Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

Lomas has a lob on said:
Specualtion aside, were at a stage of the season where we can ask the question, "have we imporved on last season"? NO." Have we consolidated and maintianed the levels we achieved last season"? NO. "Have we gone backwards" YES.

Now the above is only my opinion, but I cant see where anyone can argue that we have improved, or at least maintained last seasons performances. I'm also fully aware there may well be contributing factors to us going backwards, like our woeful summer transfer recruiting.
When all is said and done, we as a club have gone backwards, that suggests to me, change is needed!

But what change? That question can only be answered if we know why City stood still. It's because the playing squad is weaker now than 12 months ago. If that's Mancini's fault then he should go, but I thought he operated under a Director of Football role. He may have some responsibility for the Balotelli and Dzeko situations

It's gone beyond that now if the stories of an approach to Pellegrini are true, regardless of whether the approach is successful. It's a vote of no confidence
simon23 said:
Is it possible that there,are other candidates for the job if rm goes other than pelligrini and the media just havent picked up on them???

I still want mancini to stay but I don't think he will unfortunately

I'd like to think we are approaching a couple of the best as well as pelligrini

I will just support whatever the boards decision is though I feel the way mancuni is being treated isn't correct

I have a theory that they are looking at someone else, and this could explain why they haven't countered the Pellegrini rumours.

If they denied the rumours but did not accompany that with support for Mancini, that would be an obvious sign that he's on his way out and stir up another viper's nest of speculation. If they denied the rumours along with public statement of support for Mancini yet had another manager lined up, they would not exactly be covering themselves with glory. So they lose either way.
Project said:
Ancient Citizen said:
Gelsons Dad said:
I disagree.

If you have decided to replace the manager you must have done so with targets in mind. Those targets must have been available and their availability could be checked without the news breaking. It's just a matter of including a non disclosure clause to the negotiations. The moment any news leaks the candidate is out of the picture and the rumour can be denied.

You also need to think about the manner of negotiations. If the meeting a couple of weeks ago was about Pelligrini and not player recruitment then why the fuck was it done in public? Why did it take place 2 weeks before the FA cup final?

This is amateurish in the extreme. Completely undermining the manager and therefore team. And in this case the FA CUP FINAL which became no more than a speculation fest for the media and therefore an embarrassment to the club.

If I was the owner I would be fucking irate at the way the club has been made to look in the media and that is down to the way the execs have acted.

I'm struggling to see how you've gone from a single rumour leaking (not on our part I might add, but from the Spanish end) to declaring our board amateur and an embarrassment to the club. I mean really, think about how you've just connected those dots for a second.

It's like there are no shades of grey on here, just black or white. Do you really for a second think we do not operate under NDA? Leaks happen - its the nature of the business given the vested interests and money at stake. Our MO is to work quietly and behind the scenes, without regard for keeping the press informed of what our activities are. I quite like that approach, but it does mean that speculation leads to arguments like we've seen on the board where people put 2 and 2 together and come up with an answer that suits their agenda.

All I know is that Khaldoon is the real deal. The upmost professional and a guy who gets things done. I side with his way of doing business over conjecture and the need to keep Fleet Street sweet.

I am sure Khaldoon is the real deal. I am sure he enjoyed the media shitstorm immensely yesterday. Made us look like real professionals.

Look you can spin it how you like but the negotations with Pellegrini hit the press in February and its been an open secret ever since. I chatted to Castles a month or so back about it and it was common knowledge that we were talking to the guy. Whether it meant Mancini was going/quitting or if it was a back up plan no one knew for sure but we were not 'working quietly and behind the scenes' when it came to Pellegrini. We were front and centre and having boozy lunches with his agent in Cup Final week for the world and his wife to see (still pisses me off fucking idiot).

Anyway what's done is done. You can blow smoke up Ferran and Txiki's arse if you like but yesterday was a PR balls up off the pitch and bloody worse on the pitch
A new song if Pellegrini becomes the new manager:

He came from Chile..eeee
To manage Man city....yyyy
Oohh o ohh
Didsbury Dave said:
BobKowalski said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Great post mate.

Txiki and soriano come out of this with great deal of credit in my eyes. From what I hear they had to act decisively to head of barca. If they've done that then they've done well.

Hopefully rm will get a send off by the fans next week, then onwards and upwards for mcfc. I see exciting times ahead.

Oh come on. Great credit? Negotiate and get your man in by all means I'm fine with that. Oversee a media shitstorm that makes us look like fucking amateurs? I'm sure Khaldoon was overjoyed by the speculation swirling round him with the worlds media looking on. Not part of the masterplan I would suggest.

As for that Barca bollocks. Give me a break. We have been talking to the guy since February and we 'just had to tie it up the day before the Cup final'? Yeah right. And the reason why you couldn't keep the deal quiet until the day after the cup final would be? Answers on a fucking postcard.
Yeah, txiki and soriano are the first to football chief execs with the ability to silence the whole world. They should have got an inter continental super injunction, eh?

Not having lunch in public with his agent during Cup Final week would have been a fucking start. That alone sparked off a round of speculation and even if it was nothing to do with Pellegrini knowing that you were fully intended to hire him meant that maybe giving lunch a miss wouldn't be a bad idea. Naive. Stupid. Take your pick. I called it when it happened and I'm doubling down on it now.
BobKowalski said:
Project said:

I'm struggling to see how you've gone from a single rumour leaking (not on our part I might add, but from the Spanish end) to declaring our board amateur and an embarrassment to the club. I mean really, think about how you've just connected those dots for a second.

It's like there are no shades of grey on here, just black or white. Do you really for a second think we do not operate under NDA? Leaks happen - its the nature of the business given the vested interests and money at stake. Our MO is to work quietly and behind the scenes, without regard for keeping the press informed of what our activities are. I quite like that approach, but it does mean that speculation leads to arguments like we've seen on the board where people put 2 and 2 together and come up with an answer that suits their agenda.

All I know is that Khaldoon is the real deal. The upmost professional and a guy who gets things done. I side with his way of doing business over conjecture and the need to keep Fleet Street sweet.

I am sure Khaldoon is the real deal. I am sure he enjoyed the media shitstorm immensely yesterday. Made us look like real professionals.

Look you can spin it how you like but the negotations with Pellegrini hit the press in February and its been an open secret ever since. I chatted to Castles a month or so back about it and it was common knowledge that we were talking to the guy. Whether it meant Mancini was going/quitting or if it was a back up plan no one knew for sure but we were not 'working quietly and behind the scenes' when it came to Pellegrini. We were front and centre and having boozy lunches with his agent in Cup Final week for the world and his wife to see (still pisses me off fucking idiot).

Anyway what's done is done. You can blow smoke up Ferran and Txiki's arse if you like but yesterday was a PR balls up off the pitch and bloody worse on the pitch
A horrible back-drop to the game.

Not really sure what you mean by boozy lunches. How do you know the purpose of such discussions. A couple of glasses of wine is not the issue. It's the open nature of an approach while City are building up to a Cup Final that would be a problem. But this is all conjecture?
I don't know what the Barca guys should have done to silence the press when the Pellegrini rumours are most likely true.

Should they have confirmed it? I don't think so.
BlueCityfan said:
I don't know what the Barca guys should have done to silence the press when the Pellegrini rumours are most likely true.

Should they have confirmed it? I don't think so.
Difficult as we don't know what's true and what's not. But in advance of Cup Final, we should have been doing things quietly. I can't really believe we would have done otherwise.
Grande Paolo said:
I think this "stability" is overrated in England. If you'd look at some of the greatest (and CL-winning) sides from last 25 years:

Sacchi's Milan, Pep's Barca and Del Bosque's Real lasted only for FOUR YEARS! Mourinho's Inter only TWO! Capello's Milan, Rijkaard's Barca and Lippi's Juve FIVE! Only Van Gaal's Ajax (6 years), Hitzfeld's Bayern (6), Ancelotti's Milan (8) and Cruyff's Barca (8) lasted for a bit longer.

Football is about circles and Mancini is in his fourth year so maybe it's time to say goodbye. "Stability" is not about one man and never will be.

Stability is not overrated. But I agree stability is not necessarily keeping the same guy but employing managers who share or buy into the club philosophy. Swansea for example have a structure in place where they can change the manager and keep stability.

Also our project is based on developing the academy so managers have to have some degree of security so they are not sacked the moment they finish 2nd ala Chelsea. This allows them to experiment and use players from the ranks and allow for the fact it will not always work all the time. Changing the manager every 6 months and spending a small fortune which is how Chelsea do it is not the model we wish to follow. The Chelsea way can work but it stunts youth development.
It does seem we've gone full circle. I really thought the club had learned lessons after the shambolic way that Mark Hughes' sacking was handled. Apparently not. The next two games are going to be as awkward as that Sunderland game, assuming Mancini is still in situ.

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