Media Discussion - 2023/24

We’ve more to defend than ever before after winning the treble - plus we have the world club cup but we won’t be helped by PL or FA - but you can be sure the rags & dippers would have been given all the help they wanted.

Remember when the rags were allowed to drop out of FA cup - which was never allowed before - but they were an “important” club “representing” our country of course :)
....and a point someone raised on here about united dropping out of the FA cup - they should gone through all the qualifying rounds the following season as they didn't compete the season before, but were given 'special' dispensation to enter at round 3 as per usual.
this isn’t about the WCC it’s about Wolves at the weekend. Pep can easily field a second 11 that can compete against Newcastle. Buts it’s highly unlikely that Walker Dias Foden Alvarez Haaland Grealish Doku and Nunez start the game
No, the post I replied to specifically addressed @Manc123 points about fixture congestion with Club World Cup. So it's everything do with it and nothing whatsoever to do with Wolves!cupj.jpg
For many years we were regarded as a staunchly protestant and masonic club, this was probably pre war but had a long hang over. My mums family in Dublin thought of us as the Rangers of England. We were formed by a protestant ministers daughter so I would imagine this is where the tradition came from. As someone from a mixed religious background I call a plague on both houses and follow the Jambos up the road. On my only visit to Ibrox for a friendly back in the mid 70s can say the Bears treated us like brothers, whenever we have played Celtic their fans have been arseholes. Lastly where McCoist is concerned he used to be very pro City suspect somebody had a word, if you want to work be pro rag and dipper.
Most clubs had protestant roots..Liverpool et was hard for Catholics to have that power and influence in the 1890's! doesn't mean their fan base were all protestant and owners of Rail, breweries coal mines..who paid their workers a pittance.. they were just..well workers of said mines and mills etc and paid a pittance and worked to an early grave...oh religion eh
Oi, my blueboy ex and i travelled up home and away from plymouth for years
why? I never understand it, I live in North London now and watch Enfield..and City when i can... but as i was born in North Manc my dad took me every week after my sat morning match..should be a local thing football really. All this global b*llocks
absolute bollocks, just absolute bollocks.
absolute bollocks, just absolute bollocks.
Noy, bit of a simple thing to say. You just didn't go to St Herberts or St Matthews Moston obviously...oh Terry Flannagan did as well..famous City blue and Catholic..absolute thousands of us pal, you obviously don't get out much...bollocks just absolute bollocks
We were a club of Mancunians,of all faiths. A strong Jewish presence amongst our support and our boardroom, plenty of Protestants and Catholics no doubt. This club has NEVER been sectarian. I’m Irish Catholic descent, from Newton Heath and prefer Rangers to Celtic.
Agreed Not sectarian at all. I was just questioning a fella who said we were aligned to Rangers in some way
I thought Anne Connell the daughter of the vicar of St Marks Gorton founded a boys football club to keep young parishioners out of street gangs. This club evolved into Manchester City if this is a myth I apologise sure I read it in a club history. We must have come from somewhere and that explanation is as good as any other.
No probably didn't but only Protestants had that sort of power and free time then...can you imagine anyone or Irish descent from Angel Meadows being able to petition for football, have time to set up a team, afford a kit..just not possible hence nearly all clubs in England were protestant based at the start
City have as much or more affinity with Celtic, ...most of the music stalwarts in the town are irish roots blues and Celtic tinged...Marr, O'rouke = Smiths, Billy Duffy, Gallaghers. List goes on. Blue here from North Manchester ..atcmy Catholic school and team easily as many blues who preferrred Celtic to Rangers, seems strange this Rangers myth
I think most Blues have no time for sectarian shite and never have had. Rangers were popular for a few years when the rags had friendlies at the swamp with Celtic. I had a Rangers shirt at the time, living in Stretford and hoping to irritate the rags. The Celtic fans were welcoming in Glasgow when we played them in the 3-3 draw. Many of their away following behaved like arseholes in the 1-1 draw a the Etihad. One day justice will be done and Hearts will be the top dogs in Scotland.
For many years we were regarded as a staunchly protestant and masonic club, this was probably pre war but had a long hang over. My mums family in Dublin thought of us as the Rangers of England. We were formed by a protestant ministers daughter so I would imagine this is where the tradition came from. As someone from a mixed religious background I call a plague on both houses and follow the Jambos up the road. On my only visit to Ibrox for a friendly back in the mid 70s can say the Bears treated us like brothers, whenever we have played Celtic their fans have been arseholes. Lastly where McCoist is concerned he used to be very pro City suspect somebody had a word, if you want to work be pro rag and dipper.
Yep. Definite change in attitude from Mccoist -which is disappointing to say the least but proves our point about backing the rags - or you’re out

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