Manuel Pellegrini (cont)

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jaigurugoat said:
Totally inept selection and tactics last night.
The substitutions were also wrong. Navas should have been left on, he was no worse than the rest of them and we needed his pace in the second half.

Navas should not have been taken off because he shouldn't have started.At best,he's an impact sub who should be deployed to finish off tired legs.

It was simply the wrong starting formation yet again.The fact we have nothing even close to Silva is also a major problem.
de niro said:
This has nothing to do with Europe. We have been dire from day one of the season. Dire might be a bit harsh but let's say fucking bobbins. We've shown flashes of where we were last season but flashes get you nowhere. When we were at goodison and went one nil down I didn't flinch.I looked at the players faces,they had a steel in their eyes,a steel of champions elect. I knew they'd win.
This season there is nothing there,no fight,no desire and most of all these champions have no form. Why is that?

Something is very wrong.

^^ This, something is very wrong.
Ducado said:
Benarbia said:
I just think the players have run their course

You were saying more or less the same thing all last season

I have to agree with him though, this team as a core of players looks done. Lets hope we can salvage something out of this season in the league, but lets be realistic, its going to be a struggle with us so low on confidence and playing so poorly. Next summer is huge.
If Txiki and Soriano decide MP is going to go at the end of the season then at least we've got over 6 months to get tapping up replacements.
He will see his contract out, how I feel about that i'm not sure this morning as a lot of alcohol is still addling my brain, lose or even draw at QPR and the knives will be sharpened though
I don't in any way blame the officials for last nights result and nor should we.
yet again the manager set us up wrong. yet again he starts with a 4-4-2 formation.
There was a complete lack of discipline on the pitch a lack of leadership and a collective
lack of desire & fighting spirit.

The manager once again is saying that the players 'lack confidence'. Yes they do.
However when is he (and the Spanish duo) going to realise that they actually lack confidence in him?
The team and their performances are going backwards at an alarming rate and he has no apparent remedy or solutions.
He is bereft of ideas once the 'we will score more than you' strategy doesn't work.

The outcome of the silly, stupid gamble by the the manager to play Silva against Newcastle last week was delivered in full last night.
Without Silva we lack any real movement, guile or creativity. The difference he makes to the team is immense and cannot be under estimated.
To play him against Newcastle when they were fielding 18 year old youth team players beggars belief. However, you reap what you sow...

To briefly summarise: The stop gap manager we now have is floundering. He is way, way out of his depth at CL level. The players have realised
this the fans (or most of them) are now starting to realise this and more importantly our opponents on each occasion realise this.

Unfortunately we have no choice but to stick with him until the end of the season, hope against hope we manage to finish in the top 3 in the PL and then
replace him and some of the under performing players and move on.
Pellegrini is clueless .. he said he doesnt understand why the players didnt perform .. well if he was a football guru he'd know that our defensive lines were wrong ..

we need a top coach right now.
TGR said:
I don't in any way blame the officials for last nights result and nor should we.
yet again the manager set us up wrong. yet again he starts with a 4-4-2 formation.
There was a complete lack of discipline on the pitch a lack of leadership and a collective
lack of desire & fighting spirit.

The manager once again is saying that the players 'lack confidence'. Yes they do.
However when is he (and the Spanish duo) going to realise that they actually lack confidence in him?
The team and their performances are going backwards at an alarming rate and he has no apparent remedy or solutions.
He is bereft of ideas once the 'we will score more than you' strategy doesn't work.

The outcome of the silly, stupid gamble by the the manager to play Silva against Newcastle last week was delivered in full last night.
Without Silva we lack any real movement, guile or creativity. The difference he makes to the team is immense and cannot be under estimated.
To play him against Newcastle when they were fielding 18 year old youth team players beggars belief. However, you reap what you sow...

To briefly summarise: The stop gap manager we now have is floundering. He is way, way out of his depth at CL level. The players have realised
this the fans (or most of them) are now starting to realise this and more importantly our opponents on each occasion realise this.

Unfortunately we have no choice but to stick with him until the end of the season, hope against hope we manage to finish in the top 3 in the PL and then
replace him and some of the under performing players and move on.

I agree with what you have said that tactically we are very one dimensional. There was an interview with Milner last night before the game, where he actually said something along the lines of "the manager tells us to play are way, attack going forward" this was picked up on by one of the pundits who seemed to say that there is no plan b when plan a is not working.

That seems to be the case, along with formation and attitude. This whole scenario is similar to that when Mancini was in charge, the players should be up for these games as all players should, however the attitude displayed is showing maybe they do not agree with what they are being told or how they are being set up for the games ahead.

This weekend is actually now bigger than some may realise, if the team do not go out and perform and start putting things right on the pitch then they definitely have a problem with the manager. A team like with the players we have can have a hangover for maybe 2 games at most to lose, and then it wild be addressed and put right because that is what the top managers do and the players when they want to pay for him.

Ours has gone on now for too long.
feedthegloat said:
A definition of stupidity must be doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

A smart coach would have watched the lesson that Bayern gave us when we played 442 and come to the conclusion that we needed to change to succeed in Europe. Instead Pellegrini ploughs on with his chosen formation regardless. It's reaching the stage where I'm starting to worry that he has too much invested in 442 to consider changing it, and it's going to cust him his job.
Support Pellegrini or not, the manager takes a portion of the blame for bad results and performances, it's the way of football, always has been.
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