Marc-Andre ter Stegen

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Blue Moon is unforgiving and a vehicle to vent but, I think as a fanbase we all acknowledge that these guys are human and mistakes will be made.
The "lady" who sits behind me doesn't seem to appreciate that fact at all, her noneplus accent, clearly a product of the university, devoid of any northern twag, screaming come on Joe kick it whenever the ball is within 30yrd of him. Of the old boy three seats to my right, screwing his face up to the point of him looking every bit a stroke victim, snarling something about shampoo and bimbo girlfriends every time he punches the ball clear as apposed to catching it....I suppose it's part of the reason I defend him so much on here, I'm subject to Joe bashing every home match.
It'd certainly help us in regards to getting up the pitch quicker rather than taking an age which we normally do, thus giving the opposition time to get back in numbers.
It would pal yeah, but if it's quick up the pitch we're after the tinker man shows the's a 50-70yrd pass from the keeper over the top to a fast striker. Worked wonders last season, got Rafa's Liverpool a 2nd place finish too.
One of the most frustrating sights in recent seasons to me is watching the slow build up, finishing with a wing back over lap and a cut out cross. I really hope in the attacking third the ball is sped up under Pep.
I agree 100%

Apparently, we have now decided to not bring in a new keeper. I'm guessing Pep is really impressed with Joe. He is passionate and a really hard worker, I don't see why he wouldn't improve and fit Pep's system, like you sad he doesn't need Silva's eye for a pass.

Maybe we were in for another keeper to provide competition for Hart which I'm all for. He can either step up and prove his worth or lose his place. In that case I believe he would step up.

Due to a few mistakes, everyone is overlooking Hart. The problem is that when he makes a mistake it is big news but when other keepers make mistakes, nobody bats an eye. The point is all keepers make mistakes. Go to youtube and type in Buffon mistakes or Neuer mistakes and you will all see that these keepers are also human.

Hart is one of the top keepers in the world. He won the golden glove 3 years in a row playing under Mancini and has 4 in total (tied for most in history with Cech). He was one clean sheet away last season playing in a defense that was unorganized and kept changing with Kompany injured most of the season.

Hart has performed in big games and produced some of the best ever performances for a keeper in the CL.

Joe has also saved penalties from Messi, Zlatan, Lampard and Ronaldihno to name a few.

This season we will be defending as a team which will make Hart's job much easier. He will have a great season IMO.

I don't think anyone here who thinks we need to get ter Stegen or a keeper like him gives two shits about any high profile mistakes Hart has made for England in the last 3 months. It's not about that.

It's about having watched Barcelona and Bayern Munich, and having watched Joe, and realising that, as much as we love Hart, as great a shot stopper as he can be, and as much as he's been at the club for a decade - he can't do the job Guardiola wants his keepers to do, and that's that.

Eventually people will see that, whether it's in 3 weeks or next summer. Hart won't be number 1 when Guardiola leaves.
I don't think anyone here who thinks we need to get ter Stegen or a keeper like him gives two shits about any high profile mistakes Hart has made for England in the last 3 months. It's not about that.

It's about having watched Barcelona and Bayern Munich, and having watched Joe, and realising that, as much as we love Hart, as great a shot stopper as he can be, and as much as he's been at the club for a decade - he can't do the job Guardiola wants his keepers to do, and that's that.

Eventually people will see that, whether it's in 3 weeks or next summer. Hart won't be number 1 when Guardiola leaves.

I believe having defenders that open up and are ready to receive the ball as well as being comfortable on it is more important.

Hart hasn't even played a minute under Pep and you are already sure he can't do the job Pep wants him to do.

Have you thought about Pep adapting his philosophy? If this was so important, don't you think Pep would of made a ball playing keeper the #1 transfer target and paid what ever Barcelona were asking for a keeper like ter Stegen? Or we would of went for another keeper and secured him? I mean we have got most of our targets so far other than Laporte who backed out last minute.

We were linked with many keepers but nothing concrete exactly. No news of bids, no new developments, etc. If this was as important to Pep as you say, we would of got a ball playing keeper by now. That's the bottom line.
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Fella, although I have just enjoyed you Rafa esk rant, 1+1 =2....that's a fact. Yours is an opioion, wether stat based or generally recognised, it's an opioion. Who's the best band ever? Greatest president of the USA...opinions.
I will say this, to you and damalino, to who I apologise to for calling a prick, the base of the 'argument' is basically I think that
a) too much emphasis is being placed on the keepers ability to play the ball as an outfielder would in Pep's system simply because although we can look over his previous teams, he's never played in a league as diverse in style and as close in competition as ours. He hopefully will have no issues and his tried and tested "ticka taka" will work, I however feel he will have to adapt a lot of what he has learnt to suit our league. I think the high intesity and pressing will work, but other aspects may not.
b) if all the emphasis is placed on Jo's ability to play the ball out from the back to start each passage of play I feel he's more than capable of doing so, with practise and the confidence of know there's more than one option available to him.
c) Jo's previous efforts on and off the field with us over the years should afford him more confidence and support from our fans.

good post
I believe having defenders that open up and are ready to receive the ball as well as being comfortable on it is more important.

Hart hasn't even played a minute under Pep and you are already sure he can't do the job he wants him to do.

Have you thought about Pep adapting his philosophy? If this was so important, don't you think Pep would of made a ball playing keeper the #1 transfer target and paid what ever Barcelona were asking for a keeper like ter Stegen? Or we would of went for another keeper and secured him? I mean we have got most of our targets so far other than Laporte who backed out last minute.

We were linked with many keepers but nothing concrete exactly. No news of bids, no new developments, etc. If this was as important to Pep as you say, we would of got a ball playing keeper by now. That's the bottom line.

some transfers take longer than others. Pep clearly thinks we desperately need a CB this summer because we've chased Laporte, Bonucci and Stones, but we haven't signed one yet have we? So how is it "the bottom line?"

By all accounts we are simply waiting for the Barcelona situation to play out before picking off the keeper they piss off. Either ter Stegen gets to start all games and we sign Bravo, or ter Stegen doesn't start and he leaves.

If we haven't got a new keeper in the squad by 4th September I'll be surprised.

And do I think pep will change his style of football? No. He said as much himself in his interviews - he has belief in a way of playing and he's come to prove football can be played his way in England.
some transfers take longer than others. Pep clearly thinks we desperately need a CB this summer because we've chased Laporte, Bonucci and Stones, but we haven't signed one yet have we? So how is it "the bottom line?"

By all accounts we are simply waiting for the Barcelona situation to play out before picking off the keeper they piss off. Either ter Stegen gets to start all games and we sign Bravo, or ter Stegen doesn't start and he leaves.

If we haven't got a new keeper in the squad by 4th September I'll be surprised.

And do I think pep will change his style of football? No. He said as much himself in his interviews - he has belief in a way of playing and he's come to prove football can be played his way in England.

I didn't say Pep will change his style. I believe he will adjust his style to fit the team, not making drastic changes but making small adjustments.

The difference is that there have been stories about our links to CBs almost every single day and the talks with Stones are obviously still ongoing.

On the other hand, all signs point to no keeper coming. We have been linked with both Bravo and ter Stegen before. In the last day or so ter Stegen has tweeted things like "Preparing for a long season!" and "First training with @LucasDigne Welcome to the @FCBarcelona family" with nothing but smiles in the pictures. Looks pretty happy to me.

Luis Enrique has also said yesterday: "Someone leaving does not worry me in the slightest," "We have Ter Stegen, Bravo and Masip - three great goalkeepers who behave in a perfect manner and they are under contract....That is still the case - after several seasons we do not have any problem." Quotes from and other news outlets have run the same story.

Also Barcelona haven't been linked with any keepers. Maybe ter Stegen has been given the La Liga games and Bravo has accepted the cup games. We'll see.

It looks like both Bravo and ter Stegen will stay as of now.
I didn't say Pep will change his style. I believe he will adjust his style to fit the team, not making drastic changes but making small adjustments.

The difference is that there have been stories about our links to CBs almost every single day and the talks with Stones are obviously still ongoing.

On the other hand, all signs point to no keeper coming. We have been linked with both Bravo and ter Stegen before. In the last day or so ter Stegen has tweeted things like "Preparing for a long season!" and "First training with @LucasDigne Welcome to the @FCBarcelona family" with nothing but smiles in the pictures. Looks pretty happy to me.

Luis Enrique has also said yesterday: "Someone leaving does not worry me in the slightest," "We have Ter Stegen, Bravo and Masip - three great goalkeepers who behave in a perfect manner and they are under contract....That is still the case - after several seasons we do not have any problem." Quotes from and other news outlets have run the same story.

Also Barcelona haven't been linked with any keepers. Maybe ter Stegen has been given the La Liga games and Bravo has accepted the cup games. We'll see.

It looks like both Bravo and ter Stegen will stay as of now.

A) There have been links to about 20 different keepers this window more goalkeepers than Centrebacks. And the rumours started as soon as Pep was announced, because Hart so clearly won't fit.

B) What ter Stegens social media team upload means fuck all, really unless you're 11 you should know better than that.

C) A manager not wanting to sell a player, and saying so in the media? NO way! I guess we never signed KDB or Sané then.

D) Barcelona have been very heavily linked with Diego Alves.

And not having a keeper who can play on the ball would be the most drastic change Pep has ever made. It would mean changing everything, from the way his teams build up, to how they defend. It would stop him using a high line, it would stop him from having an intense press. Most of the things that are signatures of guardiola sides would have to go.
A) There have been links to about 20 different keepers this window more goalkeepers than Centrebacks. And the rumours started as soon as Pep was announced, because Hart so clearly won't fit.

B) What ter Stegens social media team upload means fuck all, really unless you're 11 you should know better than that.

C) A manager not wanting to sell a player, and saying so in the media? NO way! I guess we never signed KDB or Sané then.

D) Barcelona have been very heavily linked with Diego Alves.

And not having a keeper who can play on the ball would be the most drastic change Pep has ever made. It would mean changing everything, from the way his teams build up, to how they defend. It would stop him using a high line, it would stop him from having an intense press. Most of the things that are signatures of guardiola sides would have to go.
A) Contradicts what you've said in B)
We've been linked with 20 keepers on social media, nothing concrete.
Come on pal, there's really no budging your stance on Joe? Dyou honestly think he's so surplus? There's no chance the lad will improve his distribution?
'Experts' who say "sterling will improve under Pep, he's 8-10 years of top level playing left"...Harts got 8-10 years of top level playing left, why can't the same apply?
A) Contradicts what you've said in B)
We've been linked with 20 keepers on social media, nothing concrete.
Come on pal, there's really no budging your stance on Joe? Dyou honestly think he's so surplus? There's no chance the lad will improve his distribution?
'Experts' who say "sterling will improve under Pep, he's 8-10 years of top level playing left"...Harts got 8-10 years of top level playing left, why can't the same apply?
who are these experts?
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