Most pissed you have been at a game..

Plzen away, two of us went in a bar in the town centre in early afternoon and we must have got through nine or ten rounds of the local Pilsner lager before meeting up with a couple of other Blues in a restaurant near the stadium where we had a couple more before heading to the match. Then afterwards we went back to the hotel bar for another couple of drinks yet I had no hangover the following morning, normally I'm under the table after about 6 or 7 pints. The only reason I could think of was that the lager came straight from the brewery near the stadium for local consumption without any of the usual additives in it.
Plzen was an epic trip. We ended up in the beer hall which is inside the world-famous brewery next to the stadium. It was literally a piss-up in a brewery. Fantastic.
Munich away after the Oktoberfest. Great day, started at 9AM in the Hofbräuhaus.

44 players on the pitch that night and had to use the facilities in the Bayern end I was that desperate!
100% this game. Never seen so many pissed up blues asleep in their seats! Apparently I was snoozing early 2nd half. Immense trip & hangover / comedown!
Only ever been pissed at one game and that was the Blackburn promotion game.

Arrived in Blackburn early to try to get a ticket which I achieved early doors. Lovely, warm day, a few hours to kill carnival atmosphere, well you know the rest. Mind you, I was even more pissed by 10 o'clock when the police ejected us from a pub in Bury and I rang my ex-missus to come and pick me up.
Schalke away. Walked in just as they were about to kick off. Went arse over tit down several rows of seats and was promptly carted out by Gelsenkirchen's finest, slung in a van and driven to the outskirts of the town. Walked back and arrived at the coachpark just as Raz got the winner. Still got my "Kumpl credit card" that you had to use to buy beer in the ground. Got ten quid on it.

The whole of the nineties every away game, cracking open the Stella with Jimmy, George in Stevie Clark's car on Prinny Parkway at 8 in the morning as we headed to Wycombe, Darlington, Northampton, Grimsby, Bristol Rovers and all points in-between. Utterly arseholed and often fast asleep for at least half the game. The football was shite, the trips were the absolute bollocks.
Barcelona in Manchester a few years back. Started off in Shambles Sq with all the Barca fans then did a tour of town. Jumped a black cab up to the ground.
I swear I could barely see the pitch I was that pissed.
As a passenger travelled to Norwich away in 80/s if memory served me right, decided to give a few bottles of Sherry a whirl, woke up in chesterfield on the return leg, didn’t even know I’d been to Norwich.
31/3/1971. City v Gornik, ECWC replay in Copenhagen.
Bought a half bottle of Bells in duty free at the airport. 9:00am flight. Me and my two mates on our row finished it before we landed! On the piss all afternoon - the only time in my life where I can't remember what happened, although there is a picture somewhere showing me at the end of a line of pissheads, me hanging on for dear life!
Back to the hotel for dinner - had to leave the table twice as I was summoned by a lad called Hughie to the great white telephone. Up to the room to get changed, then on the coach to the match.
Met Mark Bittner in the ground, and, with police permission, went round the pitch with a big banner with "Manchester City" on it. We stood in the centre circle as the teams came out. City won 3 - 1 so great result.
Back on the pop later -got to bed at 4:30am. Breakfast at 8:00am then off to a "live show" where we saw......EDITED.....and acquired some magazines to read on the plane.
No more drink - I'd had enough!

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