Nedum Onuoha noooooooooooooooo!!!

staffs_blue said:
kippaxblue76 said:
Its about the whole squad not just eleven, get a grip.

Yes,but we if we sign Lescott and Terry,we will have 6 1st team centre halfs,which is too many!!!!!

Obvously Dunne should be the one to go but Everton aint interested in Dunne!

So they find an alternative, Upson, Hangeland, Taylor (Newcastle) etc etc. If we do get Terry Neddy would learn so much from him.
hope this story is bullshit. would love lescott at city but if it was at the expense of ned i would instantly pull out of the deal and look at someone else. lescott is worth getting but not at all costs. keep ned and lose lescott if need be. fuck it lets just bid more for lescott...
Spindash said:
TonyM said:
How can we make the strongest statement to the club without being disrespectful? This after al is only based on a crappy article and rumour.

I can't believe that this would be allowed to happen, but someone needs to email the club or something, with a link to this thread. This is happyblue/the MEN, not the Sun, so there's a chance that the prospect has been raised. If they really do listen to the fans as much as they have already, they'll know what a huge error they could make.

It's quite depressing that some people are trying to argue that it'd be acceptable to let him go. He embodies City.

EDIT: I know this comes across as a bit needy, but I would be distraught if he left.

Yeah i can't believe some people are trying to argue that it would be acceptable, they need to give there heads a wobble.
staffs_blue said:

And before you say Ned is better than all of those he probably is,but Everton are not interested in the others!

Well tell Everton to fuck off.

£15/20 million with or without Dunne/Jo is a fair enough deal, we're not here to be taken for mugs, I really like Lescott and would love him to come here but not at the expense of losing Big Ned, no just no.

Imo If we have to just move on to another target, and with regards to "Kompany?Richards?Dunne?" Kompany is pretty much unproven for us at CB, don't personly see Richards as a CB well not right now anyway and Dunne for all the great service to the club is a bit of a liability and his lack of concentration at times costs us on too many occasions.
There are no ifs, no buts...

If we exchange Nedum and cash for Lescott...

There are some seriously short-sighted idiots conducting our club's business.
*singingtheblues* said:
There are no ifs, no buts...

If we exchange Nedum and cash for Lescott...

There are some seriously short-sighted idiots conducting our club's business.

and they aren't short-sighted, which is why this won't happen.
guys/girls please do what I have just done - e mail the club ( and tell them politley what you think about Nedum - if we want to make sure he stays, make sure the club knows what we feel about him, not just a fine young player, but a fine young man too, a local lad and a potential future City and England captain

Could the club ignore 10,000 e mails?

Tell them to look at the forums and see what 99% of CITY fans are saying
BringBackSwales said:
guys/girls please do what I have just done - e mail the club ( and tell them politley what you think about Nedum - if we want to make sure he stays, make sure the club knows what we feel about him, not just a fine young player, but a fine young man too, a local lad and a potential future City and England captain

Could the club ignore 10,000 e mails?

Tell them to look at the forums and see what 99% of CITY fans are saying

FFS, grow up. We employ a manager, and he decides. Not the fans.

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