Nedum Onuoha

robbieh said:
Chick Counterfly said:
it's one thing to have an opinion on the manager. I couldn't care less what some random people think about mancini. but to go on and on and on and on. to turn every story as fuel for the anti-mancini drively. to go to such lengths to try to belittle him and undermine him publicly, to always go back to hinting that 'I know for a fact that....'. It's extremely boring and repetitive, it goes nowhere, serves nothing except to upset people who are quite keen on giving him a shot for next year. that's why you get dogs abuse, because you never ever shut the fuck up for five minutes, you just keep on running him down, keep on abusing and belittling the people who would stick up for the manager of this football club for the forseable future. in your own minds maybe you think you're waging some sort of campaign or PR war, but it just comes across as tiresome, we go round and round, you can't nail him on anything apart from the 'player unrest', anyone disagrees on the extent on that, well, you know different than us so that's the end of that. nothing ever changes. the argument never gets anywhere, you just recycle the same clichés and rhetoric, shuffle the deck and play the same cards in a different order to avoid saying acknowledging remotely respectful or positive about him.....the 24 hours I spent away from this shit was pretty pleasant, I think I'll make it a week this time.

I think you have captured the essence of what they are on about. I'd like to think that this would bring an end to their campaign but I am not holding my breath.

Personally I would like to call it a day. It's tiring defending the manager every time they come on. Can we all call a truce to this?

I tend to see things in a little more prosaic fashion. I'm posting my opinion about City on a public forum. Until such time as Ric informs me that my opinions are no longer welcome, I'll continue to post them.

Hope that clears things lads. And seriously, if it's becoming so difficult to handle the things we post - you could always use the 'foe' button.
robbieh said:
Personally I would like to call it a day. It's tiring defending the manager every time they come on. Can we all call a truce to this?

The conversation was coming round to a natural close about 3 pages ago with most people sort of agreeing to disagree.

Then the bitching started from the canonisors again.
strongbowholic said:
I know it’s only a forum and cannot say it represents a majority view, but…!

Disappointed to read so much negativity towards Mancini. If we look at the cold hard facts, with some perspective of course, surely we can all agree that in the main, he has done a decent enough job for us? He saw we were poor at the back and shipping goals for fun. Then with Hughes squad of defenders, and in spite of the injuries we had at the time, identified a specific training method and the players to fit within that to ensure things were shored up. Job done. We have slammed goals in for fun on occasion, so attack-wise things are ok, though I agree, the times when tactically he sets us up to be ultra defensive, it can be frustrating. That style of football though is a very continental style (as you’d expect from an Italian!) and is the same style of football we’d have if we got Mr Mourinho.

We were knocked out of the Carling Cup when we were in a decent position to progress to the final, but I just don’t accept Hughes would have won those games as it all comes down to ifs and buts. We also failed to overcome Spurs to reach fourth spot, however, that was 90 minutes of football, whereas league position is determined over the course of the season and I’m not slating Hughes in any way, shape or form, but we did draw an awful lot of games during his stewardship which is what I believe ultimately cost us 4th place.

There has only been two additions to the squad, so predominantly we still have Hughes side. It’s only been 5 months or so since we got our new manager, surely he has earned the right to buy some players in the closed season and attempt to build a team for next season? I think things will be very different next season (no sh1t Sherlock!) and based on Mancini’s Italian achievements and glimpses of how we’ve been this season under him, I think we will be even more difficult to beat but with added attacking flair. I still think we will be defensive at times and there will be games where we need to be.

As I said at the top of the post, I know it’s only a forum, but we really ought to cut Mancini a bit of slack and give him a bit more respect than we are showing just now. He certainly isn’t the best manager since sliced cake, but let’s see what he delivers next season before either beatifying or condemning the man.
very level headed post.
BobKowalski said:
And I do think that Mancini can be, and is, as arrogant as I am suggesting. It will be a much harsher enviroment going forward and a certain level of player will not survive long within it. Tevez, in my opinion, needed to be reminded that he was not bigger than the club and that City are not here for his convenience. I think City have marked Tevez's card in this respect.
This Tevez that needs putting in his place and might not survive in our new, harsher, winning environment.

Would that be the Carlos Tevez that has, among other honours, two Premiership title medals, a Champions League winning medal, an Olympic Gold Medal, has won championships and cups in Argentina & Brazil?
Didsbury Dave said:
robbieh said:
Personally I would like to call it a day. It's tiring defending the manager every time they come on. Can we all call a truce to this?

The conversation was coming round to a natural close about 3 pages ago with most people sort of agreeing to disagree.

Then the bitching started from the canonisors again.

Bullshit....It was your dad givin 'it the big I am..
redmizzle said:
I know it’s only a forum and cannot say it represents a majority view, but…!

Disappointed to read so much negativity towards Mancini. If we look at the cold hard facts, with some perspective of course, surely we can all agree that in the main, he has done a decent enough job for us? He saw we were poor at the back and shipping goals for fun. Then with Hughes squad of defenders, and in spite of the injuries we had at the time, identified a specific training method and the players to fit within that to ensure things were shored up. Job done. We have slammed goals in for fun on occasion, so attack-wise things are ok, though I agree, the times when tactically he sets us up to be ultra defensive, it can be frustrating. That style of football though is a very continental style (as you’d expect from an Italian!) and is the same style of football we’d have if we got Mr Mourinho.

We were knocked out of the Carling Cup when we were in a decent position to progress to the final, but I just don’t accept Hughes would have won those games as it all comes down to ifs and buts. We also failed to overcome Spurs to reach fourth spot, however, that was 90 minutes of football, whereas league position is determined over the course of the season and I’m not slating Hughes in any way, shape or form, but we did draw an awful lot of games during his stewardship which is what I believe ultimately cost us 4th place.

There has only been two additions to the squad, so predominantly we still have Hughes side. It’s only been 5 months or so since we got our new manager, surely he has earned the right to buy some players in the closed season and attempt to build a team for next season? I think things will be very different next season (no sh1t Sherlock!) and based on Mancini’s Italian achievements and glimpses of how we’ve been this season under him, I think we will be even more difficult to beat but with added attacking flair. I still think we will be defensive at times and there will be games where we need to be.

As I said at the top of the post, I know it’s only a forum, but we really ought to cut Mancini a bit of slack and give him a bit more respect than we are showing just now. He certainly isn’t the best manager since sliced cake, but let’s see what he delivers next season before either beatifying or condemning the man.

This is the post people should be looking at. Scares the shit out of me how anyone can think anything else but this.
BillyShears said:
robbieh said:
I think you have captured the essence of what they are on about. I'd like to think that this would bring an end to their campaign but I am not holding my breath.

Personally I would like to call it a day. It's tiring defending the manager every time they come on. Can we all call a truce to this?

I tend to see things in a little more prosaic fashion. I'm posting my opinion about City on a public forum. Until such time as Ric informs me that my opinions are no longer welcome, I'll continue to post them.

Hope that clears things lads. And seriously, if it's becoming so difficult to handle the things we post - you could always use the 'foe' button.

I find it funny as fuck when people get all melodramatic about Bluemoon

"Your anti-Mancini agenda"
"Imagine if the owners see this"

And rather amusingly a "PR war"
Didsbury Dave said:
I didn't say they dislike him en masse.

And I qualified that further down my post by saying I do not know that to be the case.

Read it again.

We're going round in circles now.

Followed swiftly by

Didsbury Dave said:
It appears I have to repeat myself time and time again.

I know for a fact that a number of players, and I gave 7 or 8 names earlier in this thread, are unhappy with him as a manager. I even gave reasons.

But having so many players unhappy, and a number of them prepared to go public about it, makes me very worried. And I am basing this information on private comments from players, not just the odd little titbit which keeps seeping out.

I wish I knew the playing staff.

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