Milner [Merged]

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Both Villa ITK and the Spuds ITK have grains of the truth, but maybe just putting their own hopes and loyalties on the line?

It was posted on here yesterday that Spuds were trying to register firm interest- also reported in press this morning.

I'll take my chances with that I was told. Up until today Ireland had held NO OFFICIAL TALKS WHATSOEVER with Villa.

He wasn't exactly buzzing over the choice of Villa, albeit he wanted to hear what they have to say.

It's not a move that screams out to him. Spurs had made previous enquiries but the valuation was too high.

They are now sniffing again, having seen what his valuation is to Villa as part of any makeweight.

Spurs are very interested, but an Ireland refusal to got to Villa Park WILL NOT end the Milner deal.

My own take is Ireland has been on a fast-track thinking this day might never come.

Unfortunately for him, it has. He's had a short time to digest the only direction he has been pushed in.

Possibly for the sake of his family, the close proximity to Villa Park from his current home, I think he'll either agree to go there, or play the waiting game at City.

City will not do business with Spurs - not unless they find another £6m or so!
The Fixer said:
Arry is Bent said:
To the Villa fan (Dodds) whom said he wants £50.00 on the nose that Ireland is joining Villa I am willing to treble this and make it £150.00 that he is NOT going to Villa, I know this for a fact, put anything on it. PM me your paypal details if he joins More than happy to transfer you the £150.00 if he doesn't i shall PM you my paypal details and you can transfer me the dosh.

Deal ? Put up or shut up.

Steven Ireland is not joining Aston Villa, trust me, i know that for a fact.

So stevie were are you going? :O)

Haway the lads!!! ?
If the Ireland to Villa deal is still undecided, than I can't see Milner transferring to City anytime soon - everyone concerned will need to know which way this one is going to go before closing Milner's transfer - whether that be just cash, or cash and player.

I can't see Milner at City for the weekend with all the uncertainty over Ireland's future
Correct Tolmie as i have earlier said regardless of whether Ireland does or doesn't move to Villa, Milner WILL be a city player by the end of the window, Infact I would go as far as to say we might have an update tonight/tomorrow lunchtime. Ireland won't be a Villa player despite Citys attempts to push him out.
Interestedobserver said:
Your info is based on a source within villa park, I can guarantee that Ireland has NOT rejected villa outright! The deal is being held up but it is NOT off, Irelands reps have met with villa on a number of occasions but there is still some way to go. Could go either way Ireland has reservations about no manager in charge, this deal was all but done until MON resigned.City are pushing the move on Ireland as Mancini wants Milner for Saturday unlikely anything will happen soon.

This isn't itk bullshit!

Contradicting myself but DONT believe all this ITK bullshit on Forums!

Won't be posting again, make of that what you will.

Evenin Stevie ;o)
Arry is Bent said:
. He rejected Villa outright.

Ireland has held talks with The Villa. You’re info is out.

It may well have come from a certain Spurs site, but just because you have to pay for the privilege of reading it, doesn’t make the information anymore reliable.

From Villa talk. Defo not playing for them again.
alera said:

From Villa talk. Defo not playing for them again.
...Why has Milner decapitated Barry?<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:32 pm --<br /><br />
Blue Phil said:
alera said:

From Villa talk. Defo not playing for them again.
...Why has Milner decapitated Barry?
...And why has he spent a sh*t load of his new found wealth on cocaine?
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