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Dubai Blue said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was 22. I was on a site where I had almost as many stalkers as I do here. I faked my own death around easter and then recorded a video on youtube on easter sunday where I was resurrected and proclaimed I was the son of god.....some very very sad people were

a) bothered/upset about an internet persona dying.
b) did not see the funny side
c) Take the internet FAR to seriously, I put it down to people like Dant....sorry didders dave not having a life outside the net!
I'm confused. You're labelling other people as sad geeks, yet that is possibly the saddest, geekiest thing I have ever seen anyone admit to.

And I have it on good authority that in the real world you're actually pretty sound and nothing at all like the annoying WUM you come across as on here. So it's all just a lung-bustingly hilarious fake internet persona. Again, pretty sad don't you think?

If you are indeed such a decent bloke (as you and others keep professing), why don't you just drop the dickhead act and get on with posting as yourself? Your desire to create controversy just for the sake of it at every opportunity has become extremely tiresome.

Thanks Dubai (and thanks also for not 'going public with my PM yesterday) you seem like a better man than I have given you credit for in the past.

I am a decent bloke, as Geoffry Leonard once said "I am true to myself, I am true to everybody and I am true to god". I love the banter, some of what I say should be taken with a pinch of sodium chloride (as you and some of more intelligent posters realise!) but I'd say 80% is the truth and I was deadly serious about the Haiti and 9/11 thing-that’s honestly how I feel.

At the end of the day it's an internet forum, my little stalker thinks he knows me, that’s fine, if he does then he'll know the kind of person I am-I have nothing to hide, most of what he's written I have already admitted on other threads or since he tried to call my bluff.

As for faking my own death, at the time 50% of the people involved thought it was brilliant (the youtube video has since been taken down sadly) others took offence, mainly because it took them in. It was one of those things that you had to be around at the time to appreciate it I suppose.
So you do it for "the banter"?

Is it "banter" to pretend to know me and make up shit about teenagers and prostitutes and hard drugs?

Or did you fuck up a bit with that?

Come on, you're being honest now.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Did I? Can't remember doing that would not have said that unprovoked.

Anyway keep the banter coming all of you....Dant...I mean Dave keeps talking about reaping what I sew but if you think this has bothered me in the slightest it shows just how sad some people are.

If you think I am bothered about some nerds on the interent giving me shit you are sadly mistaken, so keep it coming.

Lmao your the guy that though i was going to round up the lunatics on bluemoon and come down and lynch you or something at platt lanes, even though i had not threatened you. You also took great offense to me calling you a coward, you sure as hell spat your dummy out with that one. As you went off and made a thread about how your not a coward and people are going to back you up at platt lane.

BTW did you go crying to the mods about being bullied or something ?, as i got a friendly pm of a mod saying to cool it a bit. I've got to say the mod in question handle the situation brilliantly once he realised i was on the WUM.

mod said:
You certainly riled him!
Challenger1978 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Did I? Can't remember doing that would not have said that unprovoked.

Anyway keep the banter coming all of you....Dant...I mean Dave keeps talking about reaping what I sew but if you think this has bothered me in the slightest it shows just how sad some people are.

If you think I am bothered about some nerds on the interent giving me shit you are sadly mistaken, so keep it coming.

Lmao your the guy that though i was going to round up the lunatics on bluemoon and come down and lynch you or something at platt lanes, even though i had not threatened you. You also took great offense to me calling you a coward, you sure as hell spat your dummy out with that one. As you went off and made a thread about how your not a coward and people are going to back you up at platt lane.

BTW did you go crying to the mods about being bullied or something ?, as i got a friendly pm of a mod saying to cool it a bit. I've got to say the mod in question handle the situation brilliantly once he realised i was on the WUM.

mod said:
You certainly riled him!

Where's Platt Lanes?

New fan are we?
Didsbury Dave said:
So you do it for "the banter"?

Is it "banter" to pretend to know me and make up shit about teenagers and prostitutes and hard drugs?

Or did you fuck up a bit with that?

Come on, you're being honest now.

No If you are who I have been told you are then those are facts.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
So you do it for "the banter"?

Is it "banter" to pretend to know me and make up shit about teenagers and prostitutes and hard drugs?

Or did you fuck up a bit with that?

Come on, you're being honest now.

No If you are who I have been told you are then those are facts.

Hahahahahahaha - the "if" creeps in.

You don't know me from Adam, Lazerus, I can say that with cast-iron certainty.

1) Because I don't use hard drugs
2) Because I don't sleep with prostitutes
3) Because my name does not begin with "Dant..."

I keep asking you to give a name or even give some initials.

Then any Moderator out there can shoot you down in flames for the whole board's enjoyment - or make me look a total prick.

Why not even just give the first initial of my last name?

So come on, there's another challenge as you backed out of the last one. My initials.

And I authorise a Moderator of your choice, who can see my name clearly under my registration details, to confirm whether you're right or wrong.

How about that? Does everyone agree that is fair?

One man will look stupid and the other can gloat.
Didsbury Dave said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
No If you are who I have been told you are then those are facts.

Hahahahahahaha - the "if" creeps in.

You don't know me from Adam, Lazerus, I can say that with cast-iron certainty.

1) Because I don't use hard drugs
2) Because I don't sleep with prostitutes
3) Because my name does not begin with "Dant..."

I keep asking you to give a name or even give some initials.

Then any Moderator out there can shoot you down in flames for the whole board's enjoyment - or make me look a total prick.

Why not even just give the first initial of my last name?

So come on, there's another challenge as you backed out of the last one. My initials.

And I authorise a Moderator of your choice, who can see my name clearly under my registration details, to confirm whether you're right or wrong.

How about that? Does everyone agree that is fair?

One man will look stupid and the other can gloat.

You really are a sad little man.

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