March for the Alternative-26th March

Ronnie the Rep said:
tueartsboots said:
That link was sick !

Joke !!!!!!!!!!! We talk about PMs and ..............................<br /><br />-- Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:55 am --<br /><br /><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> afterwards 10 mins from Euston
tueartsboots said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Joke !!!!!!!!!!! We talk about PMs and ..............................

-- Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:55 am --

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> afterwards 10 mins from Euston

Easy for me on the northern line
denislawsbackheel said:
I shall be in front of the tv with a few cans and crisps watching Sky news showing us the police bludgeoning the nutters who think they can change this govt's plans.

So you think that the police that face losing their jobs or at best having their terms and conditions of service destroyed are going to attack those that are protesting against the Tory led coalition destroying ALL public services?

Thatcher had a majority
B.liar had a majority
Call me Dave does not have a majority.
Therefore by putting pressure on the sell outs in the Lie.Dems could well lead to the grass root members of the LiB Dems putting enough pressure on their parliamentary party to withdraw from the coalition before even more damage is done to their party = the fal of the current government and a general election.
Which would lead to another hung parliament! Ace

And the arse falling out of the markets. Great

And more jobs being lost. Awesome!!
SWP's back said:
Which would lead to another hung parliament! Ace

And the arse falling out of the markets. Great

And more jobs being lost. Awesome!!

If the Lib dems do badly in Mays election, there will most likely be a backlash and force Clegg to back away from the coalition and thus forcing another election anyway. All we are asking is to slow down, not stop the cuts. If they don't change there will be national strikes come the summer which will be far worse for the economy
SWP's back said:
Which would lead to another hung parliament! Ace

And the arse falling out of the markets. Great

And more jobs being lost. Awesome!!

The causes of this global financial crisis have many origons, including the financial markets, the causes in this country have a number of origons, including the financial markets and the boom in property prices fed by the lack of affordable social housing, partially brought about by thatcher selling off the same social housing, leading to the buy to let merchants, though after thatcher Major carried this on, as did Phony B.liar and Mr Broon.
2,700,000 people are currently unemployed. That is BEFORE the "austerity" measures take full effect.
Some economists reckon that for every public sector job to go, 0.75 of a private sector job is lost. or to put it another way, if the plans to cut the public sector by 600,000 carry on, 400,000 private sector jobs will go, so the welfare budget will have ONE MILLION MORE people claiming benefit and HMRC will have ONE MILLION less peoples taxation to spend.
The idea that these jobs will be "non-jobs" dreamed up will not be the case, but will be the street cleaners, the lollipop men and women that ensure our childrens safety, the classroom assistants, nurses, doctors, policemen and women, soldiers, sailors and airmen, staff in the local jobcentre that are having to deal with those that have lost their jobs, meaning that those that are left will have to deal with more claims to JSA etc in less time leading to more mistakes, fewer checks being made to highlight fraud and error.
These cuts are going far too far and far too fast and are placing this countrys economy at far too great a risk.
That is why on Saturday I will be proudly Marching for the Alternative.
"From each by their means, To each by their needs."

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