Mancio to crack the whip?

mostonbluemark said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
mostonbluemark said:
But are some of you seriously of the view that the players downed tools against a manager who has won us the FA Cup and Premier League?
So the players had nothing to do with winning the FA Cup and the League? Well maybe those players think that the manager is a hindrance rather than a help. Maybe they're sick to the back teeth of his methods and the fact he never talks to them and drops players who are playing well while having his favourites in the team week after week when they don't justify it.

PB, i have the utmost respect for you as a poster. Enjoy reading the vast majority of your posts as being informative, concise and balanced. So i'm surprised that you have come to the view that the players chose not to play for him. The same players didn't have that issue last season did they? Saturday was disappointing, i was as sick as anyone else at what happened. But put it into perspective, it was our third defeat of the season. Theres no doubt we have struggled this season trying to defend the title, i include the manager in that as well, but to suggest its a relationship issue between the manager and the players doesn't hold any water.

As bizarre as it may seem , footballers are human beings and they can react to circumstances in ways you wouldn't think professional footballers would even in situations when the stakes are quite high.

No doubt just as footballers have been on the take , still are on the take , sometimes they voice there frustration to situations by throwing in the towel the easiest way they know how.

In our case it may or may not have anything to do with management but can you honestly say that nobody you know or a group of workers you know that feel like they are being hard done by have never downed tools either in an organised strike action or a stop work meeting while still at work or a deliberate action at work to demonstrate their disapproval at some decision made by hierarchy to sabotage the threw put or production of the day.

Why should a group of footballers be any different?

Yes if true its unprofessional , cheating the supporters , a childish response if you may but footballers and management often have arm wrestles in the politics of the club and sometimes if players feel aggrieved enough they will do what they think is necessary on match day to prove a point.

As many have said if in particular the senior , longstanding players lose the respect of the manager the manager is in strife and history is littered with examples of it.

So no I am not saying it as fact because I do not know but I have been around the block a few times to know that what I saw on Saturday was much more than City having an off day or a bad day at the office or bottling it as some have said.

Maybe the next two games may enlighten us a little more time will tell.
Eds said:
The performance against Southampton was dire. However I have been waiting for a few seasons to watch Joe let one through his legs. I have often said that the way he catches the ball leaves him open to doing it. As good as Joleon was last year alongside Vinny whenever anybody else played alongside him he looked shaky and the same has happened this year. As long as night follows day, Garcia will not be a centre half and Zabs has looked exhausted for the past few games. The fact that Maicon and Micah have been injured has meant he hasn't been rotated and even though he has played out of his skin I think it wasone game too many. Barry struggles when playing with Yaya, and Nasri Silva in the same midfield leaves us too vulnerable to a counter attack as neither of them are what I consider ball winning players. Jimmy was unlucky to be dropped as he gives us a drive and energy that nobody else can. Personally I would like to see Yaya play off Aguero up front and Milner put into the centre with Barry. We desperately need genuine width and a bit of pace going forward. As Champions we should have strengthened but for whatever reason the only signing in my opinion that has been successful was Nasty and he has probably played more games than any of us thought. Jury is out on Garcia and Maicon, Rodwell has hardly played and Sinclair I am convinced was only signed for the British quota we require. It will be interesting to see whether he plays against Leeds. Panty will replace Joe but that was probably planned and hopefully Vinny wil be back. Still not sure why Kolo didn't play centre half on Saturday but that is all hidtory. We need to play for pride now and ensure that the gap doesn't get any bigger and we finish in second place. Sort out summer transfers early in July and go again. Remember that it has only been a couple of years that we have even dreamt about challenging for the league and normally we are only bothered about reaching 40 points. We have come a long way very quickly and we should expect a few bumps along the way. Keep the faith!

Great post Eds.
I get the impression some are revelling in this.

City fans have been more used to pain than pleasure :))
Didsbury Dave said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I think this "downed tools" thing being banded around is a simplification. I don't think the players ever go out their with an intention to play badly. There is too much at stake. But a team is a team, and a manager is a part of that team. If there are divisions, and a lack of belief, then poor performances result. That's what it looks like to me at the moment. A squad who have lost confidence in their own management's abilities to get the best from them. I'd say it's been there all season, with Saturday being the big watershed. And what that happens, if it has, issuing mass bollockings and public criticism isn't usually the way out of it.
I think looking at Chelsea last season shows that professional footballers very much do "down tools." Some of the senior players wanted rid of AVB and they made damn sure they did it and it was not some sub-conscious/confidence thing imo. Also worth noting something that Niall Quinn said in his autobiography too. He said that at one stage there were more players in the City changing room who wanted City to lose than players who wanted City to win!
Maybe, mate. Maybe it's just a lack of hunger or desire, which amounts to pretty much the same thing of course. But I'm definitely of the school of thought that the playing staff are in a state of disharmony. And I am convinced that the players would not shed a tear should he be fired.

Dave, not being popular with the players is a long way from downing tools. Personally i couldn't give two hoots about how popular the manager is with the playing staff. There isn't a manager i've liked working for, thats why they get paid what they do, to manage. Did the manager get some decisions wrong on saturday, undoubtedly yes, did the players decide not to perform, no. Theres no doubt everybody, and i mean everybody, on the management and playing staff, owe the club and supporters a performance on Sunday. My guess is we will get it.
Didsbury Dave said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I think this "downed tools" thing being banded around is a simplification. I don't think the players ever go out their with an intention to play badly. There is too much at stake.

But a team is a team, and a manager is a part of that team. If there are divisions, and a lack of belief, then poor performances result. That's what it looks like to me at the moment. A squad who have lost confidence in their own management's abilities to get the best from them. I'd say it's been there all season, with Saturday being the big watershed.

And what that happens, if it has, issuing mass bollockings and public criticism isn't usually the way out of it.
I think looking at Chelsea last season shows that professional footballers very much do "down tools." Some of the senior players wanted rid of AVB and they made damn sure they did it and it was not some sub-conscious/confidence thing imo. Also worth noting something that Niall Quinn said in his autobiography too. He said that at one stage there were more players in the City changing room who wanted City to lose than players who wanted City to win!

Maybe, mate. Maybe it's just a lack of hunger or desire, which amounts to pretty much the same thing of course. But I'm definitely of the school of thought that the playing staff are in a state of disharmony. And I am convinced that the players would not shed a tear should he be fired.

Absolutely. The complete opposite of Mourinho leaving Inter when apparently senior players were in bits.
I think we'll admit that this season we are not quite at the level of last season. That may have something to do with teams figuring us out and Tevez not firing to give us the additional cushion we needed in terms of goals per game (Sergio can't do it all by himself and no other forward has come in to do it).

Across town they are a little better this season probably due 100% to RvP.

The rest of the Premiership are still where they were.

It wouln't take much to turn it around but I'm not quite sure we can find that little bit to do it this season. Thus the FA Cup is all we have unless RvP the injury which he seems to have had in every other season bar this one.

Let's be positive guys!
Didsbury Dave said:
levets said:
Didsbury Dave said:
We were told in no uncertain terms that part of ADUG's recruitment strategy was to compile huge dossiers on players temperaments and proffessionalism. Last year you could actually see in their detirmination that this was paying dividends.

And now we're getting told by some of Mancini's most desperate defenders to sack them all.

Hilarious. If he's lost the player's confidence then rest assured he's finished. I strongly suspect he has to be honest.

I think the bell is tolling....

So do I mate. I think the fat lady is clearing her throat.

And I said that with a heavy heart. You know my feelings, but I ALWAYS' want what is best for MCFC. Mancini delivered what I never thought possible, certainly not before I peg out and depart this earth... So for that, I will always hold him in high regard... But, the bar has been raised, expectation has been raised... we are not 'lickle citeh' any more; so we cannot go backwards now. The board will not accept 'being in the hunt'.... they will want us to capture more trophies. If RM has reached the end of the line,then so be it, but let's remember what he delivered and wish him well.

I hope he can turn it around, but I fear it's gone and he is toast!

I refer you back to what I was told in October.... note he was at the Roma game!!!
mostonbluemark said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Lancet Fluke said:
I think looking at Chelsea last season shows that professional footballers very much do "down tools." Some of the senior players wanted rid of AVB and they made damn sure they did it and it was not some sub-conscious/confidence thing imo. Also worth noting something that Niall Quinn said in his autobiography too. He said that at one stage there were more players in the City changing room who wanted City to lose than players who wanted City to win!
Maybe, mate. Maybe it's just a lack of hunger or desire, which amounts to pretty much the same thing of course. But I'm definitely of the school of thought that the playing staff are in a state of disharmony. And I am convinced that the players would not shed a tear should he be fired.

Dave, not being popular with the players is a long way from downing tools. Personally i couldn't give two hoots about how popular the manager is with the playing staff. There isn't a manager i've liked working for, thats why they get paid what they do, to manage. Did the manager get some decisions wrong on saturday, undoubtedly yes, did the players decide not to perform, no. Theres no doubt everybody, and i mean everybody, on the management and playing staff, owe the club and supporters a performance on Sunday. My guess is we will get it.

doesn't necessarily mean tools down as heads down particularly when under pressure to try and push United and thus when they make a mistake and lose a goal the pressure becomes even more intense and their heads drop, and that's when the really elementary and silly mistakes happen like Hart and Barry, and it's a vicious cycle.

We seem a lot freer in the FA Cup games with a lot less pressure on, it's a welcome distraction.
i assume that some have intimated that certain players have not given 100% saturday

then for one i don't want that player/players at my club

that is an insult to each and everyone of us city fans and certainly those that were present at st mary's

call me old fashioned but dirty laundry should not be aired in public
levets said:
Didsbury Dave said:
The cookie monster said:
Or sack all the players
They are there to play and do as they are told

What gives them the fucking right to under perform wearing a city top to piss the manager off
If indeed this is the case.

We were told in no uncertain terms that part of ADUG's recruitment strategy was to compile huge dossiers on players temperaments and proffessionalism. Last year you could actually see in their detirmination that this was paying dividends.

And now we're getting told by some of Mancini's most desperate defenders to sack them all.

Hilarious. If he's lost the player's confidence then rest assured he's finished. I strongly suspect he has to be honest.

I think the bell is tolling....

You've changed your tune?........things must be bad?

*Edit.........Just seen your last post

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