March for the Alternative-26th March

Seosa said:
Not surprising to see 3 of the biggest cunts on Bluemoon marching in the twat parade, and before anybody asks, yes it does hurt calling fellow Blues cunts and twats, but face fact; the Public sector have had it feckin' easy as they always do under Labour and the gold plated wages and pensions of Public Sector workers are just many of the contributors to the shit financial state this country's in.
Suck it and weep like the rest of the country has had to and work hard like everyone else!!!

If you knew anything about me, and or my employment history, then I MIGHT just take your poisonous statements with a WEE bit of credibility.
If you had worked in a "see production through" factory before the working time directive, if you had suffered ill health due to poor ventilation in a dyehouse in the textile industry, if you had had people try to murder you because of your job, then I would take you seriously.
I dont think you have, therefore I will continue to fight for a just and fair land for ALL that live in the united kingdom, not just the ruling elite.
As the moderator didn't reply to my PM I'll post. I was going to ignore Seosa's comments as I've heard what he's like away from Bluemoon in the real world and that gives me a smug enough smile to laugh off his comments however going off la74's post I don't want him to possible wind up any other blues. If he wishes to throw such poisonous personal comments around and no action is taken then I believe it's only fair he has some thrown back.
law74 said:
Seosa said:
Not surprising to see 3 of the biggest cunts on Bluemoon marching in the twat parade, and before anybody asks, yes it does hurt calling fellow Blues cunts and twats, but face fact; the Public sector have had it feckin' easy as they always do under Labour and the gold plated wages and pensions of Public Sector workers are just many of the contributors to the shit financial state this country's in.
Suck it and weep like the rest of the country has had to and work hard like everyone else!!!

If you knew anything about me, and or my employment history, then I MIGHT just take your poisonous statements with a WEE bit of credibility.
If you had worked in a "see production through" factory before the working time directive, if you had suffered ill health due to poor ventilation in a dyehouse in the textile industry, if you had had people try to murder you because of your job, then I would take you seriously.
I dont think you have, therefore I will continue to fight for a just and fair land for ALL that live in the united kingdom, not just the ruling elite.
You're quite right he wouldn't have done that as he's still in education. One of his female peers who is a mutual friend which I found out when he added me on Facebook (he was soon deleted after a few days) had a few choice words to say about him. Let's just say he hardly has his way with the ladies and takes after a certain Family Guy character... minus the sexual action and charm... should probably also ignore any adverts looking for male models. I don't want to get too personal and post what I've been told however I believe we should just laugh his post off and giggle at his personal insults.
Should be a good un.

The cuts are starting to hit and people are realising the naked tory dogma affecting us all.
Ronnie the Rep said:
mat said:
Should be a good un.

The cuts are starting to hit and people are realising the naked tory dogma affecting us all.

so you think Labour wouldn't have cut? get a grip!!

Nowhere near as quick or deep as the tories have in the name of "Cuts", more of a get rich quick scheme for Cameron and his tory mates.
I am going, of course. I hope it will be a historic day in our nation's proud history.

I also hope that it will (eventually) bring down this deeply uncaring "I'm alright Jack because I'm a millionaire' unelected, sham government.

If not for those reasons, I will go to London and feel nothing but sweet sorrow for micro-capitalist Walter Mitty types like BB2 and Sugarloaf who will no doubt be sitting at home swelling with bombastic pride whilst jamming their fingers in their ears to blot out the deafening roar of the snowball of reality that is heading their way.
BTH said:
I am going, of course. I hope it will be a historic day in our nation's proud history.

I also hope that it will (eventually) bring down this deeply uncaring "I'm alright Jack because I'm a millionaire' unelected, sham government.

If not for those reasons, I will go to London and feel nothing but sweet sorrow for micro-capitalist Walter Mitty types like BB2 and Sugarloaf who will no doubt be sitting at home swelling with bombastic pride whilst jamming their fingers in their ears to blot out the deafening roar of the snowball of reality that is heading their way.
Oh how you must long for those halcyon days of citizen Brown. When all was well with the world and we could run it all up on the never never. Such a shame now that we're all having to pick up the tab.
seosa ( formerly known as SEH) I take it you class me as one of BMs biggest cunts, as OP, would love to know why? Don't think I've ever had any interaction with you and certainly not on a personal level.

Somebody may need to quote me as I understand the sad little person has foed me ! Foed ffs, Tis but an internet forum.
Bugger! I was hoping to take the Mrs down to London that weekend for a stay in a nice hotel & to take in a show. Think I'll give it a miss now. Surely the TUC could have held it on a weekday instead as the only people who will be going will be students & those who can't be arsed getting a job and it wouldn't have made any difference to them.

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