March for the Alternative-26th March

don't be ridiculous

encouraged is an understatement

giving easy credit to the skint = the rich bastards to blame
kronkonite said:
giving easy credit to the skint = the rich bastards to blame

People have to take responsibility for their own actions.

The credit institutions should take responsibility for making credit too easily available to those without the means to repay it. However, those in debt also share an equal part of the blame for borrowing money that they knew they couldn't afford to pay back.
PhuketBlue said:
kronkonite said:
giving easy credit to the skint = the rich bastards to blame

People have to take responsibility for their own actions.

The credit institutions should take responsibility for making credit too easily available to those without the means to repay it. However, those in debt also share an equal part of the blame for borrowing money that they knew they couldn't afford to pay back.

The financial institutions failing to regulate (or be regulated) who they loan to and how much was a major problem for at least 10 years leading to the spiraling cost of housing, and the limits of 2.5 - 3 times gross annual earnings being increased to 5 times and 125% mortgage's were a scandal, however if you are trying to borrow money then it is ultimately up to you to ensure that you have the means to repay the money.
Well i must admit,iam ashamed to see "fellow" mancs chatting so much shite.
To the people who say we could do without the unemployed,i hope you or none off your family end up with out a job.
I was told when i left school to get a trade,which i did,worked solided for 22yrs,but got laid off last years,i was on good dough and paid all taxes.
But the building industry is on its arse,iam not a loony leftie but a proud working class manc,we use to be proud off this,but its a case fuk you jack iam alrite now,and no i wont be goin on the march £62 every two weeks dsnt go very far.
PhuketBlue said:
kronkonite said:
giving easy credit to the skint = the rich bastards to blame

People have to take responsibility for their own actions.

The credit institutions should take responsibility for making credit too easily available to those without the means to repay it. However, those in debt also share an equal part of the blame for borrowing money that they knew they couldn't afford to pay back.

And so should those who flooded the economies of the world with cheap money. Afterall that is at the very centre of the whole housing bubble/overly speculative mess.

But of course those that fumble around for regulations at every turn (see above) either don't understand or don't want others to understand this.
bollocks capitalism is built on fleecing the poorest most

the less you can afford to repay the more you'll have to repay

those that lend to those that can't borrow i e brighthouse (i'm going to fucking fuck that shop over)
should be told by legislation that their loan books are illegal
and they're not getting a fucking penny
kronkonite said:
bollocks capitalism is built on fleecing the poorest most

the less you can afford to repay the more you'll have to repay

those that lend to those that can't borrow i e brighthouse (i'm going to fucking fuck that shop over)
should be told by legislation that their loan books are illegal
and they're not getting a fucking penny

If people can afford to pay back the finance to companies like Brighthouse, then surley they can afford to save up a few quid a week in the first place to buy what they want. They could do this, but for many they just can't be arsed.
Bugs Bunny said:
kronkonite said:
bollocks capitalism is built on fleecing the poorest most

the less you can afford to repay the more you'll have to repay

those that lend to those that can't borrow i e brighthouse (i'm going to fucking fuck that shop over)
should be told by legislation that their loan books are illegal
and they're not getting a fucking penny

If people can afford to pay back the finance to companies like Brighthouse, then surley they can afford to save up a few quid a week in the first place to buy what they want. They could do this, but for many they just can't be arsed.

But it is not always possible to save up for things, like if you have a couple of young kids and the washing machine packs up, or you need a car for work and the engine blows etc etc
I am hoping to start saving shortly for a new motor as mine is now 7 years old, but as I am still paying off the previous loan it will be very hard to find much spare cash (especially as everything is rising apart from wages)

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