Moving location, standing & atmosphere arrangements in the new North Stand

I genuinely hope it happens. It’s badly needed and has been for years. It really would be fantastic for the fans and the team. However I wouldn’t put past the club to make a swathe of it corporate. I really wouldn’t.
Shhh! Don’t give them ideas mate haha
@LongsightM13 i couldn’t quite your post then but I’m also in 105 and would move to the new stand if it becomes a proper vocal stand so wouldn’t be fussed if all of 105 becomes corporate
Yeah I think they’ve had their greedy little eyes on our seats for a while, same seats directly opposite in the CB are the Tunnel Club. We’re probably in the best non-corporate seats/view in the entire stadium
I’m on the last row of regular punters before the corporate padded seats at the back and they already turf us out for CL group games.
So if it does happen, and I’m still only guessing here, then it’s inevitable I suppose. Writing has been on the wall for a while and that block would be prime stadium real estate ripe for gentrification.
As long as they offer us some decent incentives/compo, eg first dibs on the new stand, a free season maybe (haha yeah right) then I suppose I’ll cope. Still shit if it happens and a shame for us folk who have been there since the move and made good mates of the strangers around us, but hey ho
Until it happens to you….
Right, so the whole fanbase and the future fans should have an inferior stadium and atmosphere because some fans don’t want to move seats, remembering they don’t have to.What is your solution ?
Now if they sit with friends they should all be allowed to move together, it shouldn’t cost them more either. Apart from that nobody is owed a seat. And if it was me as long as those criterion were met I’d have no issue. Things change.
Yeah I think they’ve had their greedy little eyes on our seats for a while, same seats directly opposite in the CB are the Tunnel Club. We’re probably in the best non-corporate seats/view in the entire stadium
I’m on the last row of regular punters before the corporate padded seats at the back and they already turf us out for CL group games.
So if it does happen, and I’m still only guessing here, then it’s inevitable I suppose. Writing has been on the wall for a while and that block would be prime stadium real estate ripe for gentrification.
As long as they offer us some decent incentives/compo, eg first dibs on the new stand, a free season maybe (haha yeah right) then I suppose I’ll cope. Still shit if it happens and a shame for us folk who have been there since the move and made good mates of the strangers around us, but hey ho
You’re only one row behind me!

You’re not the bloke who comes in late and pushes me in the back to say ‘hello’ are you? Haha
Right, so the whole fanbase and the future fans should have an inferior stadium and atmosphere because some fans don’t want to move seats, remembering they don’t have to.What is your solution ?
Now if they sit with frien

For me, the family stand should become EL3 or CBL3. The current north stand is just so lifeless and boring, at least there expanding it and theres hope that it can become far more atmospheric.

The north stand should not involve any corporate, as this takes away from the atmosphere as fine diners in corporate aren't going to be the ones who are chanting or creating a real atmosphere. We already have corporate wise : Boxes, Tunnel club (Premium and so called 'normal tunnel club'), Chairmans Club, Mancunian, Citizens, Legends, 1894 Bar, Managers Corner, Ardwick Bar, Commonwealth Bar, Joe's and KITS.

This is a lot of corporate and there would be no need for it be in the new stand. It should be safe standing and should be similar to the spurs stand or the yellow wall.

Its extremely promising this and lets hope it comes off and is executed correctly.

There could be an issue in that theres about 12-15 boxes currently in the north stand and either they will stay or they may be built elsewhere, guess well have to wait and see.
I was in the North Stand, before it became the Family Stand, it was brilliant.
Then I had to ship off to CB3 to make way for the fucking kids.
If this happens, I am deffo going back to the North Stand.
Hmmm......they could make it the Geriatric Stand *chuckle*
Probably be the hardest stand in the ground.
Mate it’s just a seat. You go to the game because you love city, not because you love your seat.
I hate the "That's my seat" brigade. It's such a boring mentality.

I think the club should set up a system after the expansion where you buy a ticket for North Stand Level 2 (not a specific seat/row). A few days before the game (after taking into consideration tickets on the exchange, friends and family etc, the club allocates your seats (through the mobile tickets) and they can change from one game to the next. You still use the same turnstiles/entrances, but the seat changes.

That means that for groups like 1894, we can congregate groups of singers together to get things going. If other fans want to move closer to us and get involved they can. If you have a friend coming to the game the club would allocate you two seats together. If there are empty seats they can be grouped together for larger groups to book rather than singles dotted around the block.
I'm not sure it needs a thread. I think 99% of City fans would want the safe standing to be in the large 2nd tier to boost atmosphere. That will create a proper home end and attract the right type of fans in to enhance the atmosphere. It will also help the club market it to the right people as well.

There isn't anything in the guidance that suggests you can't have safe standing on an upper tier. As long as it's been designed appropriately it is seen as safer than all seater areas because of the flow of people and prevention of people climbing over seats to exit/enter the stand and during celebrations where people go flying over seats!
The North stand is where the Family stand is currently located. Don't think 99% of those supporters would like to be moved to the other end of the Stadium. Also most clubs have the singing section and the away fans close to each other. Where would the away fans go in the new North stand. Where City have already put in safe standing will probably stay there.

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