Mario, time to say goodbye?

what a pile of horseshit this thread is.

yes to cavani, but instead of herman munster.

balo is a rare talent, and the edge can be knocked off his temprament.
Can't believe this thread not only is mario a fantastic player he is also big box office and the more I've watched the clip of the so called stamp the more I would like to drive to the fa and take a shit on someones desk.he has been shafted big style the sending off at Liverpool was a utter joke and most of his yellows are for nothing challenges.Get behind him
It should be quite clear that if he does have to leave - and sadly it might come to that - it will be almost entirely due to the quite unjustified hounding he is receiving.

It is quite clear that there are some (many?) in the Man.City fanbase - at least those who post on this forum - who would actually want that to happen.

Whatever the reasons, double standards abound in football.

If it were a player such as Alan Shearer or Paul Scholes who had been guilty of the possibly intended stamp in the Spurs match, it would have been a very very good bet that the FA would have done nothing, giving the player the "benefit of the doubt". Because they of course are iconic figures who are supposed to represent the best of British football/sport/character - courageous, hard working, sportrmanlike etc.etc.

Yet I remember Shearer kicking the head of an opposing player, with a much more obvious intent than Balo's stamp. Nothing was done, FA decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Player's such as Mario will never get that from the FA or the Media.

The media have an ambiguous attitude to players such as Balo. On the one hand they make them into hate figures, constantly producing lists of their "moments of shame" (see the Sun today - I don't buy the rag, but read it in my local cafe). On the other they really need them to sell papers, because an EPL composed entirely of Scholes type personalities would be much less interesting.

And it seems there are some on this forum who want to see City represented only by Shearer/Scholes types. If more of this hounding goes on they may get their wish.
Reminds me of RAWK. Suarez is a victim etc etc

No, Mario is not a victim of England. He is a victim of his own poor decisions. He can get a fair shake in England if he stops doing stupid things that get him carded.

Look at the way Aguero, Dzeko and Silva play. You never see any controversy surrounding what they do. It's no coincidence that they avoid being targets of the refs and the FA. Dzeko in particular initiates more physical contact than Mario and doesn't get targeted. Why? Because he acts professionally.

This Suarez siege mentality crap makes me sick.
I love the guy, but this will keep on happening, not just because he doesn’t really help himself, but even when he is innocent, he NEVER gets the benefit of the doubt - as they say, ‘give a dog a bad name'. It costs us, it costs him and eventually we have to face the fact that through a mixture if idiocy and prejudice, we would be better off with a ‘safer’ and more ‘politically acceptable’ player. It’s a sad state of affairs, but there’s not much we can do about it apart from sign a Michael Owen type clone who the FA can wank over and who could commit anal rape on the pitch and not be charged.
Vieira is the man here to have a word with Mario. He suffered at the beginning of his career at Arsenal and his reputation got him in a lot of trouble. He matured and overcame them to become one helluva player.

Keep Mario and get Cavani in the summer.
Blue Haze said:
Reminds me of RAWK. Suarez is a victim etc etc

No, Mario is not a victim of England. He is a victim of his own poor decisions. He can get a fair shake in England if he stops doing stupid things that get him carded.

Look at the way Aguero, Dzeko and Silva play. You never see any controversy surrounding what they do. It's no coincidence that they avoid being targets of the refs and the FA. Dzeko in particular initiates more physical contact than Mario and doesn't get targeted. Why? Because he acts professionally.

This Suarez siege mentality crap makes me sick.

You are missing the POINT Haze. Balo is michevious, he gets into trouble. Fine, no problem, ban him for 2-3-4 games whatever you like. The problem is why are ENGLISH players who play for England getting away with it? It's inconsistency, its NOT FAIR PLAY as FIFA rule. We don't need to list all the times the FA have been biased, just look at Crouch with intent to harm just now which is not being pursued?!!

There is no protection for players in England against the FA and there is sooo much inconsistency that is frankly embarrassing and a joke and the weight Premier League football has around the world is about to diminish and no huge International stars (likes of Aguero, Van Persie, Silva etc) will not want to play here and I wouldn't blame them.
MCC said:
Vieira is the man here to have a word with Mario. He suffered at the beginning of his career at Arsenal and his reputation got him in a lot of trouble. He matured and overcame them to become one helluva player.

Keep Mario and get Cavani in the summer.
I agree. Paddy's wise words have helped Micah enormously, perhaps he can help Mario too?
Blue Haze said:
Reminds me of RAWK. Suarez is a victim etc etc

No, Mario is not a victim of England. He is a victim of his own poor decisions. He can get a fair shake in England if he stops doing stupid things that get him carded.

Look at the way Aguero, Dzeko and Silva play. You never see any controversy surrounding what they do. It's no coincidence that they avoid being targets of the refs and the FA. Dzeko in particular initiates more physical contact than Mario and doesn't get targeted. Why? Because he acts professionally.

This Suarez siege mentality crap makes me sick.
Well, I, for one, am not a Man.City fan, and I'm also not defending Balo - he does do stupid immature things, but then so do many 21 year olds.

And every club has siege mentality fans - every club has fans who believe the FA/refs/the media/world etc. is against them.

But the double standards in the treatment of individual players are quite clear when you look at the way they have been treated by the FA

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