Mark Hughes' exit from Manchester City

Ducado said:
mancity5 said:
Why does supporting City, mean you have to support the wank manager ?

Because you need to accept that any decision to sack him is nothing to do with you or anyone else on here, so what have you got left to do? It seems the ultimate delusion for some people that if they can rant loud enough they will get their own way, if results get worse I am sure he will get the push, but why get yourself all worked up about something you have no control over?

Because I fucking hate him !!!!
browny33 said:
Ducado said:
Because you need to accept that any decision to sack him is nothing to do with you or anyone else on here, so what have you got left to do? It seems the ultimate delusion for some people that if they can rant loud enough they will get their own way, if results get worse I am sure he will get the push, but why get yourself all worked up about something you have no control over?

I'd argue that the opposite is true. If the groundswell of opinion continues that hes not doing a good job it'll definately start creeping in at the game. People power invariably shapes opinion, no manager will ever survive if the majority of fans turn against him. The owners are no fools either, if we're about 7th/8th going into the New Year I don't think they'll be best pleased

Sounds like you want the crowd to get on his back and start a move to force him out rather than urge the fans to get behind the team and the manager. Polls I have seen of late are still in favour of keeping the manager.
Ducado said:
Soulboy said:
Apologies if I mixed you up with someone else... but I find it hard to believe that you've never called for a player's head!

Not really my style mate, I was not keen on Danny Mills, my own opinion is that players and people in general, need more encouragement to improve, rather than abuse.

I am not against debate and I am on record as saying that I am as frustrated with the draws as nearly everyone, however do we really need to keep going over the same old ground day after day, I have never seen blues so divided, and a win tomorrow will just change the pendulum back.

You are clearly fairly unique in the world of City... in that you don't call for a manager's head or for a player to be dumped!

Good on you. At least I can respect someone who is consistent.

I wish I could be like that sometimes!
Soulboy said:
Ducado said:
Not really my style mate, I was not keen on Danny Mills, my own opinion is that players and people in general, need more encouragement to improve, rather than abuse.

I am not against debate and I am on record as saying that I am as frustrated with the draws as nearly everyone, however do we really need to keep going over the same old ground day after day, I have never seen blues so divided, and a win tomorrow will just change the pendulum back.

You are clearly fairly unique in the world of City... in that you don't call for a manager's head or for a player to be dumped!

Good on you. At least I can respect someone who is consistent.

I wish I could be like that sometimes!
I don't agree that he is unique in the world of City but unusual in the world of Blumooners for sure.
kiran111 said:
Gimme me a B..

Gimme an O..

Gimme an L..

Gimme another L..

Gimme another O..

Give me a C..

Gimme a K..

And finally, gimme an S..

What does it spell?....

Mark Hughes...

... now thats funny
Ducado said:
I have never seen blues so divided

I have, several times over the last few years, over far more serious issues... I don't think anyone's organised demonstrations, quit the board or stopped following the club because they couldn't in good conscience go along with what was happening at the club.

The difference is that this is not going away, it's been this way for a year or more now. The only way it will stop is if Hughes delivers concrete success in the league, or he goes. Not being funny, but that's the way it is... at the moment, much like last year, he is more or less treading water, doing the minimum acceptable, staying in touch with our real goals without every really mounting a convincing campaign to achieve them. that mild underachievement in itself draws criticism, it gives those who dislike or disagree with him scope to find fault, and it makes his position look a bit vulnerable, which encourages those who really want him gone to sustain their attacks.
Mourinho landed himself in more hot water last night, he's being very naughty at the moment and is making more enemies by the hour, is he engineering a move to england? mmmmmmmm
Nelly's Left Foot said:
browny33 said:
I'd argue that the opposite is true. If the groundswell of opinion continues that hes not doing a good job it'll definately start creeping in at the game. People power invariably shapes opinion, no manager will ever survive if the majority of fans turn against him. The owners are no fools either, if we're about 7th/8th going into the New Year I don't think they'll be best pleased

Sounds like you want the crowd to get on his back and start a move to force him out rather than urge the fans to get behind the team and the manager. Polls I have seen of late are still in favour of keeping the manager.

Does it? Where? What am I thinking now?

Polls are often wrong, particularly on here. He'll be the Messiah after a win on here and a very naughty boy after a draw, so I wouldn't read to much into them. As I have posted previously, everybody I know that is a City fan is a season ticket holder and everyone of them, including me wants him to succed, and would not boo him or the team whilst at the game. However in general terms once the main bulk of the crowd have turned against you, your stuggling. If we continue the way we're going this will happen.

I think the majority of the crowd are actually Hughes On the Fencers and are yet to be convinced he'll do the job we want him to do, but actually do want him to succeed.
bizzbo said:
Ducado said:
I have never seen blues so divided

I have, several times over the last few years, over far more serious issues... I don't think anyone's organised demonstrations, quit the board or stopped following the club because they couldn't in good conscience go along with what was happening at the club.

The difference is that this is not going away, it's been this way for a year or more now. The only way it will stop is if Hughes delivers concrete success in the league, or he goes. Not being funny, but that's the way it is... at the moment, much like last year, he is more or less treading water, doing the minimum acceptable, staying in touch with our real goals without every really mounting a convincing campaign to achieve them. that mild underachievement in itself draws criticism, it gives those who dislike or disagree with him scope to find fault, and it makes his position look a bit vulnerable, which encourages those who really want him gone to sustain their attacks.

I think you are completely correct in the most part. However, I do think it's too easy to dismiss those who complain as having a prior agenda that's merely encouraged by recent results. If Hughes had done better so far, there would be far fewer people complaining. It really is as simple as that.

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