Monaco - Post Match thread.

Will never conquer Europe with De Bruyne, Sterling and (this version of) Aguero playing prominent roles in the team. And that's not to mention the backline and Fernandinho.

Aguero, for a world class forward, missed a ridiculous amount of chances. De Bruyne disappears up his own arse when he has to deal with aggression and athleticism. Sometimes his final ball is his saving grace but tonight it wasn't. And Sterling as good as he has been, also is far far too wasteful. It sounds harsh but to compete at the top table with the style of football we play, we need players in the final third who are as clinical as their counterparts at Barcelona, Real and Bayern. And we also need major work in the obvious areas.
We were never going to win this competition anyhow you can't defend like we do and expect to progress playing Russian roulette every game. First half the players were shocking, nothing to do with the manager they simply couldn't perform the basics. Second half much better chances wasted which again is not the managers fault. KDB Had a shocker and it is becoming quite concerning now but once we needed a goal taking him off wasn't an option. Toure should have been brought on though and i can't work out why it didn't happen. Unless we win the fa cup the season can only go down as another poor one. It's becoming a habit.
WIth Mancini it is unlikely that we would have scored six , whatever his virtues Mancini did not have much success with us in Europe.
I admit it wasn't in Europe but I can remember a couple of occasions we scored 6 under Mancini. And those were over 90 minutes not 180.
One of those sixes came against the reigning champions. But he had the balls to play two forwards, as did Pellers when we put six past both Arse and Spuds a couple of seasons later.
Pep looks like he's trying to find a system that works for all occasions. I'm not sure such a thing exists and we need a more horses for courses approach. That's horses; not the donkeys on parade in a neighbouring borough.
A couple of strange things tonight. It was odd that he kept Fernandinho on. In the last 10 minutes we didn't need Ferna, we needed a goal - and no one player makes our team more lethal as a uni than Yaya.
Secondly, De Bruyne was moved along side Ferna to create chances from deep and control the midfield. Well, again, isn't that Yaya's speciality?

Next year we'll be much stronger. We'll replace Sagna, Clichy and probably Fernandinho from that starting line up, and hopefully have a world class keeper. Plus a forward line of
Wouldn't be bad.

The one thing I really don't understand is why we never saw Yaya. Not starting him was one thing but not bringing him on immediately after we scored, another.

Mind you, I think we we hindered by refereeing errors again: I think their first is offside due the Mendy being in Wily's line of sight and, not long before they scored, the foul and booking awarded against Sterling was a joke - different game perhaps if they lose possession there.
As much as I know that we were capable of getting through, I really can't get out of my head the inept first half performance - not a single shot and barely strung 3 passes together in a full 45 mins. It was the most embarrassing half of football I think I've ever seen as a blue, I know we were playing a decent side but how on earth we managed to be so poor is an utter mystery.
Kev needs looking at. Last season and this he has dropped off dramatically after xmas. Maybe he has that seasonal disorder thing. Or he had his boots on the wrong feet.
This tie encapsulates where we are at present as a team.

To score 6 in a tie at this level is excellent.

To concede 6 in a tie at this level is the polar opposite.

We are sorted as an attacking unit. The defensive element (from front to back and as 'a team') is woefully short.

New personnel desperately required at GK, FB (both sides), CB and DM.

Mendy, Sidibe and Fabinho for starters please.
Do not see us sorted as an attacking unit - could not score against Stoke. Today our attack was passing sideways or backwards most of the time and our corners and free kicks gives opposition hope of an opportunity to counter rather than worry about getting scored against.
Why the fuck does pep keep playing Silva and kdb together ? fucking naive or stubborn. Away from home with 2 goals lead and he fucking plays Fernandinho to protect shittiest back four. Dinho got exposed and pep had no answer .
This one is on Pep .

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