Monaco - Post Match thread.

How is our squad superior to the dipppers? Or Spurs? Or any top six team? We have Gael fucking Clichy in defense.

We are the ONLY team in the top six to regularly field more than one player who was with the club in 2011 and some games we play 6 of them.

We need an overhaul this summer and one is surely coming.

How is our team superior Spurs or Liverpool?
Has your white stick snapped ?

Liverpool have Milner at fullback and fucking Chan in midfield , Arsenal are in fucking meltdown and Spurs squad cost a fraction of ours.

Our best players have all been here since 2011 or before so what's your point?
weve signed near on £200m pounds worth of talent since then so what's your point ?

I think we had a better team at that point as no one we have signed is yet at the level Sergio was then or Yaya was and those two are not at that level now. We have invested in some bright young things who I think can be part of a fantastic Pep side but this is now a team in transition.
Its not so matter the way we lost,its the overall shit performances from 6-7 players, who you expect better from !!
I felt sorry for the defence on more than one occasion,as our mid fielders were absolutely wank in that first half.
Come back any fucker from the 1980`s.
Especially on current form, you'd of thought they would've been buzzing for tonight?
It frustrates me that we don't predict what the opposition are going to do. Plainly obvious they would come out of the blocks quickly, personally I think the starting 11 was the correct one, but we needed to get in their faces, yet we managed to spend 45 mins looking like The Dog & Duck.
The first half was so bad. Inferior to Monaco in all 4 elements of professional sport, physical, technical, mental and tactical.
Everyone to blame.
The season now comes down to that FA Cup semi
Just got back to Nice. Feel thoroughly deflated. First half was just incredibly bad, we didn't turn up at all and we're lucky to still be in the tie at half time. Can't understand how Yaya didn't come on at some point for kdb just made no sense to me. I thought we were crying out for the control yaya gives us in the game and kdb just really struggled throughout. Just thought Pep's management was oddly passive.

This was such an easy game to qualify from tonight. 2 goals up so sit back, be disciplined then kill them on the counter attack with Sane and Sterling. Job done. Why on earth were we so open first half? What kind of game management is that?

Fernandinho isn't a top holding midfielder, more like a charity shop Kante. De Bruyne has been very poor for weeks and those two horrendous free kicks towards the end summed his form up. Not sure it was the night for Silva either, we didn't need to go and open Monaco up. Yaya or Delph would have been a better option to shore the midfield up.

We know the back four isn't good enough, we so must protect them. Pack the midfield, not play one in centre midfield! Second half was better when De Bruyne played deeper, but that starting line up and tactics in the first half were absolutely atrocious.

Well done to Monaco, but they're not a great team. We scored 6 goals and still knocked out, that is completely ridiculous.
Brilliant post, agree with every word.
You sir must be mad. I'd never consider Delph. He might have an engine and pace,
but never with the football.

Yep. Mad as fuck at that 1st half performance.

OK maybe not Delph, but damn just to keep them at bay for a bit! They had to attack, we knew what was coming, yet played right into their hands! Yes we missed some great chances, but the fact is we shouldn't have needed those chances if we had just let the game run down. Those missed chances became mighty important once we'd gone two down!

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