Michael Johnson

de niro said:
Clubber said:
Tom Mcfc said:
So you are happy to have someone on the wage bill who hasn't played in years and is showing no signs of returning to playing? On top of going out and getting bladdered whilst he should be in recovery and doing everything possible to get back to fitness.

This is my point of a youth product and someone else. Santa Cruz is even nicknamed Crocky on here which surely his injuries aren't his fault either?

When was the last 'sightings' of this lad going out on the town?! This board used to be filled to the brim with threads about it, now nothing. Its just an easy get out for people who don't want him.

I never said Rocky should be blamed for his injuries, but i could see why other (I don't agree with them, that he should get the stick as it wasn't his fault) would be annoyed, as he was bought, knowing he was injured, costing a massively inflated price and massive wages.

Johnson has been plagued by two serious, yet unrelated injuries. If i was him, any tweak twinge or pull, i would shit myself and rest it. Maybe slightly paranoid, but with his history, understandable. Maybe this is the reason for his delayed return.

I'm not happy about some one being injured, no. But to slag him off for being injured, is just down right wrong. He's a young lad who can't play and i bet he's gutted.

-- Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:47 am --

Niall2407 said:
Who said being injured was his fault?

No one, but to slag the lad for getting paid is a bit harsh. If you got injured at work, should you be looked on with disdain?

And before you say it, yes it is different, as i be M.Johnson actually wants to go to work, where as the rest have to, so he will be more gutted about the situation.

-- Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:49 am --

de niro said:
it always surprises me that contracts dont contain a clause saying if you fuck up you get fuck all.

'Fuck up'?!

What do you mean by this, as it seems a very broad term?

as in your life style hampers your return to full fitness, as for "broad term" he should be fined for putting on weight.

the weight gain was probably phyisio's idea. He wasn't playing any football because of his injuries, and they probably saw fit to get him to gain weight to strengthen any weakness and imbalances that cause weird injuries.
I hope he comes back, just not sure it will ever happen. First half of the season under Sven he looked really good, but then again, playing with a happy, and in form Elano, you're bound to look pretty good too, the whole team looked great for awhile.
BulgarianPride said:
de niro said:
Clubber said:
When was the last 'sightings' of this lad going out on the town?! This board used to be filled to the brim with threads about it, now nothing. Its just an easy get out for people who don't want him.

I never said Rocky should be blamed for his injuries, but i could see why other (I don't agree with them, that he should get the stick as it wasn't his fault) would be annoyed, as he was bought, knowing he was injured, costing a massively inflated price and massive wages.

Johnson has been plagued by two serious, yet unrelated injuries. If i was him, any tweak twinge or pull, i would shit myself and rest it. Maybe slightly paranoid, but with his history, understandable. Maybe this is the reason for his delayed return.

I'm not happy about some one being injured, no. But to slag him off for being injured, is just down right wrong. He's a young lad who can't play and i bet he's gutted.

-- Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:47 am --

No one, but to slag the lad for getting paid is a bit harsh. If you got injured at work, should you be looked on with disdain?

And before you say it, yes it is different, as i be M.Johnson actually wants to go to work, where as the rest have to, so he will be more gutted about the situation.

-- Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:49 am --

'Fuck up'?!

What do you mean by this, as it seems a very broad term?

as in your life style hampers your return to full fitness, as for "broad term" he should be fined for putting on weight.

the weight gain was probably phyisio's idea. He wasn't playing any football because of his injuries, and they probably saw fit to get him to gain weight to strengthen any weakness and imbalances that cause weird injuries.

fuck me stephen hawkings sprint coach I have heard it all now... bernardmanning's injury must have been a bastard............
I have hoped that we would see the real Johnson again but i think he has been out for too long now, at his age there has been too much much of a gap in his development for him to be a sucess with us now, as much as it pains me to say it.

I just hope he can free himself of these injuries and enjoy a sucessful career at whatever level.

Real shame.
Some people on here seem to have forgotten just how good Michael Johnson was, though I do think the comparisons to the King were a little premature.

A fully-fit MJ would be such an asset to any club, and I agree with the comparisons to fat Fwank and the bin dipper.

Whether we will ever see him as good as he was when Sven was in charge here is open to debate and will only be proven with time. I hope we do, but as has also been said, he has missed a long time of what would have been his most crucial period of developement.

If a loan deal is to be arranged, I would hope it is with Leicester, as Sven will bring out the best in Johnno. I hope he makes it back to full fitness.
OP.assuming you work for a living and have a contract,your contract says you get payed if you go sick,unfortunatly long term sick would you fuck off ,

BTW this is a retorical question.
I think its been too long now. He's too injury prone and I cant see him handling the rigours and the pace of the championship let alone the premiership. From his point of view he must thank his lucky stars that City have been so generous. I hope he's invested his money well because he'll need it for when he calls it a day, which won't be far away.
Gerrard and Fletcher had serious injury problems earlier in their careers, both ended up fine.
right come on lads. has anyone got any current info about the lad from either him, his mam or someone, how close is he to fitness, is he likely to go out on loan, etc. i think most blues would want to see jonno back. How near to fitness is he?

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