Mark Hughes' exit from Manchester City

browny33 said:
My twopenneth for what its worth.

I would be surprised if he's sacked before the end of the season unless the wheels come off big time, but I believe internally the target position is Top 4 and possibly a Cup Win.

Whether you or I think that this is unrealistic based on our previous campaigns in the Premier League is neither here nor there. We're talking about owners here that wanted a top class golf tournament in their region, so they built a championship standard gold course in the desert. They wanted formula one so they built a spectacular racing circuit that is unbelievable. Top Six target was designed, IMO, to deflect a little attention away from the squad at the beginning of the season, since then no team has put together a consistant run of wins to move away from the pack making it all the more doable that we can finish in the top 4.

Without taking anything away from the Carling Cup run, the draw has been reasonably kind so far, if Ushited don't play anything like their 1st eleven, the expectation will be to win the Cup now.

I think that unless there is a dramatic sea change in the way the league is going if he doesn't get us top 4 and possibly the Carling Cup, he'll be out at the end of the season.

Progress is relative people, progress based on previous seasons wouldn't be hard to achieve, what the owenrs will want is real progress towards their aim of making us the biggest club in the world, and this season, whether you like it or not is turning into the golden opportunity to push on for Champs League and then realistically go for the Premiership next season. If Hughes can do it then great, if he can't he'll be gone, but as I said at the outset I dont think he'll be sacked before the end of the season unless the wheels seriously come off. The owners won;t do sentiment but they are also business men and now sacking Hughes anytime before the Cup Semi's may do more harm then good.

Post of the thread for me, that.

I agree with all of that.
Nelly's Left Foot said:
I don't agree that he is unique in the world of City but unusual in the world of Blumooners for sure.

Bearing in mind this is by far and away the most popular Manchester City forum:

Please tell us why you make constant comments which suggest that the people on here are somehow different to the supporters who attend the matches.
Didsbury Dave said:
Nelly's Left Foot said:
I don't agree that he is unique in the world of City but unusual in the world of Blumooners for sure.

Bearing in mind this is by far and away the most popular Manchester City forum:

Please tell us why you make constant comments which suggest that the people on here are somehow different to the supporters who attend the matches.

I can't answer why nelly constantly does it, but when you're in the ground its a completely differnet vibe from here. I'd say the majority of posters on BM aren't regular matchday attenders... thats not a dig, just an observation.

We had a Hughes Out banner above 111 last season and it got ripped down, the guy in question got a good bit of shit for it and a Hughes chant broke out... whilst on here the overwhelming consensus was that Hughes was inept and needed to go asap.

The anonimity of the internet means people are much more extreme on here and are willing to voice much more controversial opinions as the consequences are less intimidating.

I've seen a few people mention recently that they talk to non BMers who are absolutely loving this season so far, where as again, on here theres multiple threads each week question Hughes, the backroom staff, almost every first team player etc etc

Sometimes i think we make far big a deals out of certain things than we should on here.
This place is as decent a cross section of City fans as you will find.

Things will be skewed as there are definitely sections of the population who don't use the internet as much - the computer illiterate and the older people for a start.

Yes, the internet offers anonimity so people can drop their social reservations and be more gobby than they would in a football stadium, for example. What's probably more relevant is that extreme, contraversial views get contested and stay near the top of the board on Bluemoon.

But there is no forum which offers the same cross-section of blues as this one. I've been on em all and Bluemoon is now the best. It is representative of City fans and their opinions. I find it mildly irritating that there are a number of posters now who regularly blame this website for the heartfelt views of our club's real fans. Nelly's Left Boot is the worst - he lives in a world where real City fans go to the training ground every day and send their holiday snaps to the programme.

I'm disappointed in you for having that view, Gstar. I'd say the majority of people on here are the same match-going Blues you sit next to in the ground. I go to the match with some mates. When we sit in the pub beforehand we might discuss players or the manager and agree (or not) that they aren't good enough.But we won't let that show at the ground because we're there to support then team. But it doesn't mean that it isn't our opinion.
I'd say if you did a survey on match day it would be 80%-20% against BM users. Infact i reckon even that's wrong. 17,000 members, maybe a couple hundered regular posters; how many of them live abroad, far fetched palces in the country or can't attend regularly for whatever reason?

It is the best City forum by far but i'd doubt that it accurately represents a good cross section of the views of City fans. Infact i'd argue strongly against the validity of that claim.

That doesn't mean this place isn't 'relevent' or 'good'... this place is great, but a handful of people can make enough threads on here to make it seem like the entire City populus feel the same way.

Of course your right that one of the reason the matchday attitude is differnet is because, like you said, when you're in the ground you put aside your opinions and get behind the team.
Of course the majority of matchday Blues don't post on Bluemoon, but there is nothing to suggest that the split of opinion on here is any different.

You could easily argue that the people who spend their leisure time discussing City on forums are youngish (because the over 50s still aren't as IT literate), keen (well you have to be) and maybe even above the average intelligence level (marginally because you still need a level of intelligence to use the web) in the stadium.

I just object to this idea which Nelly peddles that this place is somehow a home for insurgents. I don't think it is. As I said before, radical posts stay at the top. I put a thread earlier that Tevez is better than I ever imagined and that 4-4-2 is starting to work. There was good debate but now it's gone. This thread, on the other hand, has stayed near the top.

But it doesnt mean the majority of Blues aren't interested in Tevez or the formation and want Hughes out.

It just means that what people want to discuss.
There's nothing to really suggest that BM is an accurate representation either?

I'm lost! ;)

I think theres generally much more hysteria, negativity and 'over the topness' on here than 'normal'.

There is good discussion on here but its hard to find, as you've said, the more radical views get more attention here, something that doesn't tend to happen elsewhere.

Are we arguing the same point, i'm not so sure... what i would say is; for all the good on here, if i wanted a cross section of City fan's opinions, i wouldn't use BM as my only primary source of evidence.
Like I have said for months!

MH has got to keep us top 6 by year end, but if he does not it does not mean he will go!

There are two people lined up to replace him, one (the big M) has been pushing ADUG for the job for the past 8-9 months - he believes that we offer him the best opportunity to return to the Premiership and prove what he can do, and he also wants to make an immediate impact!

The other is a current, long serving, very respected Premiership manager who has been been approached and who has indicated that he is willing to open discussions but only when we are serious!

Personally I do not want to see MH leave and believe he should be given the full season.

Thank you
Ajay said:
Like I have said for months!

MH has got to keep us top 6 by year end, but if he does not it does not mean he will go!

There are two people lined up to replace him, one (the big M) has been pushing ADUG for the job for the past 8-9 months - he believes that we offer him the best opportunity to return to the Premiership and prove what he can do, and he also wants to make an immediate impact!

The other is a current, long serving, very respected Premiership manager who has been been approached and who has indicated that he is willing to open discussions but only when we are serious!

Personally I do not want to see MH leave and believe he should be given the full season.

Thank you

the second one is fergie, am i rite?
Didsbury Dave said:
browny33 said:
My twopenneth for what its worth.

I would be surprised if he's sacked before the end of the season unless the wheels come off big time, but I believe internally the target position is Top 4 and possibly a Cup Win.

Whether you or I think that this is unrealistic based on our previous campaigns in the Premier League is neither here nor there. We're talking about owners here that wanted a top class golf tournament in their region, so they built a championship standard gold course in the desert. They wanted formula one so they built a spectacular racing circuit that is unbelievable. Top Six target was designed, IMO, to deflect a little attention away from the squad at the beginning of the season, since then no team has put together a consistant run of wins to move away from the pack making it all the more doable that we can finish in the top 4.

Without taking anything away from the Carling Cup run, the draw has been reasonably kind so far, if Ushited don't play anything like their 1st eleven, the expectation will be to win the Cup now.

I think that unless there is a dramatic sea change in the way the league is going if he doesn't get us top 4 and possibly the Carling Cup, he'll be out at the end of the season.

Progress is relative people, progress based on previous seasons wouldn't be hard to achieve, what the owenrs will want is real progress towards their aim of making us the biggest club in the world, and this season, whether you like it or not is turning into the golden opportunity to push on for Champs League and then realistically go for the Premiership next season. If Hughes can do it then great, if he can't he'll be gone, but as I said at the outset I dont think he'll be sacked before the end of the season unless the wheels seriously come off. The owners won;t do sentiment but they are also business men and now sacking Hughes anytime before the Cup Semi's may do more harm then good.

Post of the thread for me, that.

I agree with all of that.


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