Monaco - Post Match thread.

Some fucking bellends in this thread as per

We were shite first half which cost us the game , nothing to do with tactics , we just didn't come out with any determination to impose ourselves

Second half we dominated apart from a split second on a set piece

This team needs to grow and nights like this will help going forward , we will ready this time next year
Some fucking bellends in this thread as per

We were shite first half which cost us the game , nothing to do with tactics , we just didn't come out with any determination to impose ourselves

Second half we dominated apart from a split second on a set piece

This team needs to grow and nights like this will help going forward , we will ready this time next year

rodney you plonker- we were shit in the first half 'nothing to do with tactics' whats it down to then the fucking pastry on the sausage rolls
but I just can't believe why would anyone defend free kick like that. you leave them so much bloody space to run into it's not even funny.
Sorry but it was a train wreck before the game had even started.
Absolutely criminal to set up the way we did given the 2 goal advantage we had. Other coaches simply would NOT have done what Pep did tonight and shame on him for going so bloody gung ho. How can you score 6 goals over 2 games and not get through? Shambolic.

Yet the same players played better 2nd half. So i would put it down to the players not being at it, from the start.
We will have two new fullbacks next year

The defence wasn't the problem tonight , the midfield couldnt string two passes together in the first half

We are still playing square pegs in round holes in that respect , it will be corrected next year

It's amazing that our transfer policy is such that we still managed to play a CL game with 6 players over 30 despite Pep being our target for 3 years before he came. Terrible planning
To blow a 2 goal advantage, score 6 goals and progress at this level is nothing short of criminal. To play 5 attacking players and to simply expect to outscore the opposition is pure arrogance.
The objective is to outscore the opposition. There's more than one way of doing it. With our squad, that is the way that makes most sense

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