Mancio to crack the whip?

jackrussel said:
anyone who wants to sack roberto should look in the trophy cabinet,i dont want us to turn into another chelsea,back the manager with the players he wants this summer.

chelsea have had 8 trophies in 7 seasons, i would love to be another chelsea
fathellensbellend said:
jackrussel said:
anyone who wants to sack roberto should look in the trophy cabinet,i dont want us to turn into another chelsea,back the manager with the players he wants this summer.

chelsea have had 8 trophies in 7 seasons, i would love to be another chelsea

I wouldn't. 8 trophies in 7 seasons is great for them but it's an unsound way of running a club. And it will set them back long term.
greasedupdeafguy said:
ped said:
good job we didnt have the internet back in the day of bell lee and sumerbee,the season after we won the legue ,we finished 12 or so,we would have demanded mercers head o a plate,and half the team shipped out,
Really don't get these posts there completely different circumstances.
why /?
fathellensbellend said:
jackrussel said:
anyone who wants to sack roberto should look in the trophy cabinet,i dont want us to turn into another chelsea,back the manager with the players he wants this summer.

chelsea have had 8 trophies in 7 seasons, i would love to be another chelsea
And why would sacking a manager after over 3 years be comparable to the way abramovic goes through managers at Chelsea? I think people look at united and get obsessed with the idea of needing to stick with a manager come what may. What ferguson has done there is so out of the ordinary it's barely worth considering as an option. There can only be a handful of clubs (if that) in Europe who are having sustained success with one manager for over 10 years. The average length of time a manager holds a post is 2.5 years. Maybe there's a reason for that, maybe most managers run out of ideas after 2.5 years with more or less the same players.
Lancet Fluke said:
I think lots of people have and are still becoming more and more entrenched in their views regarding Mancini. It is pretty much the same on both sides of the argument (although admittedly the number of people on each side of the argument has differed hugely). It isn't bringing out the best in people by and large and it's a bit harsh singling out people when many are capable of dishing out stick.

My guess is there actually are a lot of people in the middle ground whose thinking might go like this:

- Instability is our trademark and hasn't served us well in the past.
- Mancini delivered us two major trophies, plus the sick swan, and dry-bummed Bacon after years of humiliation.
- Yes there are question marks: massive budget, two failed CL campaigns, 2012 transfers, man management and general lacklustre performance this year.
- None of the touted replacements are surefire certainties either to join or to succeed. Furthermore the one with the best track record is viewed by many Blues (maybe even the owners) as a contentious twat.

Consequently, either:
- "Better the devil we know. Give him another season". Or
- "Unsure". Or
- "Stay or go, we'll support the club whatever they decide".

Eez normal that the strong antis and the so-called happy clappers will make the most noise.
ped said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
ped said:
good job we didnt have the internet back in the day of bell lee and sumerbee,the season after we won the legue ,we finished 12 or so,we would have demanded mercers head o a plate,and half the team shipped out,
Really don't get these posts there completely different circumstances.
why /?
Because football is so different now as is our club with huge expectations from the money invested in it.
Lancet Fluke said:
fathellensbellend said:
jackrussel said:
anyone who wants to sack roberto should look in the trophy cabinet,i dont want us to turn into another chelsea,back the manager with the players he wants this summer.

chelsea have had 8 trophies in 7 seasons, i would love to be another chelsea
And why would sacking a manager after over 3 years be comparable to the way abramovic goes through managers at Chelsea? I think people look at united and get obsessed with the idea of needing to stick with a manager come what may. What ferguson has done there is so out of the ordinary it's barely worth considering as an option. There can only be a handful of clubs (if that) in Europe who are having sustained success with one manager for over 10 years. The average length of time a manager holds a post is 2.5 years. Maybe there's a reason for that, maybe most managers run out of ideas after 2.5 years with more or less the same players.

For me it's not so much the length of time. It's sacking a manager at the first sign of things going wrong. Particularly after a couple of pretty successful years. They let the tail wag the dog and the same players seem to have gotten away with getting rid of manager after manager.

FWIW I agree that if the club decide to sack Mancini at the end of the season it's not really comparable with some of the decisions Chelsea have made.
fathellensbellend said:
jackrussel said:
anyone who wants to sack roberto should look in the trophy cabinet,i dont want us to turn into another chelsea,back the manager with the players he wants this summer.

chelsea have had 8 trophies in 7 seasons, i would love to be another chelsea
sorry mate there now in a postion where no top manager would go there and no one has any respect for them, have a look in the trophy cabinet then back the mancini,he won 3 trophys in 18 months and could still add another this year. chelsea won the champions league and fa cup and they still sacked the manager,how sad.hope we never act like that..

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