Mario, time to say goodbye?

Can we win the title with him first please.

The dogs are loose on this forum.

2 trophies to win.

This guy starts thinking about ditching a great talent. Unbelievable.
Dave S said:
indifferent said:
I can't understand why so many folks on this forum think Mario is a class. Yes, I like his personality too but wake up people, he's at the best just an average player. Nine goals in 15 games two of which are penalty kicks. He has no assists, very slow to get up, lazy to help defenders, not creative, one red card and four yellows. Because of all this and his lack of discipline he does not have positive influence on the team.

Take a look on some stats where smarter people than us measure overall player performance:
Mario is rated 153rd player in the Premier League on EA Sports Player Performance Index and 766th place worldwide on Full Castrol Edge football rankings. He is well below the rest of the key figures in the team.

If it was up to me, Mario could leave like yesterday, it wouldn't hurt the team a one bit.
Not wrong IMO.

Ahhhhh those castrol rankings. Adebayor and van buyten joint 7th. Sturridge 19th, Aguero 21st, xavi and iniesta in the late 20s. There really is no arguing with those rankings.
i know bluemoon represents the major moaners among city fans... maybe city hasnt become such a big club for its fans to mature enough to understand that this italian boy named mario balotelli is the next big thing in football...
this coming from a juventus fan who has been following city since paulo wanchope days as i hated united!!.......... i have seen mario's matches in serie a and i have also seen rooney for everton... rooney will never be a player mario is going to b next season...
After totti and delpiero,italy had very few talents.. the last italian talent who could have made it big was cassano.. i am sure mario is different to cassano whom i will say is the maddest footballer ever.. balotelli will make it in the big stage...
wait and watch the legend unfold... all these negative posts here are just because the city fans havent seen such a talent develop in front of their eyes... alongwith titles,i hope city fans improve...
albindgreat said:
i know bluemoon represents the major moaners among city fans... maybe city hasnt become such a big club for its fans to mature enough to understand that this italian boy named mario balotelli is the next big thing in football...
this coming from a juventus fan who has been following city since paulo wanchope days as i hated united!!.......... i have seen mario's matches in serie a and i have also seen rooney for everton... rooney will never be a player mario is going to b next season...
After totti and delpiero,italy had very few talents.. the last italian talent who could have made it big was cassano.. i am sure mario is different to cassano whom i will say is the maddest footballer ever.. balotelli will make it in the big stage...
wait and watch the legend unfold... all these negative posts here are just because the city fans havent seen such a talent develop in front of their eyes... alongwith titles,i hope city fans improve...

A bit presumptious and arrogant to come here as a fan of another club and preach to an entire supporter base.

Noone doubts Balotelli's talent. But there are justifiable questions about his temperament. Football is littered with unfullfilled potential and it's madmen like Mario who fall into that trap. Genius and madness are often close in sport.

He has to curb his retaliation and red cards or he's too much of a risk.
well what a very very interesting thread, one question i ask myself when mario is on the pitch is this - when you get pushed, nudged, kicked, goaded in his eyes treated unfairly why do you then act like a child, i just dont get that i know its not easy with people on his case but that is his job, thats what he has been groomed into for probably over 10 years, thats what comes with being financially secure for the rest of your life and treated like a superstar, thats what the owners spending over a billion pound on the club feels like,.......................... dont get me wrong i am not some kind of kill joy fan far far from it, when the supporters around me criticise it does my head in, but i dont want to sell him and dont want to swop him, why simple in my eyes he is a class player all i want him to do for the rest of the season is 3 things

1 - dont sulk when things dont go your way, take a leaf out of Silva's book pick yourself up dust yourself down and go again and then again and then again and then again until you are shattered.
2 - treat your team mates and manager with absolute respect all the time, it is them that keep speaking up of you and singing your praises all the time, why cos they believe in you so believe in them and give 100%
3 - dont change who you are change how you react, its very very different and is something that everyone will appreciate, realise and praise, reacting like you do, is a very very poor reflection on your view on being a professional footballer at the highest level playing for one of the best clubs in the world, surely what comes with that is an expectation that role modelling behaviours such as the likes of silva, Kompany, milner, barry is a minimum we should all expect all the time every time, mario your the man, make it happen i still believe its in your gift

indifferent said:
I can't understand why so many folks on this forum think Mario is a class. Yes, I like his personality too but wake up people, he's at the best just an average player. Nine goals in 15 games two of which are penalty kicks. He has no assists, very slow to get up, lazy to help defenders, not creative, one red card and four yellows. Because of all this and his lack of discipline he does not have positive influence on the team.

Take a look on some stats where smarter people than us measure overall player performance:
Mario is rated 153rd player in the Premier League on EA Sports Player Performance Index and 766th place worldwide on Full Castrol Edge football rankings. He is well below the rest of the key figures in the team.

If it was up to me, Mario could leave like yesterday, it wouldn't hurt the team a one bit.

The Fat el Hombre said:
Dave S said:
indifferent said:
I can't understand why so many folks on this forum think Mario is a class. Yes, I like his personality too but wake up people, he's at the best just an average player. Nine goals in 15 games two of which are penalty kicks. He has no assists, very slow to get up, lazy to help defenders, not creative, one red card and four yellows. Because of all this and his lack of discipline he does not have positive influence on the team.

Take a look on some stats where smarter people than us measure overall player performance:
Mario is rated 153rd player in the Premier League on EA Sports Player Performance Index and 766th place worldwide on Full Castrol Edge football rankings. He is well below the rest of the key figures in the team.

If it was up to me, Mario could leave like yesterday, it wouldn't hurt the team a one bit.
Not wrong IMO.

Ahhhhh those castrol rankings. Adebayor and van buyten joint 7th. Sturridge 19th, Aguero 21st, xavi and iniesta in the late 20s. There really is no arguing with those rankings.
The rankings are based on 12 months, not last few games. You can argue that rankings are of +/- 20 places but not 700. Besides, Mario is very low on EA ratings too. If you have DVR at home just record one game and then watch only what Mario does with or without ball. Just watch him and try to be objective and you'll see. The ratings are not wrong that much.
indifferent said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Dave S said:
Not wrong IMO.

Ahhhhh those castrol rankings. Adebayor and van buyten joint 7th. Sturridge 19th, Aguero 21st, xavi and iniesta in the late 20s. There really is no arguing with those rankings.
The rankings are based on 12 months, not last few games. You can argue that rankings are of +/- 20 places but not 700. Besides, Mario is very low on EA ratings too. If you have DVR at home just record one game and then watch only what Mario does with or without ball. Just watch him and try to be objective and you'll see. The ratings are not wrong that much.

in football there is just one valuable rating , the market price.


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 45146.html</a>

but i'm sure you'll find at least 156 players with an higher price tag , you rag clown.

-- Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:25 pm --

indifferent said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Dave S said:
Not wrong IMO.

Ahhhhh those castrol rankings. Adebayor and van buyten joint 7th. Sturridge 19th, Aguero 21st, xavi and iniesta in the late 20s. There really is no arguing with those rankings.
The rankings are based on 12 months, not last few games. You can argue that rankings are of +/- 20 places but not 700. Besides, Mario is very low on EA ratings too. If you have DVR at home just record one game and then watch only what Mario does with or without ball. Just watch him and try to be objective and you'll see. The ratings are not wrong that much.

in football there is just one valuable rating , the market price.


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 45146.html</a>

but i'm sure you'll find at least 156 players with an higher price tag , you indifferen rag clown.

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