MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse - NEW DATE TICKETS AVAILABLE!

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Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

Blue2112 said:
I remember taking the morning of school to go and queue around Maine Road with my dad for the FA Cup replay tickets in 81 and then went back into school in the afternoon with a letter off my mam excusing me the morning off due to sickness. The following morning after register my form teacher asked me to stay behind for a quiet word. She then went on to tell me how i'd let her and the school down but most importantly she could never trust my mother again form writing an untruthful letter excusing me because on the monday evening apparently Granada had a camera going up and down the queues and I was spotted alongside my dad by my form teacher. I suppose its true what they say that the camera never lies.

At the film night we have footage from the BBC of the 1981 replay queue and interviews with fans - you never know you may see yourself there!
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

Taking my parents to this, looking forward to it.
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

Looking forward to this myself. 3 of us going.
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

Just heard that over 150 tickets have been sold in 2 days - that's pretty amazing. It also means the show will be in the large cinema (seats about 280), so if you haven't got your ticket yet it would be worth ordering soon.

Thanks to all those who have booked a place so far. The tickets will say that it starts at 6.20 - we've got a lot to get through, so it would help enormously if everyone can be there before then. It should end shortly after 8pm (about 90 mins for the films/description - appropriate hey?).
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

All booked up, just the one- going to look like a right anorak.
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

S.H.R.E.K said:
All booked up, just the one- going to look like a right anorak.

As it's a historical showing can I suggest a dirty mac instead as the Cornerhouse used to be a porn cinema in the late 60s/early 70s, popular with the old gits and hormonal teenage lads. ;-)
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

Really want to go (i haven't been to the flicks for years, is it really nearly 8 quid now eeek!!!! canna do it at the mo), i'll be there in spirit - you should all nip over to Maine Road now and stand on that grass patch they have where the north stand half of the pitch was (not that i've been there a lot... honest! i'm not that nerdy... well ok i am ;) That area they've marked for the centre spot memorial - which they'll never get done - isn't in the right spot btw, by matching up various aerial views. But no one really cares now i guess! *muststopofftopicrambling*
It sounds like it'll be a great night, and a sell out, and rightly so. Enjoy :)
Re: Fri 26th April MCFC film night @ Cornerhouse

kippaxkid74 said:
That area they've marked for the centre spot memorial - which they'll never get done - isn't in the right spot btw, by matching up various aerial views. But no one really cares now i guess! *muststopofftopicrambling*
It sounds like it'll be a great night, and a sell out, and rightly so. Enjoy :)

I agree - I was there again yesterday. I took a photo of the only remaining part of the stadium enclosure (ignoring the 1966 Social club building) - the last bit of the Kippax/Platt Lane corner wall. I might post it on my facebook/twitter in the next few days.
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