Mancio to crack the whip?

The cookie monster said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
The cookie monster said:
If we lose to leeds i think you should take the lead role in falling down 2
You would be perfect mate.
Would be honoured and when Mourinho takes over in the summer you can take part in the third movie.
Not really mate i will get behind him 100% if he is the choosen one
Thats what you kinda do when you follow your team.
I follow the team no matter what at the matches but on forum the whole point is to express your opinion and my opinion is that Mancini is holding us back.
BillyShears said:
Rascal said:
Should he stay or should he go is one thing, but some of the speculation on this thread i feel is demeaning to Mancini, his staff and the players.

I bet the players feel Mancini's attitude towards them is demeaning and I bet that has a far more negative impact on them than anything posted on this forum.
I bet when they look at their wage slip after their 2 hour daily work out they feel a lot better though billy :)
Lancet Fluke said:
taconinja said:
Lancet Fluke said:
You did say you didn't think DD minded City losing which could easily be taken as questioning his support. And the whole exchange was on the back of someone very much questioning his support of the club. Whatever anyone thinks, given the amount of pure shit he gets on here, merely for having a different opinion, I don't think people should complain too much when he fights back.
Two points.

First, viewing a loss as a temporary setback is natural if you think the club is on the right track, which I believe overall Dave does. We have the infrastructure and the owners to make periods like this not be nearly as devastating to ambitions as they otherwise would be.

Second, I would have more sympathy if he hadn't spent the latter part of the summer blasting people on here for not being good enough supporters for his liking. I used to very much enjoy debating football with him, but he started casting a very wide net a while back. I miss that Dave from before to be honest. He had great contributions.

I think lots of people have and are still becoming more and more entrenched in their views regarding Mancini. It is pretty much the same on both sides of the argument (although admittedly the number of people on each side of the argument has differed hugely). It isn't bringing out the best in people by and large and it's a bit harsh singling out people when many are capable of dishing out stick. I doubt DD wants anyone's sympathy, I'm choosing to defend him, he hasn't asked me to. For all I know he probably doesn't want me to and he certainly doesn't need me to.
I dislike that entrenchment honestly. It serves little purpose as flexibility is more rational. Mancini is an excellent manager, but there are a few on a level above him. Additionally, it doesn't matter if he's the best in the world if--and this is speculation--he has indeed lost the dressing room. That's Defcon 1 level as we say over here.
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
There's something funny going on. First Duncan Castles' article says he's a dead man walking. Rumours of him resigning last week, Tevez disappears, Kompany not even in the squad, Milner dropped and they collectively play like an under-8's team on Saturday then none will even talk to MCFC TV.

The antipathy between Mancini and parts of his squad is apparently palpable. It has been referenced several times in the last 48 hours but a lot of senior players are yet to forgive Mancini for trying to hang Lescott out to dry to hide his own inadequacies and mistakes after the game against Ajax in Amsterdam.

In terms of him cracking the whip ... he's far too arrogant to see that he is part of the problem rather than part of the solution, hence why he continues to lash out publicly at individual players.

I have no doubt in my mind that Txiki and Ferran will have been as appalled by what they saw in Southampton as most of us Blues were. The players will no doubt get a rollicking, but the buck will stop with the manager.

Just had a very similar phone conversation with a blue mate. You can tell a mile off that the players have lost confidence in him. It seems to me like things may have happened behind the scenes, and this latest media rant appears to be part of it. He's like Alan Ball in his last few weeks, blaming the players en masse.

My great hope, as I've said before, is that our new top brass are football people, unlike Khaldoon, and will have already seen through Mancini, his unbalanced squad, his odd selections and substitutions and the constant week-on-week underperformance from this group of players. They will know that hanging players out to dry publicly is not the way to motivate them.

My mate also gave me an interesting theory, and he knows his football well(used to be a professional player). He says that he believes Mancini is not making the subs any more, it's Platt, writing down changes and bringing them to Mancini for approval. He believes Mancini has lost all confidence in himself. Interesting theory.

If he's right, then we have to get him out of the club now. Not tomorrow, now.

Proffessional footballers are not the sharpest tools in the box,so id take that deluded idea your friend has with a bucket of salt..

I find it hard to believe that you could even entertain such an idea.
samharris said:
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
The antipathy between Mancini and parts of his squad is apparently palpable. It has been referenced several times in the last 48 hours but a lot of senior players are yet to forgive Mancini for trying to hang Lescott out to dry to hide his own inadequacies and mistakes after the game against Ajax in Amsterdam.

In terms of him cracking the whip ... he's far too arrogant to see that he is part of the problem rather than part of the solution, hence why he continues to lash out publicly at individual players.

I have no doubt in my mind that Txiki and Ferran will have been as appalled by what they saw in Southampton as most of us Blues were. The players will no doubt get a rollicking, but the buck will stop with the manager.

Just had a very similar phone conversation with a blue mate. You can tell a mile off that the players have lost confidence in him. It seems to me like things may have happened behind the scenes, and this latest media rant appears to be part of it. He's like Alan Ball in his last few weeks, blaming the players en masse.

My great hope, as I've said before, is that our new top brass are football people, unlike Khaldoon, and will have already seen through Mancini, his unbalanced squad, his odd selections and substitutions and the constant week-on-week underperformance from this group of players. They will know that hanging players out to dry publicly is not the way to motivate them.

My mate also gave me an interesting theory, and he knows his football well(used to be a professional player). He says that he believes Mancini is not making the subs any more, it's Platt, writing down changes and bringing them to Mancini for approval. He believes Mancini has lost all confidence in himself. Interesting theory.

If he's right, then we have to get him out of the club now. Not tomorrow, now.

Proffessional footballers are not the sharpest tools in the box,so id take that deluded idea your friend has with a bucket of salt..

I find it hard to believe that you could even entertain such an idea.

My friend gave up a professional career in football to run a £150 million turnover company, so he's certainly not thick, but I'm certainly not giving his opinion as fact. Just thought I'd throw it out there, I thought I made that clear.
BillyShears said:
Rascal said:
Should he stay or should he go is one thing, but some of the speculation on this thread i feel is demeaning to Mancini, his staff and the players.

I bet the players feel Mancini's attitude towards them is demeaning and I bet that has a far more negative impact on them than anything posted on this forum.

You bet but you dont know and thats the point.

All i know from my time managing a football team is that players respond differently. Some you kick up the arse, some respond well to criticism, some need a bit of love, others need responsibilty, some dont. We are not privvy to how Mancini handles his players in private, all we can do is as you say. Bet and speculate on little snippets of info we hear or read and create a picture that suits ones particular viewpoint. But in reality the pictures we create are akin to Da Vinci only painting 6 people at the last supper
Didsbury Dave said:
samharris said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Just had a very similar phone conversation with a blue mate. You can tell a mile off that the players have lost confidence in him. It seems to me like things may have happened behind the scenes, and this latest media rant appears to be part of it. He's like Alan Ball in his last few weeks, blaming the players en masse.

My great hope, as I've said before, is that our new top brass are football people, unlike Khaldoon, and will have already seen through Mancini, his unbalanced squad, his odd selections and substitutions and the constant week-on-week underperformance from this group of players. They will know that hanging players out to dry publicly is not the way to motivate them.

My mate also gave me an interesting theory, and he knows his football well(used to be a professional player). He says that he believes Mancini is not making the subs any more, it's Platt, writing down changes and bringing them to Mancini for approval. He believes Mancini has lost all confidence in himself. Interesting theory.

If he's right, then we have to get him out of the club now. Not tomorrow, now.

Proffessional footballers are not the sharpest tools in the box,so id take that deluded idea your friend has with a bucket of salt..

I find it hard to believe that you could even entertain such an idea.

My friend gave up a professional career in football to run a £150 million turnover company, so he's certainly not thick, but I'm certainly not giving his opinion as fact. Just thought I'd throw it out there, I thought I made that clear.

quote the bit where you made it clear Dave?? cos I cant see it.
corky1970 said:
Dismal Dave fucking loves it when we lose

hes a special sort of blue as he runs home panting, flinging himself into his bedroom, knocking his Commander Riker poster of his wall, sweat pouring from his bald head as he logs on to Bluemoon with a grin on his fat face

" i fucking told em the cunts" he mutters to himself as he creates a new Mancini out thread as his mum tidies up his wank socks from under is bed

I like Dave and think he talks sense, but I laughed loud and hard at the last paragraph.

Daves bed socks, used for protecting his phone and for... :)
samharris said:
Didsbury Dave said:
samharris said:
Proffessional footballers are not the sharpest tools in the box,so id take that deluded idea your friend has with a bucket of salt..

I find it hard to believe that you could even entertain such an idea.

My friend gave up a professional career in football to run a £150 million turnover company, so he's certainly not thick, but I'm certainly not giving his opinion as fact. Just thought I'd throw it out there, I thought I made that clear.

quote the bit where you made it clear Dave?? cos I cant see it.

Twice he said it was just a theory.

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