Micah Richards

Goater=Legend said:
Where the hell is he? I thought he was back fit around now?
I know, getting a bit pissed off waiting for him to come back. With the physique on him he should be injury proof! You realise know why Mancini was so frustrated with him, not Micah's fault though.
Come on Micah hurry up back.
Yeah i love Zaba but Richards and Navas looked like they was forming a decent partnership on the right side, and he plays well with Milner next to him as well.
Goater=Legend said:
Where the hell is he? I thought he was back fit around now?

Video/interview for CityTV today, big DJ gig tonight but hopefully done by 5.00am tomorrow, design meet with Ferdy tomorrow kicking around some style ideas on latest hats range. Busy, busy, busy!
would like to see micah in for zabs at right back , and zabs moved into midfield if fernando doesnt make the grade , if richards gets a decent run he would get in the england squad for the world cup , (although hodgson would probably find someone in yoooooniteds under 17 squad more suitable.)
Big year indeed. Obviously he's a great lad who's had rotten luck with injuries. Needs to stop grinning so much and get a bit serious
Mr Partridge said:
johnny on the spot said:
Big year indeed. Obviously he's a great lad who's had rotten luck with injuries. Needs to stop grinning so much and get a bit serious

Yeah I don't know who the hell he thinks he is being so happy all the time...
Don't need no personalities around here.
Boring farts only please.
I like and rate Micah but i'm losing patience with his condition.

He is approaching his peak years and the injuries seem to be becoming more frequent.
In our situation and with our ambitions we need reliability from him,i sincerely hope when we next see him its the beginning of a sustained injury free period because otherwise I suggest we begin looking for a replacement we can count on.

The reality is,his absence is costing us dear.

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