
Re: 20m for Nasri

NipHolmes said:
omcfc said:
I absolutely despise the idea of paying large chunks of wages on players contracts when they are at other clubs. I'd rather just let them rot in the reserves with us as a lesson. The thought of us paying the wages of a Spurs player makes my blood boil, even if he is shit. Pure lunacy.

Employment law.

Nothing we can do about it unfortunately.

Imo the best thing to do is play him centrally in midfield as cover for Yaya or Silva. He's wasted on the right wing and Milner shows him up.

It's bad scouting this purchase. Nothing like Alexis Sanchez.

Not making this a Mancini out bollocks thread but this is another example of bad buying at high price and the club suffers again.

Nasri can do better and will do better. Just needs to be played in position. If not we sell and lose out. What else can we do? The present situation isn't a good one.

Nasri is quality but hasn't gelled at all this season, may be a much better player next season. BUT if possible, he'd do better elsewhere.
Re: 20m for Nasri

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I cannot for the life of me believe that anyone is going to be mug enough to pay £20m for Nasri, with those wages. He's enormously overpriced.

I think we will do well to sell him at all, unless we take about £10-12m and he accepts a big paycut.

Like I said, we are stuck with him.

And I'm sorry to bring it around to this (no, I really am) but Mancini needs to take a fair share of the blame for it.

He was desperate for Nasri and put serious pressure on Cook and Marwood to beat United to his signature.

It was silly to then have a pop in public, his value has been plummeting as it was.

We have been pissing away money.

This whole forum was deperate for nasri also
It had 1000 page threads frothing at the mouth for mancini to go and get him
Re: 20m for Nasri

NipHolmes said:
Mancini did same with Adebayor. It's best to talk up a player to the sell not talk down. How many salesmen knock your door and says 'this isn't all that great but do you want to buy it?'.

Club should gag Mancini about stuff like this. Stupidity.

A point my mate and I were discussing when we analysed Mancini's Guardian interview. Why on earth talk down a player you are looking to offload? It's far from the first time as you say. Tevez and Adebayor spring to mind. I actually thought that The Balotelli transfer bore the hallmarks of the experience of Soriano and Begiristain, where the club, mainly through Mancini, feigned a lack of interest in selling him right up to the point he left. I thought then "Ah, they've got into his ribs about this." I thought it was a good thing that we were finally learning how to get better value both ways on the transfer market.

I just don't think Mancini thinks his words through properly, or maybe he just doesn't really care.
Re: 20m for Nasri

Exeter Blue I am here said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I cannot for the life of me believe that anyone is going to be mug enough to pay £20m for Nasri, with those wages. He's enormously overpriced.

I think we will do well to sell him at all, unless we take about £10-12m and he accepts a big paycut.

Something about Samir Nasri tells me he's cut from the same self-interested cloth as Mr Adebayor, and the chances of him taking a pay cut (without City subsidising his wages) are roughly the same as mine of being teleported to the planet of the nymphomaniacs within the next 24 hours

You still wouldn't pull.
Re: 20m for Nasri

The cookie monster said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I cannot for the life of me believe that anyone is going to be mug enough to pay £20m for Nasri, with those wages. He's enormously overpriced.

I think we will do well to sell him at all, unless we take about £10-12m and he accepts a big paycut.

Like I said, we are stuck with him.

And I'm sorry to bring it around to this (no, I really am) but Mancini needs to take a fair share of the blame for it.

He was desperate for Nasri and put serious pressure on Cook and Marwood to beat United to his signature.

It was silly to then have a pop in public, his value has been plummeting as it was.

We have been pissing away money.

This whole forum was deperate for nasri also
It had 1000 page threads frothing at the mouth for mancini to go and get him

We also wanted Alexis Sanchez and Nasri was the back-up plan.

A lot of the frothing in the end seemed to be also to stop United getting him?
Re: 20m for Nasri

tolmie's hairdoo said:
The cookie monster said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Like I said, we are stuck with him.

And I'm sorry to bring it around to this (no, I really am) but Mancini needs to take a fair share of the blame for it.

He was desperate for Nasri and put serious pressure on Cook and Marwood to beat United to his signature.

It was silly to then have a pop in public, his value has been plummeting as it was.

We have been pissing away money.

This whole forum was deperate for nasri also
It had 1000 page threads frothing at the mouth for mancini to go and get him

We also wanted Alexis Sanchez and Nasri was the back-up plan.

A lot of the frothing in the end seemed to be also to stop United getting him?

True on the united point
I must admit i along with many thought he was the last piece of the jigsaw back then when he signed
Is it true that he is fucking off back to london on every day off?
Re: 20m for Nasri

NipHolmes said:
omcfc said:
I absolutely despise the idea of paying large chunks of wages on players contracts when they are at other clubs. I'd rather just let them rot in the reserves with us as a lesson. The thought of us paying the wages of a Spurs player makes my blood boil, even if he is shit. Pure lunacy.

Employment law.

Nothing we can do about it unfortunately.

Imo the best thing to do is play him centrally in midfield as cover for Yaya or Silva. He's wasted on the right wing and Milner shows him up.

It's bad scouting this purchase. Nothing like Alexis Sanchez.

Not making this a Mancini out bollocks thread but this is another example of bad buying at high price and the club suffers again.

Nasri can do better and will do better. Just needs to be played in position. If not we sell and lose out. What else can we do? The present situation isn't a good one.

At least Nasri has: he's still top of the pile for pass completion and only Nasri and Tevez set up more chances than him, so there is scope to make better use of him.
Re: 20m for Nasri

Didsbury Dave said:
NipHolmes said:
Mancini did same with Adebayor. It's best to talk up a player to the sell not talk down. How many salesmen knock your door and says 'this isn't all that great but do you want to buy it?'.

Club should gag Mancini about stuff like this. Stupidity.

A point my mate and I were discussing when we analysed Mancini's Guardian interview. Why on earth talk down a player you are looking to offload? It's far from the first time as you say. Tevez and Adebayor spring to mind. I actually thought that The Balotelli transfer bore the hallmarks of the experience of Soriano and Begiristain, where the club, mainly through Mancini, feigned a lack of interest in selling him right up to the point he left. I thought then "Ah, they've got into his ribs about this." I thought it was a good thing that we were finally learning how to get better value both ways on the transfer market.

I just don't think Mancini thinks his words through properly, or maybe he just doesn't really care.

I agree.

I said so in an Adebayor thread ages ago.

As you say the Balo sale was done quite well really. When selling anything you hype product and state its positives rather than negatives. Common sense really.

If we are too sell then Bobby needs to help us to help him. Hype player and start in preferred positions. Talk him up and sell for good price in summer which will boost coffers to then spend from. Not rocket science is it?

For me I look at Nasri and see a player going through the motions, on the pitch he absolves himself from pressure by passing the ball on rather than making stuff happen. Dembele does his job and cost far less and is paid much less.

Only way forward is to go back to the drawing board. Not playing and still picking up high wages isn't an option.
Re: 20m for Nasri

We were warned by Gooners that he was what he has proved to be - inconsistent and carefree - typical MOTD player.

And many on here also suggested at the time he was a luxury not needed.

We needed,and still do,a real winger with real desire.
Re: 20m for Nasri

The cookie monster said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The cookie monster said:
This whole forum was deperate for nasri also
It had 1000 page threads frothing at the mouth for mancini to go and get him

We also wanted Alexis Sanchez and Nasri was the back-up plan.

A lot of the frothing in the end seemed to be also to stop United getting him?

True on the united point
I must admit i along with many thought he was the last piece of the jigsaw back then when he signed
Is it true that he is fucking off back to london on every day off?

Sanchez would have cost us a lot more than Nasri, so we actually missed a curve ball there!

Re Nasri, when you earn hundreds of thousands of pounds a week, I just don't really see it as a major problem fucking off down to London whenever the mood takes.

Same were it Paris.

Money solves a lot of logistical problems. Manchester becomes a small place after a while, once your money has afforded you all it has to offer.

I think this also became the case for Mario. If I finished training at 2pm and could be in London eating dinner at a top eaterie by six, back in bed for 11, why not?

I have friends in the States who travel two hours for a night out at their favourite diner. Crazy, I know!

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