Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

Marvin said:
BlueCityfan said:
I don't know what the Barca guys should have done to silence the press when the Pellegrini rumours are most likely true.

Should they have confirmed it? I don't think so.
Difficult as we don't know what's true and what's not. But in advance of Cup Final, we should have been doing things quietly. I can't really believe we would have done otherwise.

I think it's pretty obvious that Pellegrini is the City manager next season. No chance this kind of buzz would have been created about him going to City otherwise. Anyways, it's not an excuse to lose to Wigan. Mancini seems to be in denial when he said yesterday that he will stay.
Right after yesterday´s debacle time for me to let rip as I was far too annoyed and the forum was in obvious meltdown mode so I stayed off

Firstly well done to the pie -eaters
They´re still an egg chucking town and always will be
On the day they were better than us

Having said that Mancini´s subs were almost an admission of failure and some cynics (not I ) might even claim were done out of pure spite
Whatever the motive they were wrong, wrong and wrong again!!!
Anyone could see that

Motivation. It´s clear Bob can´t motivate a dog with a leg of pork and once again it showed why his time is up.
Line up - if Silva wasn´t fit he shouldn´t have played - he was utter dog poo yesterday. Ditto Yaya coz the team that played so well for 20 mins before HT v Baggies would have done a better job. Without doubt the best 20 mins of football I´ve seen from City all season - just lacking finishing or it would have been 5 or 6 by HT
Tactics/formation - Bob got dry bum raped by a comparative rookie who was commentating on Spanish football not 5 years ago

Personally I think he should have gone after that diabolical display at Soton but maybe that would have been considered way too knee jerk

Now Manuel Pellegrini
Once again I find myself unconvinced by a manager whose greatest traits seem to be of getting the best from modest teams with very little expectation or pressure foisted upon them. Yes , at Madrid his results weren´t too bad but he couldn´t deal with the goldfish bowl and that will be the same at City (although to a slightly lesser degree). His recent thrashings at Malaga hardly inspire much confidence. Still if he could bring Isco with him it wouldn´t be a bad thing - Silva clearly needs competition - just don´t fookin bring RSC back FFS!!;)
Personally I would go balls out for Klopp - I´m sure it could be done and the long term vision for bringing through players would benefit immensely imo. He´s young, dynamic and has that human touch with players and press that I really admire
Next season is pivotal and I really worry about not getting top 4 next season. Too many lethargic, one paced and unimaginative performances this term to get away with it again next time around. If we don´t watch it we´ll end up with Everton as also rans - we might not even finish in front of them if Martinez end up there!!
We simply have to get this right - not doing so doesn´t bear contemplation, as appreciative I am of recent achievements it would be criminal to let it slip away by taking our eye off the ball
I have faith and trust that Khaldoon and the team will do what´s right
Marvin said:
BobKowalski said:
Project said:
I'm struggling to see how you've gone from a single rumour leaking (not on our part I might add, but from the Spanish end) to declaring our board amateur and an embarrassment to the club. I mean really, think about how you've just connected those dots for a second.

It's like there are no shades of grey on here, just black or white. Do you really for a second think we do not operate under NDA? Leaks happen - its the nature of the business given the vested interests and money at stake. Our MO is to work quietly and behind the scenes, without regard for keeping the press informed of what our activities are. I quite like that approach, but it does mean that speculation leads to arguments like we've seen on the board where people put 2 and 2 together and come up with an answer that suits their agenda.

All I know is that Khaldoon is the real deal. The upmost professional and a guy who gets things done. I side with his way of doing business over conjecture and the need to keep Fleet Street sweet.

I am sure Khaldoon is the real deal. I am sure he enjoyed the media shitstorm immensely yesterday. Made us look like real professionals.

Look you can spin it how you like but the negotations with Pellegrini hit the press in February and its been an open secret ever since. I chatted to Castles a month or so back about it and it was common knowledge that we were talking to the guy. Whether it meant Mancini was going/quitting or if it was a back up plan no one knew for sure but we were not 'working quietly and behind the scenes' when it came to Pellegrini. We were front and centre and having boozy lunches with his agent in Cup Final week for the world and his wife to see (still pisses me off fucking idiot).

Anyway what's done is done. You can blow smoke up Ferran and Txiki's arse if you like but yesterday was a PR balls up off the pitch and bloody worse on the pitch
A horrible back-drop to the game.

Not really sure what you mean by boozy lunches. How do you know the purpose of such discussions. A couple of glasses of wine is not the issue. It's the open nature of an approach while City are building up to a Cup Final that would be a problem. But this is all conjecture?

I don't know the purpose of the discussion. They could have been swapping recipes for all I know. What matters is what people think the meeting is about and report accordingly. Given we are employing Pellegrini the best course of action is to give his agent a wide berth in public so as not to invite speculation. If Txiki needed to talk to the guy he can use the bloody phone. Back when people used to employ me I tended not to have meetings with prospective employers in the coffee shop across the road from where I actually worked. People notice stuff like that.
Grande Paolo said:
I think this "stability" is overrated in England. If you'd look at some of the greatest (and CL-winning) sides from last 25 years:

Sacchi's Milan, Pep's Barca and Del Bosque's Real lasted only for FOUR YEARS! Mourinho's Inter only TWO! Capello's Milan, Rijkaard's Barca and Lippi's Juve FIVE! Only Van Gaal's Ajax (6 years), Hitzfeld's Bayern (6), Ancelotti's Milan (8) and Cruyff's Barca (8) lasted for a bit longer.

Football is about circles and Mancini is in his fourth year so maybe it's time to say goodbye. "Stability" is not about one man and never will be.

And out of the two longest serving Ancelotti only won the league once in that time. For the weight blues on here put on the league would we be happy winning it once in 8 years?
mike channon´s windmill said:
Right after yesterday´s debacle time for me to let rip as I was far too annoyed and the forum was in obvious meltdown mode so I stayed off

Firstly well done to the pie -eaters
They´re still an egg chucking town and always will be
On the day they were better than us

Having said that Mancini´s subs were almost an admission of failure and some cynics (not I ) might even claim were done out of pure spite
Whatever the motive they were wrong, wrong and wrong again!!!
Anyone could see that

Motivation. It´s clear Bob can´t motivate a dog with a leg of pork and once again it showed why his time is up.
Line up - if Silva wasn´t fit he shouldn´t have played - he was utter dog poo yesterday. Ditto Yaya coz the team that played so well for 20 mins before HT v Baggies would have done a better job. Without doubt the best 20 mins of football I´ve seen from City all season - just lacking finishing or it would have been 5 or 6 by HT
Tactics/formation - Bob got dry bum raped by a comparative rookie who was commentating on Spanish football not 5 years ago

Personally I think he should have gone after that diabolical display at Soton but maybe that would have been considered way too knee jerk

Now Manuel Pellegrini
Once again I find myself unconvinced by a manager whose greatest traits seem to be of getting the best from modest teams with very little expectation or pressure foisted upon them. Yes , at Madrid his results weren´t too bad but he couldn´t deal with the goldfish bowl and that will be the same at City (although to a slightly lesser degree). His recent thrashings at Malaga hardly inspire much confidence. Still if he could bring Isco with him it wouldn´t be a bad thing - Silva clearly needs competition - just don´t fookin bring RSC back FFS!!;)
Personally I would go balls out for Klopp - I´m sure it could be done and the long term vision for bringing through players would benefit immensely imo. He´s young, dynamic and has that human touch with players and press that I really admire
Next season is pivotal and I really worry about not getting top 4 next season. Too many lethargic, one paced and unimaginative performances this term to get away with it again next time around. If we don´t watch it we´ll end up with Everton as also rans - we might not even finish in front of them if Martinez end up there!!
We simply have to get this right - not doing so doesn´t bear contemplation, as appreciative I am of recent achievements it would be criminal to let it slip away by taking our eye off the ball
I have faith and trust that Khaldoon and the team will do what´s right

Khaldoon and the team will be employing Pellegrini. Think we are safe on the Rocky front though
cibaman said:
It does seem we've gone full circle. I really thought the club had learned lessons after the shambolic way that Mark Hughes' sacking was handled. Apparently not. The next two games are going to be as awkward as that Sunderland game, assuming Mancini is still in situ.
Let's just hope that after reportedly undermining our own manager on the eve of a Cup Final we are successful in our approach otherwise we will be an international laughing stock with no manager at all. Come in P. Vieira!
BlueCityfan said:
Marvin said:
BlueCityfan said:
I don't know what the Barca guys should have done to silence the press when the Pellegrini rumours are most likely true.

Should they have confirmed it? I don't think so.
Difficult as we don't know what's true and what's not. But in advance of Cup Final, we should have been doing things quietly. I can't really believe we would have done otherwise.

I think it's pretty obvious that Pellegrini is the City manager next season. No chance this kind of buzz would have been created about him going to City otherwise. Anyways, it's not an excuse to lose to Wigan. Mancini seems to be in denial when he said yesterday that he will stay.

Actually Mancini staying is like Jose staying at Madrid. Its a negotiating stance. You want me out? Sack me and hand over the cheque.
To be honest I think he's gone already - look at his criticism of the club today for not coming out and quashing speculation.

I cannot believe Tevez was substituted for Rodwell - why why why????

Was it an admission of defeat or spite?

If he cannot change the way we play by adding width and pace to the team then he has gone as far as he can I am afraid.

I am not an outer but I think this phase of the so-called project is over.
Why people think it would be possible to convince Klopp to join City? He made it clear many times he wants to stay in Bundesliga and compete against the most successful manager of last four years. Maybe after few years when we will have that academy... but now Pellegrini seems like a good choice for next three years. My opinion, of course.

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