
Against Villa he had the worst game I remember him having - but as Daxman pointed about Kompany was at fault too but nothing has been mentioned about that.

Anyway, last night I think he played a solid game. Made one absolutely crucial block from a cross, and couldn't really be blamed for any of the goals. He made another foul though right on the edge of the box which is worrying - he needs to cut that out.

For Robben's goal, firstly Fernandinho's mistake led them to the break and Robben 1 on 1 will turn pretty much everybody - especially when they are running backwards. Nastasic did well to keep him on his weaker side, and obviously Hart shouldn't be beaten like that at his near post.
I've said it since the beginning of last season, we should have brought in a top class CH to play alongside Vinny, Demichellis is only a stop gap and Nastasic is to young to rely on for a full season, full of potential but a long way to go. Lescott and Garcia not the answer. I still ask myself the same question when discussing a player, would they get in Bayern's, Barca's or Madrid's first 11 or squad ? That is our benchmark now IMO.
geek said:
Nasri is obviously laughing to should we never play him either???!!
I laughed at the goal too should I give my season ticket back?
shut up you muppet!

all people are saying is nastasic is not playing well at the moment and should be dropped, and seen as we have a very accomplished defender in lescott there is no reason he shouldn't, personally I much prefer to play lescott as he has tons more experience, nobody in the right mind is doubting we have a very very good prospect in nastasic but hes still a kid basically and learning his trade.
Who's a muppet you fucking geek!

I've calmed down since last night. Am usually in no state to post after games plus don't want to post something in the heat of the moment. Just last night, regardless of who we were playing, it got me thinking about some of these guys who've been at the club for a few years now. Yes they've played important roles in the team and have helped to win trophies but they've also embarrassed the club at times, got their previous manager sacked and for all intents and purposes are untouchable (and too expensive to move on in some cases).

Hart, Richards, Nasri, Lescott, Dzeko come to mind.

I don't put Nastasic into this gang as he's younger and hasn't been at the club that long. I do agree though about him going through a dip in form and maybe needing to be took out of the firing line.
He did not have a great game last night. Its a pity Demachelis is not yet fit. He may be ready to help out soon.
Walkbustaxi said:
geek said:
Nasri is obviously laughing to should we never play him either???!!
I laughed at the goal too should I give my season ticket back?
shut up you muppet!

all people are saying is nastasic is not playing well at the moment and should be dropped, and seen as we have a very accomplished defender in lescott there is no reason he shouldn't, personally I much prefer to play lescott as he has tons more experience, nobody in the right mind is doubting we have a very very good prospect in nastasic but hes still a kid basically and learning his trade.
Who's a muppet you fucking geek!

I've calmed down since last night.
Am usually in no state to post after games plus don't want to post something in the heat of the moment. Just last night, regardless of who we were playing, it got me thinking about some of these guys who've been at the club for a few years now. Yes they've played important roles in the team and have helped to win trophies but they've also embarrassed the club at times, got their previous manager sacked and for all intents and purposes are untouchable (and too expensive to move on in some cases).

Hart, Richards, Nasri, Lescott, Dzeko come to mind.

I don't put Nastasic into this gang as he's younger and hasn't been at the club that long. I do agree though about him going through a dip in form and maybe needing to be took out of the firing line.

Are you sure?

Walkbustaxi said:
I wouldn't bring Lescott back simply for his reaction to Villas winning goal on Saturday.

Don't care whether it's the fact he's a Villa fan or more likely that he sees the two CBs fault in the goal and can't but help feeling self satisfied. Unprofessional from him.
So as Nasri is laughing and is not a Villa fan or a defender would it be fair to say they were sharing a joke. Or last night when we were one down and a picture of the bench showed the subs laughing maybe they should all be dropped or maybe shot
Re: Re:

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Walkbustaxi said:
I wouldn't bring Lescott back simply for his reaction to Villas winning goal on Saturday.

Don't care whether it's the fact he's a Villa fan or more likely that he sees the two CBs fault in the goal and can't but help feeling self satisfied. Unprofessional from him.
So as Nasri is laughing and is not a Villa fan or a defender would it be fair to say they were sharing a joke. Or last night when we were one down and a picture of the bench showed the subs laughing maybe they should all be dropped or maybe shot
Fuck it, shoot em all.
Abraham Lincoln was known for being patient but would often let rip in letters to people who pissed him off.

He would leave these letters in a drawer overnight and check over them the following day before deciding whether to send them or not (a bit like that Simpsons where Bart gives Mr Burns blood and Homer writes a letter slating Burns and decides to sleep on it before deciding whether to send it).

The point is years ago you would have time to respond to stuff and could draft and redraft your thoughts. Nowadays everything's instant and you can say something in the heat of the moment you may regret or like like a **** for doing.

I've avoided this in the past but can't anymore and if I post stuff that makes me look a muppet (I prefer ****!) afterwords then so be it.
Re: Re:

BlueTG said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Walkbustaxi said:
I wouldn't bring Lescott back simply for his reaction to Villas winning goal on Saturday.

Don't care whether it's the fact he's a Villa fan or more likely that he sees the two CBs fault in the goal and can't but help feeling self satisfied. Unprofessional from him.
So as Nasri is laughing and is not a Villa fan or a defender would it be fair to say they were sharing a joke. Or last night when we were one down and a picture of the bench showed the subs laughing maybe they should all be dropped or maybe shot
Fuck it, shoot em all.
Maybe not Kidd I know he is a bit clueless but its not his fault

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