Mark Hughes' exit from Manchester City

It seems hughes can only get results and get the lads up for it against the bigger teams, why i don't know?

This is a point i mean though about playing smaller teams, against these smaller teams we just don't attack at all, if we did what we did to chelsea against burnley, fulham and hull one of them would of been a cricket score!

I tell you now, we'll beat spuds tonight then saturday we will draw or lose against sunderland and thrn were back to square one with hughes, if hughes has one or two big results it doesn't make up for all the shit ones, after chelsea everyone was kissing his arse and thought he was god, 7 days later we go bolton and play no more than average and everyones on his back again, i'm not like that, i'm a hughes outer and have been since Jan08 and if we beat spuds 5-0 tonight that wouldn't change.
simon23 said:
twinkletoes said:
Spoiled Brat Syndrome.


combined with an already inbred hatred of MH because he use to play for utd.....very sad indeed!!!!

As opposed to your almost 'hero worship' of the bloke?

Please drop the rag references, sure there are a few on here that hate him for that, the majority though just dont rate him and have given their reasons why. Your insistence on labelling everyone the same detracts from your arguments mate.
simon23 said:
1...have to find someone to take the poison challace
2...that person will want to bring his own staff (certainly) and a lot of his own players (probably)
3...will take a year or so for new manager and team to gel....

1. You say poisoned chalice, I say dream job. I'd trust our owners to have someone lined up before any sackings, so a minor inconvenience if anything.

2. We could always keep Bowen and co. Not sure making changes is such a bad thing.

3. Football world is full of managers that don't need a year to gel. In fact it's only since these debates started that I've heard such talk, although this time last season it was only six months that was needed.
simon23 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I don't accept this fear that we have to "start again" under a new manager.

I think this would be a dream job because we have a very strong squad with no glaring holes. And a strong youth setup.

Chelsea didn't "start again" under Ancellotti, did they? They went straight to the top of the league.

they already had about as good a squad as you can get and 3-4 years at the top already under various managers.....

if mouhrinno or anyone else came in they would certainly change the back rook staff and im pretty certain he would look to change some of the players for his own

the comparrison between city and chelsea isnt a fair or accurate one as we are at a completely different stage of development than they are

Some people, myself included would argue that we actually have as good or if not better 25 man squad than they currently have. So a new manager wouldn't find the standard of players too much of an issue.

Anyway this is pointless as we all know (some still refuse to accept) that unless we suddenly begin to plummet down the league Hughes is here till the end of the season at the very least.
twinkletoes said:
Rammy Blue said:
fuck me, been out for an hour and come back to us now having "spoiled brat syndrome".

you really couldn't make it up.

If the cap fits...

All you have is the tired old time and stabilty bollocks and if that doesnt work, lets just call everyone a spoilt brat or a rag?


Hughes has until the end of the season, lets see if he justifies your faith in him eh?
Ricster said:
blueinsa said:
All you have is the tired old time and stabilty bollocks and if that doesnt work, lets just call everyone a spoilt brat or a rag?


Hughes possibly has until the end of the season, lets see if he justifies your faith in him eh?


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