Nedum Onuoha

BillyShears said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Being sceptical is fair enough but it seems some have already come to a conclusion that he isn't the riight man for a job after only 5 months, which simply isn't fair

It's no more and no less fair than when people made their minds up en masse about MH six months into his tenure.

That's completely irrelevant mate and should not be influencing your decision at all (I don't suspect it is). To be fair, Hughes wasn't proven and after 6 months had taken us into the relegation zone, so they were much more justified in criticising him (though I was willing to give him more time myself). That said, it should still be pretty irrelevant to Mancini
The Fat el Hombre said:
BillyShears said:
With respect, it's possible to be extremely positive about the future of the club, whilst still being highly sceptical of the manager.

Being sceptical is fair enough but it seems some have already come to a conclusion that he isn't the riight man for a job after only 5 months, which simply isn't fair
And neither is the conclusion that he's the best manager we've had in 34 years and will win us everything going. He's really done nothing for us yet and has still got an awful lot to prove. How hard is that to understand?

Yet people like Ticket for Schalke come out with drivel like this:
Ticket for Schalke said:
I am almost convinced Mancini will bring success to our great club. He's talked the talked this week, but he's proven he can walk the walk..
Well how has he proven that? If we'd been down where we were last December and he's taken us to 5th place then no one could deny he had something about him. But he took a team that was in 6th to the dizzy heights of 5th.

Ticket for Schalke said:
He's saying all the right things, unlike Hughes he was satisfied for 5th this season, which i was too, he would of been pushing for forth this season, whereas Mancini wants to win the title this season.
Again, he had the chance to get 4th but blew it by losing at Hull and at home to the rags, Spurs & Everton while drawing at home against the poorest Liverpool team we've played in a while. Aiming high is what we should be doing but you just look stupid if, like Benitez, you "guarantee" something then fall short. And let's not forget, he promised us 4th last season and couldn't deliver.

Some of you lot sound like the mob of disciples following Brian around in Life of Brian. So shut up Big Nose!
Chick Counterfly said:
it's one thing to have an opinion on the manager. I couldn't care less what some random people think about mancini. but to go on and on and on and on. to turn every story as fuel for the anti-mancini drively. to go to such lengths to try to belittle him and undermine him publicly, to always go back to hinting that 'I know for a fact that....'. It's extremely boring and repetitive, it goes nowhere, serves nothing except to upset people who are quite keen on giving him a shot for next year. that's why you get dogs abuse, because you never ever shut the fuck up for five minutes, you just keep on running him down, keep on abusing and belittling the people who would stick up for the manager of this football club for the forseable future. in your own minds maybe you think you're waging some sort of campaign or PR war, but it just comes across as tiresome, we go round and round, you can't nail him on anything apart from the 'player unrest', anyone disagrees on the extent on that, well, you know different than us so that's the end of that. nothing ever changes. the argument never gets anywhere, you just recycle the same clichés and rhetoric, shuffle the deck and play the same cards in a different order to avoid saying acknowledging remotely respectful or positive about him.....the 24 hours I spent away from this shit was pretty pleasant, I think I'll make it a week this time.

I think you have captured the essence of what they are on about. I'd like to think that this would bring an end to their campaign but I am not holding my breath.

Personally I would like to call it a day. It's tiring defending the manager every time they come on. Can we all call a truce to this?
samharris said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Being sceptical is fair enough but it seems some have already come to a conclusion that he isn't the riight man for a job after only 5 months, which simply isn't fair

No it isn't fair...

Awww, poor Bob.

There's be tears in heaven tonight.

If you want fair a football forum's probably not the right place for you.
robbieh said:
BillyShears said:
It's no more and no less fair than when people made their minds up en masse about MH six months into his tenure.

Billy that old chestnut.

As you refuse to accept that Mancini is the most garlanded manager to arrive at this club then you just won't get the difference.

You have seen enough of Mancini in six months to say he's not good enough.
I likewise saw that Hughes was pretty incompetent after a similar time period.

However it is the very fact that mancini has a track record that gives me hope whereas with Hughes none existed. Added to the fact that Hughes brought in half a new team and Mancini is yet to make significant signings.

There is a difference but you just can't/won't see it.

Then there was the huge transfer kitty he had...:)
BillyShears said:
BobKowalski said:
I would say that Mancin is arrogant. I wouldn't go with the bullying but equally he wants it done his way and he wants players with the right 'mindset' (my word of the day) and I don't think he is interested in the way the players want it done.

I go back to Mancini not being a sympathetic character. He will be up to a point but after that I think he just dismisses the problem or the player as a waste of time.

Ned is pissed at being overlooked for Boyata. Bridge I suspect is pissed over the Terry affair. I really don't think Mancini gets what the fuss was about or why Bridge would turn his back on England. I don't think Capello gets it either. I doubt if Mancini gets Ireland's refusal to play for Ireland anyone than Trapawhatsit does.

I think Mancini lost patience with Tevez over the wife/baby problem and pretty much told him and so on. Oddly I was reading about Fabregas today who said he had given his all to Arsenal including playing when injured/ill and a three days after his grandfather died which in turn reminded my of the Schumacher brothers driving in the GP after their mother had just died. My reading of Mancini is that he is more in the Schuey camp then anything else and sympathy is great but we have an important match next week so get your boots on.

Mancini may look all warm and friendly with his cheeky scarf and wide smile but if you ain't on board you sleep with the fishes and its not personal. Its just business.

You see, I have a major problem with what you've posted above. Mancini is nowhere near at a stage in his career where he can be as arrogant as you're suggesting. In fact I'd go so far as to say that that's a completely exaggerated description of his personality. City are not in a position to have a manager who behaves in an unsympathetic manner to players of the caliber of Tevez. There's absolutely now way that even Fergie, Wenger, or Mourinho, would take such a hardline stance with their best player - and these are managers who have seen it all and done it all.

I would suggest BK that you're fantasizing a little about how you'd like Mancini to be. From the little bits I know and have heard, I get the feeling that he had little authority in the first six months of his reign, and as such didn't really get close to any of the players. This is in stark contrast to his time at Inter where he was seen much more in the Mourinho, fantastic man manager mould. I think we'll see a different Mancini from pre-season onwards. He'll have the players he wants, and the authority he needs, and this will hopefully allow him to open up a little to the squad he has...

My assessment of Mancini is merely my read on him from afar based on what I have seen of him to date. I could be totally wrong, half right or totally right. If I was pushed I would say I was over generalising and that, as you say, the 'distance' between himself and the squad is as much to do with the circumstances in which he got the job and that this dynamic may change going forward. Having received the full backing of AUG and with the squad shaped more to his liking I would say that the dynamic will almost certainly change and for the positive.

Equally though I do think Mancini is only inclined to make the effort if he thinks the player is worth the effort and that he is not inclined to waste his or the club's time if he deems the player does not have the necessary ability or the right mindset going forward.

And I do think that Mancini can be, and is, as arrogant as I am suggesting. It will be a much harsher enviroment going forward and a certain level of player will not survive long within it. Tevez, in my opinion, needed to be reminded that he was not bigger than the club and that City are not here for his convenience. I think City have marked Tevez's card in this respect.
Didsbury Dave said:
Danamy said:
Dave i respect your opinions and concerns about the current set up between management and players at the club but something is going to happen during the summer that will change your view on this matter and i hope will change your opinion........i can't say anymore but when the event happens you'll know what i'm talking about.
Remember we're a lot more proffesional about our buisness now and no stone will be left unturned to improve us as an outfit.
Hopefully there will be no more going around in circles and your views will i asking for miracles?
The club is going to improve year after year regardless of what you and i think about the approach there taking.
Come and sit in the positive chair for a never know you might like it?

Danamy, you are one of the people of here whose views I respect and I'm very interested to find out what you are referring to.

A new number 2 would be my guess, and that certainly wouldn't go amiss.

In fact that would delight me if it was the right Allison or a Peter Taylor type figure would be ideal! A players's man, a strong communicator, a bright man.

I'm hugely positive about City's long term future and despite the disappointments of last season I'm fully aware this is the best City team I've ever seen.

I'm actually very positive on the playing side of m27 will confirm (because we clash on it) I think our squad is already good enough for 2nd or 3rd.

Don't let anyone think I don't want the best for City. I want it passionately.

It's sensible comments like yours and 80% of the comments on here which make Bluemoon enjoyable.

(But don't ever expect to turn my Dad)

I've never doubted your passion and commitment to the cause because if you didn't care you wouldn't be on here airing your thoughts, opinions or concerns like the rest of us.
I'm just merely giving you the heads up that we are going to improve and get stronger as a squad and let's just say that life will be a lot better in our squad next season.
Prestwich_Blue said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Being sceptical is fair enough but it seems some have already come to a conclusion that he isn't the riight man for a job after only 5 months, which simply isn't fair
And neither is the conclusion that he's the best manager we've had in 34 years and will win us everything going. He's really done nothing for us yet and has still got an awful lot to prove. How hard is that to understand?

I never said he was. He's certainly one of the most successful managers we've ever had, for whatever that's worth.

It's worth giving him a bit of time to make his mark if you ask me
I think internal politics should be kept within the confiens of the club. It's bad enough that journos, pundits and trash radio presenters give the club grief without players going public and airing the dirty laundry!!

Players will gripe when not getting selected that is natural but the bottom line is, if they worked harder/smarter in training then surely any manager (even bad ones) would pick their best available 11 and not omit players through their own dislike of an individual?? Nedum did ok when he played he didn't let anyone down, Ireland however was very poor. I think our estimation and expectancy has now changed and unfortunately, there's no room for sentiment in pursuit of progress.

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