Mancini "Tevez starts on Monday"

Until the truth comes out i won't be booing. Yes he's handed in a transfer request, but how much is down to Carlos and how much down to KJ is unknown. Hardly unhappy is he? Form of his life and all
I won't boo, but can understand it if he does get booed.

Certainly won't cheer when his name is read out.
If anyone boos I reckon there's a good chance of mither within the crowd.

I will certainly be telling anyone near me who I hear booing exactly how much of a **** they are. We'll see how that goes down.

Support the team. Support the manager. Mancini will resolve things in the best way possible, no doubt. We need to concentrate on our role - getting behind the team in a massive game.
no booing from me, he is now just a player in our team which i will cheer as per normal. certainly no adulation for him now.
he has a very long way to get back now.

i wonder if the carlos tevez he's a blue ditty will get a rendition.
Can we demonstrate a little collective self respect, please?
By 'supporting' Tevez transfer request by staying silent, not singing his name etc just shows that we lack class and will forsake our beliefs for possible short term glory.
Take the longer term view. Take a tough stance now and we will minimise the chance of occurrences of this type of behaviour from future signings.
Let us grow a collective set of balls and and on Monday night let Tevez know, in no uncertain terms, that we think he is a greedy mercenary and he can't hold our beloved club to ransom.

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