Monaco - Post Match thread.

We will have two new fullbacks next year

The defence wasn't the problem tonight , the midfield couldnt string two passes together in the first half

We are still playing square pegs in round holes in that respect , it will be corrected next year

That's my point Charles, defensively we aren't good enough and if you look at the top European teams they have ball winning, play making midfielders. When Pep has had another window we will have a better idea where this team can go. I'm not going to bash Sane, Sterling etc as a young energetic team is what I want to watch. Not this sideways crab stuff like Ray Wilkins used to play. Tottenham are a team with the right philosophy and although I personally dislike them greatly they are a team you can see progress with.
All this - 'we have to attack' angle that he kept coming from in his pre-match comments definitely had an impact on the midfield he chose.

He overthought it - Yaya has along with Silva been our best midfielder since he came back into the side, so why drop him? To be honest, we probably would have stood more chance with the extra protection of dare I say it Fernando in there too. Try and keep it tight and hit them on the break - I guess thats easier to say in hindsight as our defence is so fucking bad that playing him probably wouldn't have worked either.

Kolarov CB in the last 16 of the CL - jesus wept.

I think it's very easy to blame the tactics with hindsight but there's plenty of people on here who've been saying for weeks that attack attack attack is the best we can go with given our squad at the moment. I nearly had a heart attack when i saw the team he picked against spurs but it was potentially the best we've played all season. Our game changing players just didn't show up tonight at all. Also, yeah it does seem a bit weird to think Kolarov is deemed our best option alongside Stones for a match like this, but its a moot point as he definitely wasn't a weak link tonight.
That's like saying Wenger isn't doing anything wrong at Arsenal.

No it isn't.

Wenger has had years to build his team at Arsenal.

This is Peps first season and he is having to make do with a load of players who a) are past their best and b) he wouldn't want in his team anyway.
De bruyne has been brutal for ages now yet he keeps getting picked. Had he been substituted in time we would still be in the competition. Cant defend so we are out. For fucks sake we had a 2 goal lead yet couldnt get the job done. Pep has to carry the can for that.
Guardiola without Messi is developing a poor European record. I get it. He likes good football. But so did Keegan. Our recent good form is hardly rocket science
Getting the ball to pacy skillful wingers. Not saying he is the emperor's new clothes but best manager in the world. Not in my book.
Biggest game of the season, you would expect us to be chasing down every loose ball and trying to win it back. Instead we sauntered around giving the ball away regularly, not chasing back and leaving the defence exposed. The second half showed that Monaco aren't really that special. Again Aguero misses a big chance, it's been happening all season and why I think we will cash in on him in the summer. And what type of studs are they wearing, slipping all over the place.

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