don't know why people are blaming the Sheikh for this. Prestwich Blue has alluded to the fact Mancini is not being sacked. Mancini seems to want to move on to a new job, not much Txiki, Soriano or the Sheikh can do about that. Stop overreacting.

Even if that was the case there are better managers out there than fucking Pellegrini. We were all creasing ourselves about Moyes taking over at the swamp and now they have just as much reason to laugh at us replacing Mancini a proven winner with a fucking pensioner who has done nothing.
Mayor West said:
karen7 said:
RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

me too,it is ruining my joy of the day for sure

I don't know why people are blaming the Sheikh for this. Prestwich Blue has alluded to the fact Mancini is not being sacked. Mancini seems to want to move on to a new job, not much Txiki, Soriano or the Sheikh can do about that. Stop overreacting.

you cant tell a lady not to overract,its what we do best!:)
RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

Fucking this.
Re: Manchester City close on Pellegrini (merged)

Benarbia said:
Anthony Kun said:
mammutly said:
I think there would be a lot of support for binning this thread.

Agreed!! Lock and delete please mods, this is getting beyond a joke!

Locking a thread because you don't want to believe it is pathetic. Grow up and understand this is a forum to discuss current events hth kthnxbye

Me grow up? Don't make me laugh.... You've just ended your sentence with Internet speak!

Although your right I don't want to believe it. Pellegrini to take over from Mancini, you lot must be absolutely mad! The day before FA Cup final, and now on the day itself? Show the club and Mancini more respect!

Blue moan or what?
Mayor West said:
karen7 said:
RandomJ said:
Still haven't calmed down about these rumours. Actually ruining the cup final day for me because it just makes no fucking sense. If it was Mourinho or Klopp then even though I'd still feel it's harsh I'd understand because of what they have acheived but not fucking Pellegrini. This just reeks of Txiki getting his mate a job. The guy has done nothing in the game and one lucky champions league season doesn't make up for that. Doesn't speak english, is 60 years old and would take him time to bed in and get his squad playing the way he wants all at a time when United are going through a transitional period. If this happens I have lost a ton of respect for our owners as I thought they had more about them than this.

me too,it is ruining my joy of the day for sure

I don't know why people are blaming the Sheikh for this. Prestwich Blue has alluded to the fact Mancini is not being sacked. Mancini seems to want to move on to a new job, not much Txiki, Soriano or the Sheikh can do about that. Stop overreacting.
It's clear he wants to leave but why? Cos he's being fucked about. He wins the cup, he wins the title and gets us to another cup final, and we fuck him about!!

I swear to God that the posters on BM is getting worse by the day..

I remember when all and sundry on here wanted Mancini out while the stands supported him, now we got a vague rumour that he´s out and suddenly the sky is falling down

Edit, and if God forbid we don´t beat Wigan today people will be baying for blood again!!!!
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