March for the Alternative-26th March

Skashion said:
malg said:
I don't particularly care what he's earning, I was just using it as a point to all those who come on here slagging off the Tories as 'toffs' but who were happy to vote for someone who is a toff himself. Furthermore, if they are members of a union, they were financially backing the tosser as well. I just see it as hypocritical.
When you understand what the word toff means maybe you'll contribute intelligently. Haven't money doesn't make you a toff. David Cameron with his royal connections, which he has used, is.
Jesus H......OK, let's just put it to bed - Blair was/is/always will be a lying **** who ruined this country. Is that what you would define as an intelligent contribution?

Oh, and by the way, Blair's lifestyle definitely makes him a toff in my book.
malg said:
Jesus H......OK, let's just put it to bed - Blair was/is/always will be a lying **** who ruined this country. Is that what you would define as an intelligent contribution?

Oh, and by the way, Blair's lifestyle definitely makes him a toff in my book.
Not really, you failed to say what he lied about and how he ruined the country. Your opinion of that may differ from someone else's, just as it differs as whether you think Thatcher destroyed the country or rescued it. If you can make a logical argument in favour of one over the other which is substantiated by impartial evidence, then yes, it's an intelligent contribution. Otherwise, no.

He earned money and spent it, wow, fucking toff.
Lucky Toma said:
I heartily applaud all who are travelling - at their own expense - and marching to protest against something they are politically opposed to.

I'd like to ask all on here who are backing this non-elected Government and placing the blame upon the previous elected Government - considering your very apparent and genuine ire towards Blair and Labour...did you yourselves go into the streets and protest? Or did you merely sit and grumble about it on the internet?

Because if its the former you really havent got the right to belittle these BM posters who are walking the walk and not just talking the talk.

Excellent post, excellent LT

They just read the Daily Mail and tutted
DeanC said:
Why not protest against the councils who are cutting front line services rather than getting rid of all the none essential jobs like a "Nuclear Free local Authorities Secretariat" or a "Facebook and Twitter tsar". I'm sure we can survive without these and all the other non jobs! How did we ever survive without them.

These jobs....and some of the other 'daft' ones like equalities supervisor etc (youve read them all in the Daily Mail) are put into place because the Government at the Time tells them to do it...thats why even on Conservative councils you have these positions.

its not the councils fault .......however the Daily Mail and current bunch of liars thieves and cheats want you to believe it is.
Bugs Bunny said:
Bugger! I was hoping to take the Mrs down to London that weekend for a stay in a nice hotel & to take in a show. Think I'll give it a miss now. Surely the TUC could have held it on a weekday instead as the only people who will be going will be students & those who can't be arsed getting a job and it wouldn't have made any difference to them.

I think you should look up what the TUC is.
To the best of my knowledge, the unemployed are not members of a paticular Trade (note the word) Union, so the overwhelming majority of those out in protest at OUR services being cut will be those that are in employment, some in the public sector, some in the private sector, but ALL standing to defend the services we ALL rely on to one degree or another.
Just thought i'd revive this thread and encourage anyone who can to make the effort to get to the protest on the 26th.

I'll be there with hopefully a large contingent of PCS members. It's so important that this march is well attended and that we show this Con-Dem government that we wont stand for their idealogically driven assault on ordinary working people.

See you on the embankment.
I will be there wearing this snazzy little number.

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