
Didsbury Dave said:
Fat Chance said:
Like i said.. there ain't a spin capable of dressing that kind of shit.

So his teammate shouted at him so he should be left out the team?

Like I said...victimized.

No....his team-mate screamed at him with wide open pleading 'are you taking the piss' eyes to move into a position that will provide options to eleviate the heat he was under whilst mopping up the danger from the position Richards is employed by the club to defend. Richards stood still, behind an opposing player, his head had gone....in football parlance it was the 2 times tables and he was stuck live in a game on two two's are ...errr.....errr.
Fat Chance said:
Didsbury Dave said:
So his teammate shouted at him so he should be left out the team?

Like I said...victimized.

No....his team-mate screamed at him with wide open pleading 'are you taking the piss' eyes to move into a position that will provide options to eleviate the heat he was under whilst mopping up the danger from the position Richards is employed by the club to defend. Richards stood still, behind an opposing player, his head had gone....in football parlance it was the 2 times tables and he was stuck live in a game on two two's are ...errr.....errr.

His teammate opened his eyes, pleading?

Burn the fatarsed, blinged up, brain dead, lazy mofo.
Didsbury Dave said:
Fat Chance said:
No....his team-mate screamed at him with wide open pleading 'are you taking the piss' eyes to move into a position that will provide options to eleviate the heat he was under whilst mopping up the danger from the position Richards is employed by the club to defend. Richards stood still, behind an opposing player, his head had gone....in football parlance it was the 2 times tables and he was stuck live in a game on two two's are ...errr.....errr.

His teammate opened his eyes, pleading?

Burn the fatarsed, blinged up, brain dead, lazy mofo.

Feel free to add or subtract from the noted football incident, you keep talking about Micahs shitter you'll have folk suspicious.
schumey04 said:
.. Has to go fullstop he is f**kin brutal. I am sick of seeing him in a city. Does anyone think he is worthwhile, apart from every manager that comes to our club.

I can't count the number of times I have had my expectations raised by him and then dashed by an idiotic moment of defending (or rather non defending).

At some point we need to say enough is enough with this lad... I maintain that Nedum is 10x the player Richards is and he has been given way less of a chance to prove himself than Micah.

I know some on here will slate me for criticising an academy player but he simply isn't good enough and hasn't been for some time. Tremendous athelete but piss poor footballing intelligence. I can guarantee that had Boateng been available for us on Sunday we would not have thrown away a point to Sunderland. I would even go so far as to say I would prefer Bobby Manc gave another player his 1st team debut rather than play Micah again.
gio's side step said:
there is a difference between skills and abilities. Skills, are things which can be learned, like, tackling, playing one touch/two touch football, heading, etc, however 'reading the game' using a football brain is an ability. Not all players have one. The majority don't. However, the majority are not brain dead when it comes down to it either. Some are far cleverer, i.e. the Alan Hansen type, who don't require pace, they know when to leave the ball, when to step up, they see a picture in front of them, they intercept, but most importantly, and there are better examples than Hansen, they DONT give away cheap free kicks. Why? Because they are smart. They know it takes more discipline and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE to not go diving in. Arousal is high, its easy to think 'ill twat him', 'take him down', 'give him a nudge', much harder, to stand on your feet.

I completely disagree regarding the central assumption of your argument

i.e. a 'footballing brain' cannot be learnt, yet skills can.

All experience of watching professional footballers develop over the years suggest that it is the other way around.

Of course, some skills can be taught. Tackling can be improved, passing made better, etc but the basic technique of a professional footballer is pretty much set in stone by the time they are twenty. Any improvement in technique and 'skills' past that age is negligible.

Where as, time and again, you will see players, especially defenders, improve their game significantly as they progress through their twenties. Decision making becomes clearer, experience comes into play, coaching makes its mark and they become experienced 'wily' pros.

I don't like using obvious examples because you can drag them up to illustrate whatever you like, but someone like Titus Bramble screams out here.

His decision making and concentration was a national joke during the early part of his career. Now he is a very competent top flight defender. You can go through dozens of other defenders who have improved in a less drastic or public manner to Bramble as their career progressed. It's virtually a given that every defender (and other players) improves the mental and decision making aspect of their game as they progress.

Far from being the one part of the game that cannot be taught, I would counter that it is the one part pf the game that can be most improved by teaching.

Of course, not every player starts from the same position. Alan Hansen most probably might have been a cleverer defender than Richards at 21, making better decisions. But he is acknowledged as one of the cleverest defenders this country has seen in 30 years. He also lacked a lot of attributes that Richards has. Attributes that most certainly cannot be taught.

Now, I'm not saying Richards will ever get to the level of Hansen when it comes to mastering the art of defending. Then again, not many have.

But, unless you are suggesting that Richards is the lowest of the low when it comes to professional footballer and their ability to take teaching on board (and if you are then that would back up what I am saying imo), then it must be ludicrous to suggest that his decision making and that side of his game cannot improve.

To suggest that football intelligence cannot be taught whereas other aspects of the game can, well to me that seems ridiculous and a prime example of a view/statement being made purely because your view of the player is coloured and out of kilter.
Cambridgeblue said:
schumey04 said:
.. Has to go fullstop he is f**kin brutal. I am sick of seeing him in a city. Does anyone think he is worthwhile, apart from every manager that comes to our club.

I would even go so far as to say I would prefer Bobby Manc gave another player his 1st team debut rather than play Micah again.

Classic examples and quotes of people whose whole sense of perspective has been lost because they have developed a severe dislike (and that is being kind) of a player.

He has to go? Where exactly do you think he would go? The Championship? Div 1? Cos I would place my mortgage on clubs challenging for the Champions League being very interested in signing him.

You are sick of seeing him at City? Sick of seeing him at City? Why, because you think he hasn't been playing well? I presume you hold the same complete disregard for Lescott and Barry last season and several others? Or is it just Richards that stirs the ire in you that much? Why's that?

And, hmmm, yeah, a lot of managers do seem to pick him. Strange that. Perhaps they are just sadists.

And the best of the lot, someone would rather see a player, any player, they have never seen or heard of, a mythical player who has never played a first team game, play in the next game than Richards. It doesn't matter who it is, because this person has such a severe dislike of Richards.

As I've said, a complete lack of perspective that, perversely, seems to be reserved for just this single player.

Sad stuff. Some people just haven't got the ability to separate their base emotions from their judgement.
Didsbury Dave said:
It isn't just his persona, although I suspect that's part of it.

It's partly the fact that he's home-grown.

City fans love to get on the backs of our home-grown players.

From Joe Corrigan, Paul Power and Steve Kinsey, through Richard Edgehill, to more recently Ireland, SWP and particularly Micah Richards.

I don't know why we do it. It's like a cancer at the club. There tends to be one main recipient of it, though. At the moment it's Micah Richards - despite the fact that he's one of the best youngsters the club has brought through in years. Last year it was Ireland.

I haven't seen the penalty incident but I've been delighted with the way he's played in the games I've seen this year. It only take one incident with some of our fans, though, and the vitriol and cliches start.
you haven`t seen the penalty incident!!!! mr fuckin know it all hasn`t seen the penalty incident.Thought you were a big blue ffs
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Cambridgeblue said:
I would even go so far as to say I would prefer Bobby Manc gave another player his 1st team debut rather than play Micah again.

Classic examples and quotes of people whose whole sense of perspective has been lost because they have developed a severe dislike (and that is being kind) of a player.

He has to go? Where exactly do you think he would go? The Championship? Div 1? Cos I would place my mortgage on clubs challenging for the Champions League being very interested in signing him.

You are sick of seeing him at City? Sick of seeing him at City? Why, because you think he hasn't been playing well? I presume you hold the same complete disregard for Lescott and Barry last season and several others? Or is it just Richards that stirs the ire in you that much? Why's that?

And, hmmm, yeah, a lot of managers do seem to pick him. Strange that. Perhaps they are just sadists.

And the best of the lot, someone would rather see a player, any player, they have never seen or heard of, a mythical player who has never played a first team game, play in the next game than Richards. It doesn't matter who it is, because this person has such a severe dislike of Richards.

As I've said, a complete lack of perspective that, perversely, seems to be reserved for just this single player.

Sad stuff. Some people just haven't got the ability to separate their base emotions from their judgement.

Just to be clear I never said I was sick of seeing him at City... that was the OP.

I do however feel that he has been given countless chances to prove himself to the point that it is unfair on other City players like Nedum Onuhua or the younger academy players coming through who have not been given the same opportunity to prove themselves.

I would LOVE Micah to prove himself a world class right back but bitter bitter experience has convinced me that simply isn't going to happen. If his mistake on Sunday was an isolated incident fair enough but the fact is it isn't. He has been caught out of position or made poor decisions too many times and cost us too many points for me to dismiss it a simply a bad day at the office.

Micah should have gone to Sunderland on loan, not Nedum... perhaps then we'd be at least a point better off.

Zabaleta or Ned > Micah - simple as.
halpo123 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
It isn't just his persona, although I suspect that's part of it.

It's partly the fact that he's home-grown.

City fans love to get on the backs of our home-grown players.

From Joe Corrigan, Paul Power and Steve Kinsey, through Richard Edgehill, to more recently Ireland, SWP and particularly Micah Richards.

I don't know why we do it. It's like a cancer at the club. There tends to be one main recipient of it, though. At the moment it's Micah Richards - despite the fact that he's one of the best youngsters the club has brought through in years. Last year it was Ireland.

I haven't seen the penalty incident but I've been delighted with the way he's played in the games I've seen this year. It only take one incident with some of our fans, though, and the vitriol and cliches start.
you haven`t seen the penalty incident!!!! mr fuckin know it all hasn`t seen the penalty incident.Thought you were a big blue ffs

I'll dress myself in sackcloth and ashes and flagellate myself with wet branches in punishment.

I am very sorry to you, personally, and to Manchester City fans everywhere.

I have let my club down and my forum down.

I am very, very sorry everyone. I will not go away with my family again.

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