Most pissed you have been at a game..

Sheffield United away I was about 17 or 18. Out the night before up early abergeldi cafe for breakfast 9:30am train, several cans of Stella. In sheffield went to pub opposite station. Then someone told us of a pub that sold this beer where you could only have half a pint it was so strong. Was sick all over the toilet after drinking said beer. Back to the pub near station. Only other memory of the day is we equalised in the last minute as went other a barrier and thats about it don't know how I got home.
Sheffield United away I was about 17 or 18. Out the night before up early abergeldi cafe for breakfast 9:30am train, several cans of Stella. In sheffield went to pub opposite station. Then someone told us of a pub that sold this beer where you could only have half a pint it was so strong. Was sick all over the toilet after drinking said beer. Back to the pub near station. Only other memory of the day is we equalised in the last minute as went other a barrier and thats about it don't know how I got home.
I remember that pub from when my girlfriend at the time was at Uni in Sheffield.
Pretty much every European away game I've been to. Schalke away in 2008 was particularly bad though. Nearly fell into the tier below at one point.
I wasn't gonna mention this one but yeah, i was pretty fucked meself after coaching it from 'Dam to Gelsenkirken. I recall ringing my Ma at some point to tell her i was lost on a train in Germany and may be some time.

other notable piss-ups include;
wembley 99 (pissed before Whitefield roundabout.
Forest away when they shut the pubs.
Ajax (luckily)
Wigan at wembley (spotted by Ric just as i was about to get my head down in a bus stop)
Newcastle away
Aguerrrrrooooooo day. Must've been on about a pint every 10 minutes well before kick-off.
Rags at home (KOMPANY)
Sheff Wednesday away, last game of the season 93/94. Boozing in the Broomhill Tavern the lot of us were wankered after having started at Piccadilly prior to getting on the train. We'd actually forgotten we'd gone to a match until someone mentioned it was 5 to 3 and we were about 3/4 miles from Hillsborough. We had a late addition to the travelling party... A Birmingham supporting friend. He wasn't sat with us... he was in the corner between the West Stand and the Leppings Lane end... there was one seat on its own right at the front and he was sat on it fast asleep throughout. We had to go back into the ground after we'd left because he was still comatose.
Derby in 2010 I think scholes scored a header last minute, I had loads of Stella and was drinking Fenny Indian Whiskey straight, was steaming and at full time undid the bolts on the metal seg gates to get at United and was put in a headlock by security haha.

United got chased back into the ground after the match and city ended up rocking the riot vans until the dogs came out.

Was steaming for the FA cup final too me and my mates agreed that if we won we would all jump in the canal on the way back the town as we watched it in the Manchester. I was too pissed to climb back out had to be dragged up and my mate cut his foot open on broken glass.
Love a bit of Feni.
Schalke away. Walked in just as they were about to kick off. Went arse over tit down several rows of seats and was promptly carted out by Gelsenkirchen's finest, slung in a van and driven to the outskirts of the town. Walked back and arrived at the coachpark just as Raz got the winner. Still got my "Kumpl credit card" that you had to use to buy beer in the ground. Got ten quid on it.

The whole of the nineties every away game, cracking open the Stella with Jimmy, George in Stevie Clark's car on Prinny Parkway at 8 in the morning as we headed to Wycombe, Darlington, Northampton, Grimsby, Bristol Rovers and all points in-between. Utterly arseholed and often fast asleep for at least half the game. The football was shite, the trips were the absolute bollocks.
That's 2 of us, and i also ended up at a coach park

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