motorway idiots targeted

SWP's back said:
Challenger1978 said:
SWP's back said:
That's twice you've mentioned a wonky nob? You been having dirty dreams about me? Pop down on Saturday and ill show you how it looks like a scimitar whilst I beat you round the head with it.

You'd best set off soon though at the speed you drive, and bring Miss Daisy if you wish.

PMSL you down down to piss you weird ****, what the fuck is that all about if you haven't got a wonky nob.

I never down down....

I do allow myself a SDP on occasion however, along with many fine upstanding (pun intended) gentlemen. It's nice to cool the end of it down in the bowl.
It's all about maintaining the status quo mate.
urmston said:
Just where are these middle lane hogging car drivers?

I can't say I've ever noticed them or been held up by anyone driving like this.

Perhaps they exist mainly in the dismal imaginations of those aggressive and immature drivers who are constantly weaving in and out of traffic and tailgating to impress us with their driving skills and their 'sports' cars, and/or to ensure that they arrive at their destinations a minute or two earlier than they would otherwise have done.

The only middle lane hoggers I notice are HGV drivers overtaking another HGV driver while travelling at 0.1 mph faster than the lorry they are overtaking.

Not a middle lane hogger, but an outside lane hogger I was behind on the M62 yesterday almost, by his arrogance and refusal to move over, caused a mega pile up
Blue Maverick said:
I took my lessons and test in Germany while in the RAF, part of the lessons were on the autobahns, as far as I know you can't go on the motorway over here until you pass your test, so basically no one is taught how to drive on motorways!!
If you can't pull out in time to overtake a vehicle I'd say you maybe need to get some advanced driving classes because your driving is not good enough, you should be able to anticipate these hazards and drive accordingly, it's called progressive driving.
You notice how lane discipline is so much better over there, as soon as I come back from the continent I get pissed off with the driving standards over here.
Blue Maverick said:
I took my lessons and test in Germany while in the RAF, part of the lessons were on the autobahns, as far as I know you can't go on the motorway over here until you pass your test, so basically no one is taught how to drive on motorways!!
If you can't pull out in time to overtake a vehicle I'd say you maybe need to get some advanced driving classes because your driving is not good enough, you should be able to anticipate these hazards and drive accordingly, it's called progressive driving.

These pricks arent the sole problem, its the fact they force other cars into the outside lane, who then get in mine and other peoples way.I dont drive like a prick but always sit in the outside lane at 80 or so. If the mway is clear then I will always move in, and if someone wants to get past I always move in aswell. But it generally isnt and these clueless twats havent got a clue what they cause.
I can't see the police using manpower resources to catch middle lane hoggers.

They'll probably use cameras like they do for speeding.

Of course, like speed cameras their locations would have to be advertised so hoggers can behave themselves for a hundred yards or so and then carry on as normal.

Just like speeding motorists do.
Fuzzy Logic said:
If i'm doing 70mph in the middle lane then the only people being fined should be the people wanting to overtake as they will be breaking the speed limit.

If you do 70mph in the slow lane then you're gonna have to move lanes everytime you get to a lorry or a slow driver so sticking in the middle lane is fine and i'll continue to do it.

Amazing how many morons don't realise the limit is 70 on a motorway, perhaps the government should invest in average speed cameras for the whole motorway network and fine anyone going over the limit £100.

Great name... the highway code.

If you think breaking the law is the right thing to do.... fine.

Highway Code
Lane discipline (264 to 266)


You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past. Slow-moving or speed-restricted vehicles should always remain in the left-hand lane of the carriageway unless overtaking. You MUST NOT drive on the hard shoulder except in an emergency or if directed to do so by the police, HA traffic officers in uniform or by signs.

Laws MT(E&W)R regs 5, 9 & 16(1)(a), MT(S)R regs 4, 8 & 14(1)(a), and RTA 1988, sects 35 & 186, as amended by TMA 2004 sect 6
simonk said:
Blue Maverick said:
I took my lessons and test in Germany while in the RAF, part of the lessons were on the autobahns, as far as I know you can't go on the motorway over here until you pass your test, so basically no one is taught how to drive on motorways!!
If you can't pull out in time to overtake a vehicle I'd say you maybe need to get some advanced driving classes because your driving is not good enough, you should be able to anticipate these hazards and drive accordingly, it's called progressive driving.

These pricks arent the sole problem, its the fact they force other cars into the outside lane, who then get in mine and other peoples way.I dont drive like a prick but always sit in the outside lane at 80 or so. If the mway is clear then I will always move in, and if someone wants to get past I always move in aswell. But it generally isnt and these clueless twats havent got a clue what they cause.
This is the thing, I do 30/35K a year drive between 80 and 90 if someone's going faster just pull in, it's not difficult, nor is seeing your coming up to a lorry and changing lanes in good time.
Blue Maverick said:
I took my lessons and test in Germany while in the RAF, part of the lessons were on the autobahns, as far as I know you can't go on the motorway over here until you pass your test, so basically no one is taught how to drive on motorways!!
If you can't pull out in time to overtake a vehicle I'd say you maybe need to get some advanced driving classes because your driving is not good enough, you should be able to anticipate these hazards and drive accordingly, it's called progressive driving.
Agreed. Silly Maureen

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