Manuel Pellegrini (cont)

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ManCityX said:
chris85mcfc said:
ManCityX said:
That winning two trophies in a debut season isn't good enough if we play badly for a couple of months in the following season.

So you think all is rosey?

What exactly have you summised everything is rosey?

I haven't, but you seem to have a problem with 'some fans' that express their discontent with the performances that we are currently seeing

I'm not entirely sure why that shocks you so much, based on the performances that you have seen, unless of course you're seeing something that im not?
I'm with Mr A on this to be fair, we have no option but to give him the benefit of the doubt to see if he can turn it around, whether its wrong or right remains to be seen as there is no doubt in my mind who will be our next manager and that man is Pep. We get rid of Manuel and appoint a new manager then he will be given a minimum of two seasons to apply his ideas and new players on the team-by which time the Pep boat will most likely have sailed as i just don't see him renewing his contract in Germany.

If its a case of taking our bad medicine now for this season and next to get Pep then you can count me in.

I dont see Klopp or Ancelotti coming and Simeone's cheese has slid of his cracker if hi antics at the CL final is anything to go by-he's far from holistic.

Think it's a case of sitting on our hands for long term gains chaps.
The cookie monster said:
OB1 said:
strongbowholic said:
Bloody phone!

His pedigree also includes being the manager during one of Real Madrid's most embarrassing ever defeats.

That really is a pointless comment when it is countered by the fact he that he, rather more significantly I would suggest, produced the club's then record points haul for a season.

That season will be remembered for barca's la liga title not pellergrini's points haul.........

Who remembers what is irrelevant. What is relevant here is that one cup defeat is far less relevant to judging a manager's pedigree than a whole season's worth of league games. Pellegrini lost to Wigan at home last season and anyone who remembers that above his winning a double or remembers it more is a Muppet.
OB1 said:
Who remembers what is irrelevant. What is relevant here is that one cup defeat is far less relevant to judging a manager's pedigree than a whole season's worth of league games. Pellegrini lost to Watford at home last season and anyone who remembers that above his winning a double or remembers it more is a Muppet.
Wigan mate, we nearly lost to Watford....
flb said:
I'm with Mr A on this to be fair, we have no option but to give him the benefit of the doubt to see if he can turn it around, whether its wrong or right remains to be seen as there is no doubt in my mind who will be our next manager and that man is Pep. We get rid of Manuel and appoint a new manager then he will be given a minimum of two seasons to apply his ideas and new players on the team-by which time the Pep boat will most likely have sailed as i just don't see him renewing his contract in Germany.

If its a case of taking our bad medicine now for this season and next to get Pep then you can count me in.

I dont see Klopp or Ancelotti coming and Simeone's cheese has slid of his cracker if hi antics at the CL final is anything to go by-he's far from holistic.

Think it's a case of sitting on our hands for long term gains chaps.

With all due respect, he was all for seeing him get the chop a couple of days ago
cleavers said:
OB1 said:
Who remembers what is irrelevant. What is relevant here is that one cup defeat is far less relevant to judging a manager's pedigree than a whole season's worth of league games. Pellegrini lost to Watford at home last season and anyone who remembers that above his winning a double or remembers it more is a Muppet.
Wigan mate, we nearly lost to Watford....

He also said Pep was still at Barca a few posts ago

I just didn't want to be the pedantic one :)
chris85mcfc said:
flb said:
I'm with Mr A on this to be fair, we have no option but to give him the benefit of the doubt to see if he can turn it around, whether its wrong or right remains to be seen as there is no doubt in my mind who will be our next manager and that man is Pep. We get rid of Manuel and appoint a new manager then he will be given a minimum of two seasons to apply his ideas and new players on the team-by which time the Pep boat will most likely have sailed as i just don't see him renewing his contract in Germany.

If its a case of taking our bad medicine now for this season and next to get Pep then you can count me in.

I dont see Klopp or Ancelotti coming and Simeone's cheese has slid of his cracker if hi antics at the CL final is anything to go by-he's far from holistic.

Think it's a case of sitting on our hands for long term gains chaps.

With all due respect, he was all for seeing him get the chop a couple of days ago

In the cold light of day mate when you look who is available or who would come in mid season then we are kidding ourselves if we think Pep,Klopp etc would entertain us, listen we are all pissed off but realistically we have no other option.

Iv'e thrown my dummy out of the pram on many occasions with City and I still feel mistakes have been made on the pitch and on player recruitment but if it means we hit the jackpot with somebody like Pep then I'm willing to stick some gaffer tape over my trap to stop me shouting about it.

Pretty certain this sums up Mr A's view on things aswell mate.
chris85mcfc said:
With all due respect, he was all for seeing him get the chop a couple of days ago

Don't be a twat and put words in my mouth bud. Makes you look really insecure about your own opinions. Here's what I said:

The QPR game changed my mind. I didn't think our problems would multiply in the league and what i said was that there was no way he'd go because there's no way we'd slip out of the top 3.

Looking at our current form, if we don't pick up max points from Swansea/Southampton we could well end up out of the top 3. More importantly two huge games in which we needed to see some sort of reaction in the last week, we saw the opposite.

The guy's under serious serious pressure now and has two weeks to figure a path out of the mess that's being created.

That was in response to you saying "thought you said there's no way he'd go".

So where in that post does it say I'm all for seeing him get the chop? It clearly says that we're currently in a mess, and IF it doesn't improve then he could lose his job. Am I denying he's under pressure? No. Am I denying the performances in the last month have not been good enough? No. However equally am I saying "I'm all for him getting sacked"? No. Clearly not.
flb said:
chris85mcfc said:
flb said:
I'm with Mr A on this to be fair, we have no option but to give him the benefit of the doubt to see if he can turn it around, whether its wrong or right remains to be seen as there is no doubt in my mind who will be our next manager and that man is Pep. We get rid of Manuel and appoint a new manager then he will be given a minimum of two seasons to apply his ideas and new players on the team-by which time the Pep boat will most likely have sailed as i just don't see him renewing his contract in Germany.

If its a case of taking our bad medicine now for this season and next to get Pep then you can count me in.

I dont see Klopp or Ancelotti coming and Simeone's cheese has slid of his cracker if hi antics at the CL final is anything to go by-he's far from holistic.

Think it's a case of sitting on our hands for long term gains chaps.

With all due respect, he was all for seeing him get the chop a couple of days ago

In the cold light of day mate when you look who is available or who would come in mid season then we are kidding ourselves if we think Pep,Klopp etc would entertain us, listen we are all pissed off but realistically we have no other option.

Iv'e thrown my dummy out of the pram on many occasions with City and I still feel mistakes have been made on the pitch and on player recruitment but if it means we hit the jackpot with somebody like Pep then I'm willing to stick some gaffer tape over my trap to stop me shouting about it.

Pretty certain this sums up Mr A's view on things aswell mate.

My view is that I don't want him sacked, I want results and performances to improve regardless of who is in charge

Can he re-galvonise the squad to reach the levels of last season performance-wise? I'm not sure

Of course everyone is rightly bemused with what the problem actually is, but like I keep saying unless results pick up then we're just delaying the inevitable, hopefully those results come sooner rather than later
Mister Appointment said:
chris85mcfc said:
With all due respect, he was all for seeing him get the chop a couple of days ago

Don't be a twat and put words in my mouth bud. Makes you look really insecure about your own opinions. Here's what I said:

The QPR game changed my mind. I didn't think our problems would multiply in the league and what i said was that there was no way he'd go because there's no way we'd slip out of the top 3.

Looking at our current form, if we don't pick up max points from Swansea/Southampton we could well end up out of the top 3. More importantly two huge games in which we needed to see some sort of reaction in the last week, we saw the opposite.

The guy's under serious serious pressure now and has two weeks to figure a path out of the mess that's being created.

That was in response to you saying "thought you said there's no way he'd go".

So where in that post does it say I'm all for seeing him get the chop? It clearly says that we're currently in a mess, and IF it doesn't improve then he could lose his job. Am I denying he's under pressure? No. Am I denying the performances in the last month have not been good enough? No. However equally am I saying "I'm all for him getting sacked"? No. Clearly not.


What you have said is pretty much exactly what a lot of other people have said, that if results don't pick up quickly then he could lose his job

But you have also said there is no chance he will be gone mid-season or in the summer

I don't want him sacked, my angle is that if results don't pick up then an unfortunate trend will tell you he will lose his job, whether that be in a few months or in the summer
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