Manuel Pellegrini (cont)

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BobKowalski said:
What I did object to was this negative portrayal of our club. A portrayal where we should be grateful that we have Pellers in charge and somehow sacking him will send out the wrong message even if he does under perform or doesn't hit his targets (which btw hasn't happened yet); a club too fearful to make a decision and whose support is somehow inferior to Dortmund. It annoyed me hence I responded.

Who said that?

You are characterising the club's long term objectives as short term binary decisions.

So, look again at what you say. The CL is important. Lack of progress is bad. We're all in agreement there. So Pellegrini doesn't get out of the group and you sack him. Who's the next man you employ and on what basis do you employ them?

Remember there's very few available managers with a better CL record better than Pellegrini's, fewer still who have that CL record whilst also have a footballing philosophy which fits with what the owners want. Fewer still with Premier League experience too.
I don't hate him - as stated I just don't think he is the right man, right now.

You're right, what people are saying the internet doesn't matter. That said I'm calm about the Swansea game because we were so very well prepared and did not underestimate West Ham at all. We've also never looked like we just have to turn up to win at all this season.

The point about the next three games/prove me wrong bit is self explanatory surely?
Eh? What just happened? Not again?

Oh well.

Onwards and hopefully upwards.
strongbowholic said:
I don't hate him - as stated I just don't think he is the right man, right now.

You're right, what people are saying the internet doesn't matter. That said I'm calm about the Swansea game because we were so very well prepared and did not underestimate West Ham at all. We've also never looked like we just have to turn up to win at all this season.

The point about the next three games/prove me wrong bit is self explanatory surely?

What I want to know is what you mean by "I just don't think he is the right man, right now." Clearly what it is that makes you think he cannot win the CL with City. Obviously the PL is moot as he won it last season.
chris85mcfc said:
Mister Appointment said:
cleavers said:
I'd mainly agree, but with a caveat that if the run becomes 10, 15, even 20 games, then things would have to change, because we would be backing ourselves into a corner.

Long term plan or not, the damage would become too great, because we have, as a minimum financially, to qualify for the CL, and by qualify I don't mean do an Arsenal (you just know we'd get shafted in a qualifying game), so I think 3rd will be an absolute minimum, and any threat to that, and some kind of change would have to be made.

Agree, I was just typing a post to say something similar. For any manager there's a cut off point where the results suggest the dressing room has gone - that's makes any manager's position untenable and it would be no different for Pellegrini. I also agree about the cut off point. I think being cut adrift of 3rd place would make Pellegrini's position very precarious. But with the quality in our dressing room being cut adrift of 3rd would suggest he's lost the dressing room.

If we aren't capable of beating Swansea and giving a good account of ourselves against Bayern and Southampton, then id suggest he has lost the dressing room, either that or the players have become very disillusioned with his lack of tactical nous

I think only a run in the F a cup will save him for next season, league cups gone, europes gone & the prem league's gone by the start of november, thats piss fuckin poor
Like someone else has just said if we really do continue this poor league form and 3rd or 4th looks iffy he will be toast & shown the door, no two ways abt it..........

It would be a total fuckin disaster to miss out on a CL slot
Mister Appointment said:
BobKowalski said:
What I did object to was this negative portrayal of our club. A portrayal where we should be grateful that we have Pellers in charge and somehow sacking him will send out the wrong message even if he does under perform or doesn't hit his targets (which btw hasn't happened yet); a club too fearful to make a decision and whose support is somehow inferior to Dortmund. It annoyed me hence I responded.

Who said that?

You are characterising the club's long term objectives as short term binary decisions.

So, look again at what you say. The CL is important. Lack of progress is bad. We're all in agreement there. So Pellegrini doesn't get out of the group and you sack him. Who's the next man you employ and on what basis do you employ them?

Remember there's very few available managers with a better CL record better than Pellegrini's, fewer still who have that CL record whilst also have a footballing philosophy which fits with what the owners want. Fewer still with Premier League experience too.

Billy it was just yesterday (could have been Monday) that you were saying Pellegrini is currently in the brown stuff and his job is in jeopardy

What has changed in the last 24 hours?

It's a results business, those results may get looked at at the end of the season when they all have a sit down in Abu Dhabi. But the top and bottom of it is, that if these lacklustre performances continue, then he won't be in a job much longer, regardless of the long term ambitions of the club

If he wants to keep his job, he has to start winning football matches, and if you don't think he is currently being told that by the top brass then you're wrong

EDIT: Incase you need your memory refreshing

Mister Appointment

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Private messageRe: Manuel Pellegrini (cont)
by Mister Appointment » Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:48 pm

chris85mcfc wrote:

I thought you said he would see out his contract regardless?

The QPR game changed my mind. I didn't think our problems would multiply in the league and what i said was that there was no way he'd go because there's no way we'd slip out of the top 3.

Looking at our current form, if we don't pick up max points from Swansea/Southampton we could well end up out of the top 3. More importantly two huge games in which we needed to see some sort of reaction in the last week, we saw the opposite.

The guy's under serious serious pressure now and has two weeks to figure a path out of the mess that's being created.
Mister Appointment said:
strongbowholic said:
If I could see something that allayed these fears of be much more relaxed but I don't see what he had in his locker to turn it around.

Poor argument. He's a manager who won the premier league last season. In his first season in the league. Who has taken far worse sides than ours much further in the CL than we've ever been. He may not be Pep, but nor is he simply some fancy foreign version of Pardew or Keegan, no matter how many times you try and characterise him in that manner.

His pedigree deserves much more respect than "i don't see what he had (sic) in his locker to turn it around".

On Saturday evening,with all due respect,you said you feared the worse and that something is clearly not right.
What has changed? Have you changed your mind?
You say the club should give him next season aswell if we under achieve this year? How can a club that wants to become one of the worlds elite let an average season just go by without any post season inquest as to why. Can you honestly see the club just writing this season off as one of those things. Not a chance. He will be toast if we underachieve something that we are doing unfortunately very well at present
chris85mcfc said:
Billy it was just yesterday (could have been Monday) that you were saying Pellegrini is currently in the brown stuff and his job is in jeopardy

What has changed in the last 24 hours?

It's a results business, those results may get looked at at the end of the season when they all have a sit down in Abu Dhabi. But the top and bottom of it is, that if these lacklustre performances continue, then he won't be in a job much longer, regardless of the long term ambitions of the club

If he wants to keep his job, he has to start winning football matches, and if you don't think he is currently being told that by the top brass then you're wrong

He is in the shit because of how poor we've been in the last month.

I've already said clearly that if we risk being cut adrift of 3rd place in the PL he will out of a job IMO. But we're a long way from that right now and as much as he is in the shit right now, he has every opportunity to arrest that slide.
Mister Appointment said:
strongbowholic said:
I don't hate him - as stated I just don't think he is the right man, right now.

You're right, what people are saying the internet doesn't matter. That said I'm calm about the Swansea game because we were so very well prepared and did not underestimate West Ham at all. We've also never looked like we just have to turn up to win at all this season.

The point about the next three games/prove me wrong bit is self explanatory surely?

What I want to know is what you mean by "I just don't think he is the right man, right now." Clearly what it is that makes you think he cannot win the CL with City. Obviously the PL is moot as he won it last season.
I don't think PL is moot as this season we do not look like winning as the malaise affecting us is affecting us on all comps.

In the PL he has been outwitted by BFS.

In the Cap One by Pardew.

In CL by Guardola, Garcia and Slutski.

In last season's CL we had some bad moments but you'd hope he would have learned from the experience and pushed us on; he hasn't as results have painfully shown in that comp this season.
Mister Appointment said:
chris85mcfc said:
Billy it was just yesterday (could have been Monday) that you were saying Pellegrini is currently in the brown stuff and his job is in jeopardy

What has changed in the last 24 hours?

It's a results business, those results may get looked at at the end of the season when they all have a sit down in Abu Dhabi. But the top and bottom of it is, that if these lacklustre performances continue, then he won't be in a job much longer, regardless of the long term ambitions of the club

If he wants to keep his job, he has to start winning football matches, and if you don't think he is currently being told that by the top brass then you're wrong

He is in the shit because of how poor we've been in the last month.

I've already said clearly that if we risk being cut adrift of 3rd place in the PL he will out of a job IMO. But we're a long way from that right now and as much as he is in the shit right now, he has every opportunity to arrest that slide.

Serious question.Would you give him the whole season to "arrest the slide" as you say?
If and if it's a big if a top notch manager became available for whatever reason,would you not consider trying to save the season before it has gone?
If he wins the league then he does deserve another season,anything else and he's toast MR A. I think even you acknowledge that.
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